Chapter 225
Suddenly, the female worm let out a long hiss, and exploded directly, and every inch of its flesh and blood turned into small black worms.

The mung bean-sized worm swelled in the wind and quickly became half the height of a person.

Almost instantly, Ye Qianxing was surrounded.

"It's a praying mantis beetle." Xiao Xiao told Ye Qianxing.

This is a branch of the Zerg, named for its huge mantis blade and beetle defense.

"Their attack power and defense power are both above average, and they split extremely fast."

Ye Qianxing didn't need a small novel to understand that the speed of this split was simply amazing.

One becomes two, two becomes four.

These bugs seem to be endless and can increase.

Ye Qianxing withdrew the Liangyi sword. The attack power of the Liangyi sword was aimed at one person, and the attack power of such a group was obviously not good.

But worms and beasts appeared on this ancient earth. Fortunately, Ye Qianxing saw it today. Otherwise, sooner or later, the worms and beasts would occupy the ancient earth, and it would be difficult to regain it.

Ye Qianxing chopped down a beast with a swing of his sword, and said coldly, "Little!"

"Cut the grass and remove the roots!"


Ye Xiaoxiao and Ye Qianxing were on the left and the right.

"Soil thorn!"

"Wooden prisoner."

"Golden blade!"

"Blast of flames!"

"A Thousand Miles Frozen!!"

Ye Qianxing made one big move after another, and she exerted the spiritual power of the five elements to the extreme.

"Get out of the way, little one!"

"Five Elements Lianzhu!!"

Ye Qianxing suddenly lifted into the sky, and the spiritual power of five colors mixed together, turning into a colorful ball of spiritual power, and then rapidly growing in size!
get bigger!

Ye Xiaoxiao took a step back.

"Five elements in one!"

"Ah!!" Ye Qianxing violently threw the spiritual power ball to the place where the bugs were most dense.


Insect limbs were all over the sky, and more than half of them died at once.

Ye Qianxing's eyebrows and eyes were as cold as ice, looking at this bug was like looking at a dead person again.

Suddenly a small voice appeared in my mind, with some panic: "Be careful!!"

Ye Qianxing felt the danger, the hairs on his back seemed to stand on end, Xiao Xiao flapped his wings and flew towards Ye Qianxing eagerly.

And a huge black pliers suddenly appeared on Ye Qianxing's back. If he hit it, it would probably pass Ye Qianxing through his chest.

A few black worms seemed to have been ordered, and took advantage of this opportunity to rush directly in front of Ye Qianxing.

She was flanked back and forth.

If you turn back to block, you will be torn apart by the little worms in front of you.

If you don't look back, you will be passed through your chest.

Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth to block the insect beast in front of him.


A large piece of flesh was missing from the arm, which was torn away by the sharp teeth of the worm beast.

The sword in Ye Qianxing's hand trembled, and the attack from behind almost reached his back.

With the feeling of sharp limbs slicing across his back, Ye Qianxing used spiritual energy to protect his body, trying to reduce the damage.

But the next moment: "Bang!"

The small and huge tiger body knocked the insect away.

Before Ye Qianxing could breathe a sigh of relief, a sharp horn suddenly appeared in the empty air around Xiaoxiao.


The horn pierces Ye Xiaoxiao's abdomen.

The blood splashed on the ground, and Ye Qianxing went crazy in an instant.


Ye Xiaoxiao turned around in mid-air, looking fiercely at the insect beast that appeared in mid-air.

It turned out that it wasn't one worm at all, but three.

Ferocious wings protruded from behind, and Ye Xiaoxiaoguan swooped down regardless of the scars on his body: "Roar!!"

Ye Qianxing looked at the disgusting insects around him, and the murderous intent poured out from his body, and his voice was so cold that it seemed to freeze the whole land: "Damn you!"

(End of this chapter)

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