Chapter 218
Ye Qianxing was fascinated by the gentle smile on the girl's face, and suddenly the horn sounded on the plane: "Dr. Gu Qiu? Is Dr. Gu Qiu on the plane?"

"You are going to the experimental base soon, please come to the front and get ready to get off the plane."

Everyone around was looking around, who was that Dr. Gu Qiu, but Ye Qianxing saw the girl standing up.

"I'm here."

She raised her feet and walked forward, with an aura that didn't match her age.

Her information, Gu Qiu, suddenly appeared in Ye Qianxing's mind.

23 years old, young genius scientist, genius female doctor.

Excellent research in particle supercharging and particle acceleration.

She has made great contributions to the manufacture of spaceships, and now the only problem is about to be solved under her hands.

The only girl with a brain capacity development of more than 50.00% is a genius girl.

As she entered the experimental base together, it seemed that no one here could see Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing watched her devote herself to her busy work, and the people around her followed her around.

They only slept for less than two hours a day, and their eyes were bloodshot, but none of them complained of suffering or being tired.

Now the last quantum problem of the spaceship is in the hands of this girl. She is the hope of the whole world, and everyone is waiting for her to break through the problem and save mankind.

"Dr. Gu Qiu, a new round of experiments is about to begin."

"We don't have much material left, and time to give us another experiment."

"If you don't succeed this time..."

Gu Qiu still had that kind of gentle smile on her little face, her voice was a little hoarse because she hadn't drank water for a long time, the nearby waterways were destroyed by insects and beasts, and the laboratory became a place isolated from the world.

They haven't eaten for two days, but they still stick to their posts.

"It will work."

"No more mistakes."

Suddenly Gu Qiu coughed twice, Ye Qianxing reflexively wanted to help her, but his hand went through Gu Qiu's body.

After she got off the plane, Gu Qiu couldn't see her anymore, she almost became transparent.

Gu Qiu covered his mouth and coughed a bit: "You guys record the experimental data first, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Doctor Gu Qiu, are you okay?"

Gu Qiu waved his hand.

But Ye Qianxing, who rushed into the bathroom with Gu Qiu, saw the thin figure lying on the toilet, coughing up blood.

Blood mixed with pieces of internal organs.

The originally gentle face was pulled into a ball, and she gasped violently twice because of the pain.

The thin and shapeless hand was hanging on the toilet with some weakness. She waited until she stopped vomiting blood, and slowly lay down to recover her strength.

Ye Qianxing stood beside her and clenched her fists slightly, but she couldn't do anything, not even give her a sip of water.

I can only watch her recover for a while, stand up with her weak legs, then take off her white coat, and wipe the blood on the ground and face with a calm face.

This is not the first time this has happened. This Dr. Gu Qiu has been tortured for a long time.

Ye Qianxing watched her skillfully hide the white coat.

Go out calmly.

"How about the experimental data?"

Everyone didn't seem to notice Gu Qiu's abnormality, but was a little excited: "Dr. Gu Qiu, everything is normal now!"

"After so long, the data has remained stable. Are we going to succeed?"

Gu Qiu put his trembling fingertips behind his back: "Well, don't get excited, you have to closely observe the data, if it remains stable after 12 hours, then it will be considered a success."

(End of this chapter)

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