I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 229 The Bed Is Not Warm, I Can't Sleep

Chapter 229 The Bed Is Not Warm, I Can't Sleep

"Also, do you still have an identity in Interstellar?"

"What is your purpose for my master?"

"Don't forget about Ji Hanxiao, my oath of heaven, I only ask me not to reveal that Xiaoxiao didn't come from the fairy world, but I didn't ask me to keep it a secret, you are Xiaoxiao."

"You are obviously plotting some kind of conspiracy now to bully my master."

"Believe it or not, if my master finds out about this, I will get you out of the Milky Way in minutes?"

The more rigid Ji Hanxiao is, the more angry Jiujiu will be. Do you really think that Jiujiu is easy to bully?

What Ji Hanxiao couldn't hear the most was that Ye Qianxing would not want him.

But Jiujiu always likes it, and every time he steps on his foot, it hurts.

Bone spur pressed against Jiujiu's neck: "Say it again?" The voice was low and dangerous.

Jiujiu is not afraid of Ji Hanxiao this time, and the phoenix fire suddenly sprang out from its fingertips: "How about saying it again? Ji Hanxiao, do you really think I am afraid of you?"

In order to avoid being burned, Ji Hanxiao retracted the bone spur, but he chuckled lightly.

"Okay, burn me with the phoenix bloodline I gave you."

"Believe it or not, how can I send things out, and how can I get them back?"

"Oh, by the way, if I tell your master, it's you..."

"It was you who became jealous and forced me to leave after you found out that the master had admitted the wrong person. You said..."

"Who will your master believe? After all, you are a space-time bird and you are so powerful with the blood of the phoenix. I can only promise you, but I can't bear to let the master come back as a human body, but you still target..."

When Jiujiu heard this, he was really going crazy.

"Grass!! Ye Xiaoxiao, you turtle, shameless!!!***"


Ji Hanxiao just hooked the corner of his mouth, reminding him softly: "Your bucket was washed away by the water."

Jiujiu turned his head to see, it was true!

The bucket had been thrown into the stream by itself, and was now being carried down by the water.

Life is not easy, Jiujiu is autistic.

Jiujiu didn't have time to reprimand Ji Hanxiao, so he quickly lifted his pants and rushed into the stream to chase the bucket.

What bad thoughts can a little tiger have?The little tiger just wanted to find a wife.

He just wants to have a cub with Xing Xing.

When Jiujiu was aggrieved and filled the water, Ji Hanxiao stepped forward to lift the bucket.

"Hey? What are you doing? That's my bucket!"

"Ji Hanxiao!! Do you want to bring the water back to claim credit? I brought the bucket, and I brought the water. Don't think that if you bring it back, you can say that you brought the water."

Jiujiu felt that he had seen through Ji Hanxiao's plot.

Ji Hanxiao turned his head and scolded Jiujiu: "Noisy!"

"I didn't say that, with your three heads and small body, I think this bucket of water can knock you down."

Jiujiu felt despised: "You!!"

"You!! Ji Hanxiao. You bastard"



"Ji Hanxiao? So what is your purpose for coming back?"

Ji Hanxiao said lightly: "Anyway, it won't be detrimental to your master. If you don't worry about children, they will grow old quickly."

Jiujiu: ...

I call you a fairy board board.

Waterma talk to you again, I'm a dog.

On the other hand, Ji Hanxiao and Jiujiu were flying like dogs, and Ye Qianxing was sleeping in the room on the other side, so it was not very quiet either.

Everyone says that a habit can be formed in 7 days, it is true.

Ye Qianxing has been with Xiaoxiao for dozens of days.

She was used to sleeping on tiger skin, but now that she suddenly fell into bed, Ye Qianxing only had two feelings.

One, the bed is not warm anymore.

Two, I can't sleep.

 Sister Xing's grievance: "Little~ Hug."

  Brother Tiger: "Fuck!!!"

  "Hug hug~~ I will give you my life."



(End of this chapter)

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