Chapter 286 Shot No. 22

Ye Qianxing hurriedly followed into the room.

Lin Xing looked away.

Such an obvious acting, do you really think she is stupid?

These two fools really thought that they were being taken advantage of, and they just saw through and didn't tell the truth.

But this space stone is really needed by oneself, and it must not fall into the hands of others.

Although this particle gun is a good weapon, for the eldest lady who has seen many new types of weapons, she still doesn't pay attention to this particle gun, and she can't help but despise Ye Qianxing by the way.

Unknown things.

These things are all rare, and you can't afford to buy such things. What kind of auction is there? A small anchor is a small anchor, and a bumpkin is a bumpkin.

The auctioneer has already started introducing:

[We invite the first auction item, the M24 particle gun. 】

[This is a new model particle gun produced by Kechuang Weapons Company this year. 】

[Everyone knows that the particle gun is currently the most compact and portable weapon. 】

[And the energy storage of this M24 only takes 0 seconds, super fast energy storage, and super powerful, this gun can penetrate all mechs and metals below C level. 】

[Think about it, everyone, there is always a time when you are exhausted in battle, right? 】

[The energy in the body, the mental strength, will always be exhausted. 】

[When everyone is fighting, if you want to win, you need a hidden weapon, right? 】

【M24, everything is for you. 】

【It allows you to win by surprise, and maybe this is the key to your victory. 】

[The starting price of this particle gun is [-] contribution points, [-], ah, [-] won’t hurt you, you won’t be fooled, and it’s the latest weapon. 】

[Everyone starts the auction!The base price is [-] contribution points, and each price increase is no less than [-] contribution points. 】The auctioneer was on the stage like a spring, and he was very excited to introduce it to everyone.

【start! 】

As soon as the words were finished, someone bid, and the auctioneer hurriedly bid excitedly: [No. [-]: Ten thousand and one hundred. 】

[No. [-]: Thirty thousand. 】

[No. 6: Thirty thousand and one hundred. 】

[No. 22: Forty thousand. 】When Lin Xing heard this, he raised his head and saw that Ye Qianxing was pushed out by that male favorite as expected, and he seemed extremely reluctant.

[No. 23: Forty thousand and one hundred. 】

The auctioneer was very happy when he saw that the price had risen so quickly. After all, the transaction amount of this session was linked to how much contribution money he could get.

So he is also desperately selling goods.

【Currently, this style has just been launched, so there is only one. 】

[After leaving this auction, everyone will not be able to buy it even if they want to. 】

【And everyone, take a closer look at this particle gun. Its gun body is really small in size, which is very convenient for everyone to carry. 】

[After passing this village, there is no such shop. 】

[Oh, the 22nd bid again, the 22nd bid again, it seems that the 22nd is really discerning, 4.]

[4 contribution points, do you have any higher ones? 】

It's just a gun, and it's already very good to bid at this level.

Basically no one bids anymore.

[4 once! 】

[4, twice! 】

[4 three times! 】The auctioneer made the final decision.

[Auction item No. 22 will be delivered to room No. [-] later, please go to the backstage to check out after the auction is over. 】

[Let's start the second auction item. 】

(End of this chapter)

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