Chapter 230

Ye Qianxing turned several times on the bed, closed his eyes and recited the Qingxin formula, but it didn't help.

Just can't sleep.

He was obviously exhausted, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

In the end, Ye Qianxing could only lie on the bed in a large font, staring at the roof with blank eyes, and now Xiaoxiao doesn't know if her injury is healed.

It should be all right, it's just a minor injury, Immortal Venerable will definitely heal him.

What did Xianzun call Xiaoxiao back suddenly?
Is something wrong?

Did something happen to Xianzun?

Ye Qianxing finally took out the communicator dedicated to Xianzun.

Ye Qianxing cleared his throat twice: "Immortal Venerable?"


Ye Qianxing yelled several times, but still did not hear an echo, it was very quiet, and the other end of the communicator was red.

No answer at all.

"Xianzun, Xiao Xiaoxiao was urgently called back by you, he is still injured, Xianzun must take good care of him recently."

Ye Qianxing only said so dryly, then looked at the unresponsive communicator, sighed, and put the things back into the space.

Still lying on the bed with nothing to love, everyone said that it takes 7 days to form a habit, but it only takes [-] days to forget a habit. Ye Qianxing hopes that she can get through these few days soon.

Then I can quickly get used to the bed board.

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing twitched his nose, and felt a smell of something pasty lingering at the tip of his nose.

Bitter and choking.

At first Ye Qianxing thought that he had smelled it wrong, but when he saw the white smoke rising from his room, Ye Qianxing sat up from the bed with a clumsy sound.

At this time, there was also the sound of chirping, crying and howling.

"Ahhh!! You actually made the master's kitchen look like this, the master will definitely kill you."

"What is this? It's going to explode!!"


"Ugh... what did you do?"

Ye Qianxing had a bad premonition in his heart, and before he even had time to put on his shoes, he opened the door and ran outside.

As soon as he went out, Ye Qianxing thought he had come to the scene of a fire. Thick smoke spread in the house, and the visibility was extremely low. Ye Qianxing covered his mouth and coughed twice.

I fumbled into the kitchen, but before I got to the kitchen, I heard a bang.

The kitchen is fried.

Black smoke came out, and Ye Qianxing stood on the floor with bare feet, looking at his smoking kitchen, at Chirp and Shuangshuang who were standing stupidly by the side, and at Ji Hanxiao whose face was black and red.

Ye Qianxing was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, she knew that these people were going to cook, otherwise, she thought they were going to bury explosives.

Ye Qianxing reluctantly withdrew her eyes and looked at Ji Hanxiao.

Withdrawing his shock, he coughed twice and cleared his throat.

"Cough, what's going on?"

Looking at Ye Qianxing's calm eyes, Ji Hanxiao was somewhat confused. He thought cooking was very simple, really.

But I never expected that none of the pots and pans, and the flames of the ingredients are obedient.

Ji Hanxiao was afraid that Ye Qianxing would be angry, so he hurried to apologize, but before he reached Ye Qianxing's side, Jiujiu opened his mouth and spewed out a puff of black smoke, and was the first to say: "Master!!!"

"I'm telling you, this idiot, he blew up the kitchen!!"

"Blow up our kitchen."

"I've said it all, don't let the water go, don't let the water go, if he insists on letting it go, it's going to get high when the fire hits it."

"Master, I don't think he has any future in learning cooking. Let's give up. He's too stupid to save himself."

Ye Qianxing's throat overflowed with smiles. In fact, she was also really curious. It's normal for cooking to catch fire.

Even if it is fried, it is normal to have smoke.

But this……


How did this happen?

 Thanks: Hitomi baby, 100 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you Shanshuiyunjian baby, 200 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you sorry baby, 6 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you baby Yanyao, 100,, 100, 100... well, 400 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you son baby, 500 book coins reward~
  Thank you sorry baby, 53 book coins reward 27 book coins~100 book coins, ~100 book coins reward~
  Thanks for the taro baby, 100 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you, Tong Tong, for a reward of 100 book coins~
  Thank you Wannian single dog baby, 100 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you Qiaosen baby, 100, 100, 588, book currency reward~
  Pen refill~ love you~
(End of this chapter)

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