I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 219 It doesn't matter if we die, humans are still alive

Chapter 219 It doesn't matter if we die, humans are still alive
"it is good."

"We know, Dr. Gu Qiu, go and have a rest."

"You haven't rested for a long time."

"It's okay, I'll be with you all."

Ye Qianxing looked at the bony faces and thin body, obviously skinny, with sunken eye sockets, black and blue around the eyes, like evil spirits.

But the smile is so beautiful and full of strength.

Twelve hours later, everyone cheered together, cried and hugged each other excitedly.

"It worked, it worked."

"Send the information quickly."

"Send it to the generals quickly."

Gu Qiu's body shook twice, but he couldn't hold on anymore.

Several others fell with her.

After distributing the materials, the entire experimental base was shrouded in a kind of sadness. In fact, it is impossible for everyone to know who is not feeling well or who is sick.

It's just that they choose not to know.

Because hope is in sight, they dare not stop.

Several professors, all with gray hair, were helped up and sat against the wall.

A young boy couldn't help rubbing his red eyes, and said in a crying voice, "I'm going to call the generals."

"Let them send someone with the medicine right away."

An old doctor took his hand, and an old and hoarse voice came from his throat:
"There are not enough planes."

"Where is the medicine?"

The boy suddenly choked up: "Then why don't you watch you die like this?"

The boy obviously could not accept this solution.

The old voice laughed twice, his chest trembling: "I'm already 80 years old, I've already lived enough."

Everyone's eyes were red, Gu Qiu coughed a few more times, blood gushed out from her mouth, everyone panicked.

"Dr. Gu Qiu."

"Gu Qiu!!"

"Woo!! I'll call the general, I'll call him."

"We must send someone to rescue Dr. Gu Qiu, doctor, how much contribution you have made to mankind, even if we have no medicine, what about other countries?"

"It's always possible to get together to save you alone."

"Go quickly."

But Gu Qiu used his hands to catch the blood helplessly, like a child who was at a loss: "I scared you."


Ye Qianxing felt that the smile on this gentle girl's face was too dazzling.

"No need to fight, I can feel it, I'm hopeless."

This kind of remark should actually sound funny, but no one can laugh now.

"Why waste materials."

Everyone started to sob, but Gu Qiu said, "Why are you crying?"

"You should laugh."

"It doesn't matter if we die, humans are still alive."

"Thinking about our descendants, we can still see the vast universe, and maybe we can become powerful ones in the universe."

A longing appeared in Gu Qiu's eyes, and there seemed to be light in her eyes.

But the next moment, the entire experimental base vibrated. Ye Qianxing was the first to notice the change. A huge female worm was wreaking havoc above the base. She seemed to smell the smell of food here.

The sharp claws smashed down directly, and the entire base was somewhat deformed.

Some time ago, the Zerg offensive intensified, all the fighters in the experimental base died, and the fighters in other places were unable to lend a helping hand.

Now the entire ancient earth is facing this catastrophe and is helpless.

Ye Qianxing wanted to draw out his sword, wanting to reprimand the bugs.

Want to chop it up.

(End of this chapter)

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