Chapter 224 Female Insects
Seeing that the little prey he was looking for raised a weapon at him, the bug made a strange sound instantly.


The wings, as thin as cicada wings, trembled rapidly.

Ye Qianxing keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Ye Xiaoxiao stood behind Ye Qianxing, and communicated directly with Ye Qianxing with his spiritual sense: "Cub, be careful, this is a female insect."

Ye Qianxing was startled by Xiaoxiao's voice, staggered and almost dropped his sword.

This! ! !
Isn't Ye Xiaoxiao a cub?Why is it the voice of a grown man?
And what is it called?
What the hell is a cub?
But the attack of the insect beast was already in front of her eyes, and Ye Qianxing had no time to think about anything else. She raised the sword in front of her and blocked it: "Zheng..."

With the sound of the impact, Ye Qianxing took a step back and his face became more serious.

The strength of this bug is comparable to that of Jindan Dzogchen.

Holding the sword with one hand, Ye Qianxing slashed out with two swords, and in an instant, two flashes of icy sword intent appeared in the air: "Ice-cracking blade!"

The worm's wings flew up directly with it, avoiding the ice blade.

The frequency of the flapping of the wings became faster, and suddenly its abdomen began to squirm, and gradually small black worms crawled out from the abdomen of the female worm.

Those black worms crawled out very quickly, almost instantly, there were more than a dozen more worms around the mother worm.

Ye Qianxing frowned slightly, with the long sword across his chest, Ye Qianxing began to strike a formula: "The second form of the ancient swordsmanship!"

"Wan Jian Slash!"

Ye Qianxing understood that the female worm of the Zerg race is similar to a reproductive machine, and it will quickly split into countless Zerg races.

And the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for Ye Qianxing in this battle.

Wan Jian took shape in front of Ye Qianxing, and finally condensed into a huge sword, cutting towards the middle of the worm.

The tentacles of the female worm moved, and soon the black worms around her all closed on her back, resisting the blow for her.

"Clang—" The black shells on the black bugs were surprisingly hard, and the long sword paused for a moment.


The black worm was chopped off in the middle, but the giant sword also disappeared invisible.

The female worm was obviously enraged by Ye Qianxing, who actually launched a mental attack.

Ye Qianxing only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and a sharp awl entered his mind, moving crazily.

Ye Qianxing's own consciousness is relatively strong, and she has the consciousness of the Nascent Soul Stage at the Jindan stage.

But they never expected that the Zerg race, known for their spiritual power, was even more powerful than Ye Qianxing.

The consciousness that was approaching the out-of-body period rushed into Ye Qianxing's mind in an instant.

Ye Qianxing turned pale almost instantly.

Quickly guard the Lingtai and start defending: "Concentration Art!"

"Divine Soul Beam!"

The consciousness in Ye Qianxing's mind counterattacked quickly, condensing into a long chain, swaying and killing in his mind.

The chain was pulled down fiercely, and the female worm's consciousness was cut off in Ye Qianxing's mind, and then captured and digested.

Ye Qianxing opened her eyes with pale lips, and the white female insect opposite was rolling on the ground in pain.

How uncomfortable it is to have one's spiritual consciousness cut off alive, how uncomfortable it is.

But Ye Qianxing would not give her a chance to react.

"The third form of the eternal swordsmanship: two rituals and five elements!"

Ye Qianxing looked serious, and a huge black and white gossip formation suddenly appeared in front of her, and the long sword in her hand was also divided into black and white, rushing into the gossip.

Yin and Yang produce all things, and the appearance of this gossip array has a devastating aura, the mother worm took two steps back, it did not expect this little prey to be so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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