Chapter 216 Strange Sound
Ye Qianxing closed his eyes and carefully sensed the direction of the wind.

In the end, Ye Qianxing opened his eyes again, and injected a spirit energy from the south.

As one after another spiritual energy was driven into the gate of the secret realm in front of him, circles of water ripples suddenly appeared on the rocky slope in front of him.

Then golden characters bloomed one by one, Ye Qianxing injected the last aura, and took two steps back.

Soon, those golden characters were gradually inlaid together, forming a huge golden dragon body.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp and loud dragon chant, which almost washed Ye Qianxing's soul.

The golden dragon circled around Ye Qianxing, then rushed into the light wave and disappeared.

The light wave disappeared and turned into a dark hole. If Ye Qianxing was not sure whether this was the ancient kingdom's secret realm at first, he is now very sure.

Ye Qianxing put away the compass and walked in together with Xiaoxiao. The cave was very deep, there was no light at all, and it was eerily quiet. Ye Qianxing took out a night pearl to light it up.

But the light is suppressed, and it is only able to see the whole body clearly.

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing felt a white shadow drifting past the corner of her eye, she turned her head suddenly, nothing was there.

Ye Qianxing's heart stopped, and his steps stopped.

He took out two exorcising talismans and stuck them on himself and Xiaoxiao.

Then the whole cave resounded with endless cluck~
Isotonic female laughter.

"Quack quack~~"


"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

A mess of voices rang out in the not-so-wide cave.

Ye Qianxing held Ye Mingzhu's hand and tightened it slightly.

The ear-piercing voice made all the hairs on her body stand on end.

Ye Qianxing took two quick steps forward, the space around him gradually widened, and on the wall next to him, there were also quite a few wall lamps, which were filled with jiao oil and could be lit.

A ball of flame appeared at Ye Qianxing's fingertips, lighting up the wall lamps one by one.

But the whole body was lit up, and Ye Qianxing frowned as he looked at the coffins all around him.

He took a step back, but a gloomy male voice suddenly sounded from behind: "You hit me."

Ye Qianxing turned around abruptly. There was only a coffin behind him, and there was no one at all.

Ye Qianxing swallowed, she is not afraid of killing people, she is not afraid of death, she has even seen soul cultivators.


She is still afraid of this unknown creature...

"Little?" Ye Qianxing called out.

But then a cold female voice sounded: "Miss, are you calling my slave?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a furry thing under his hand, which felt like hair, and Ye Qianxing was so frightened that he jumped up suddenly.


As a result, as soon as he jumped to another place, his fingers were surrounded by a wet feeling. Ye Qianxing quickly pulled out and struck with his sword.

Xiao Xiao jumped all the way: "Hey~!!"

The cub is me.

Ye Qianxing held down his frantically beating heart, he was really frightened.

Suddenly the whole cave resounded with that sound, the sound of laughter.

The woman dragged her shrill voice, laughing terribly...

Absolutely terrible.

And these laughters are getting louder and louder, even mixed with the voices of many people talking and whispering.


But Ye Qianxing couldn't hear so many people talking clearly.

Ye Qianxing took a deep breath and looked at the coffins in front of him. There might be soul bodies in this secret realm.

But the other party was obviously teasing him, and had no intention of hurting himself.

(End of this chapter)

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