I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 231 Ji Hanxiao, a stinky hooligan

Chapter 231 Ji Hanxiao, a stinky hooligan

Ye Qianxing is a serious child, if she doesn't know, she will ask.

"Excuse me, Master Jilian, how did you blow it up?"

Ye Qianxing coughed twice again when she smelled the thick smoke. She waved her sleeves, and a gust of wind seemed to be like a huge piece of silk, directly rolling all the black smoke together into a ball, and the surrounding air instantly became fresh. Not a lot.

With a wave of Ye Qianxing's hand, she threw all the black smoke outside the door.

The messy kitchen leaked out, and there were still some flames. Water stream appeared from Ye Qianxing's fingertips. The water stream meandered in Ye Qianxing's hands and rushed to the kitchen. The water was rolled and thrown outside.

After tidying up the mess a little bit, the whole house was finally free from choking.

Looking at Ye Qianxing's curious eyes, he thought about how he should maintain his image of being wise and mighty in front of his son.

As a result, Jiujiu's big mouth started talking again.

"Master, let me tell you, let me tell you, he put a lot of oil in his cooking."

"Then the fire was turned on again, the oil was hot, and he put the vegetables, but water dripped in, and the pot caught fire in an instant."

"I told him to put the vegetables!!"

"Put the vegetables!"

Seeing Jiujiu's emotional and dancing appearance, Ye Qianxing felt that he could imagine how desperate Jiujiu was at that time.

"I yelled a lot, but he ended up!!!" Jiujiu pointed at Ji Hanxiao.

Angry: "As a result, he didn't put any food!! He poured water!"

"Boom!! The flames are so high."

"I said turn off the fire, turn off the fire!"

"He even poured flour on the fire and covered it up."

"When I saw this scene, I turned around and ran, but I still couldn't run..."

Jiujiu stroked his scorched hair sadly, woo woo woo, he really felt that he might have had a grudge against this B in his previous life, big grudge!
Ye Qianxing couldn't help laughing.

Oil catches fire and adding water will only make the fire bigger.

However, if the flour is thrown into the fire and then sealed, it will indeed explode.

But putting all of these together is also a talent, Ye Qianxing covered her lips and suppressed a smile.

I feel that Ji Hanxiao is in my heart, the image of the god of war has collapsed, and he looks more like a silly roe deer.

Ji Hanxiao's eyes suddenly darkened, and then quickly ran to Ye Qianxing's room: "Wait for me."

Jiujiu jumped: "Master, let me tell you, he is just guilty, on purpose!"

"Master, he may be an undercover agent sent by others to destroy our beautiful life."

Ye Qianxing was almost choked to death by Jiujiu's words.

"Cough cough..."

"Jiujiu... This idiom is not used in this way."

But at the next moment, there was a warm touch on his feet, and Ye Qianxing looked down.

Ji Hanxiao was holding the shoes in one hand and the warm wet towel in the other, and pressed Ye Qianxing on the chair, his tone a bit fierce.

"I need to wear shoes when I come out in the future!" I don't know how to cherish my son at all.

It's because Ji Hanxiao's expression is too serious now, which made Ye Qianxing unable to react for a while.

It wasn't until the warm towel rubbed against his feet that itched, Ye Qianxing's face turned red instantly.

Kicking Ji Hanxiao's face, his voice was full of embarrassment and anger: "You stinky rascal!"

Since the soles of the feet were still dirty, this foot clearly left a small footprint on Ji Hanxiao's face.

Jiujiu was stunned, and Shuangshuang was also stunned.

 Ji Hanxiao!Stinking rogue.

  Brother Hu tugged on his tie, unbuttoned it, and looked at Sister Xing.

  "You know, I like to see you scolding people the most, your little expression, your little eyes..." Brother Hu pinched Sister Xing's chin.

  "Good, keep cursing."

  "Don't wait until you run out of strength."

(End of this chapter)

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