Chapter 287

Ye Qianxing soon received the No. [-] auction item brought up by the robot.

Ye Qianxing was delighted. In fact, the estimated price in her heart was 5 contribution points. Even Ji Hanxiao estimated that it was worth [-], but she never expected that everyone would let her go.

It was probably because Ye Qianxing made a lot of money. Before everyone figured out the source of Ye Qianxing's contribution points, they would not just intervene to cut off people. Of course, they don't mind giving a favor. Besides, it's nothing to worry about. It's so strange, you can buy it in other ways.

Only bumpkins like Ye Qianxing buy it.

Dude Ye Qianxing, standing at the railing, suddenly swept away all the frowns just now, and turned to smile at Lin Xing and waved the particle gun in his hand.

Lin Xing just looked at Ye Qianxing helplessly, her lips parted, and she actually said two words to herself.


Lin Xing's face turned green in an instant.

Seeing Ye Qianxing grinning with a particle gun, Lin Xing knew he had been tricked.

"Special! Playing with me!"

Lin Xing himself was still thinking just now, these two people are really stupid, they acted so fakely that people could see it at a glance.

Just now Lin Xing thought that Ye Qianxing was trying to act, and then tempted himself to raise the price.

In the end let yourself lose money.

I thought that Ye Qianxing didn't need that thing at all, just to cheat himself, but in the end...

This guy's original intention was to want that thing, and the acting was to prevent himself from making a move.

Lin Xing felt that a word was written on his face: Monkey!

Ye Qianxing also had words written on his face: monkey tricker.

Ye Qianxing raised an eyebrow at Lin Xing, the contempt in her eyes was beyond words, even if she didn't speak, Lin Xing understood that she was laughing at her stupidity.

Seeing Ye Qianxing provocatively stretch out his middle finger to him, and finally slowly turn his whole palm upside down.

A mad killing intent flashed in Lin Xing's eyes.

Damn, a poor and settled anchor, dare to be so arrogant.

Ye Qianxing calmly returned to the room, feeling at ease immediately.

She has never really been a good person. This Lin Xing himself confirmed that he has never met, never sinned, and never done anything to her.

But the other party provoked something inexplicably, and it was a bit unreasonable for Ye Qianxing not to reciprocate.

[The second auction item, Space Stone! 】

[This space stone weighs nearly a kilogram. Such a large space stone is really hard to see. It can make dozens of space rings. 】

[If they are all fused to form a large space ring, it may be as large as several thousand square meters, and good things are always rare. 】

[This time we were able to receive this space stone is also a coincidence, it really means that there is no such store after passing this village. 】

The auctioneer was blushing and yelling with a thick neck. Many people still felt a sense of enthusiasm when they were yelled, and most of them were emotionally infected by this auctioneer.

[The auction starts now, the starting price is 100 contribution points, and each increase must not be less than [-]]

【start! ] The small hammer hammered it, and soon, everyone began to bid. The bidding for this space stone is much more intense than the previous bidding for the particle gun.

[11! 】

[Bid No. 3, 11! 】

[Bid No. 11, 12! 】

[12! ! 12! 】

[Bid 17 on the 15th! 】The number 17 is Lin Xing.

Hearing that she finally bid, Ye Qianxing stood at the railing and pressed the price increaser: [Bid No. 22, 20. 】

(End of this chapter)

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