I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 303 I Was Unprepared For The Slap In The Face

Chapter 303 I Was Unprepared For The Slap In The Face
One of Ye Qianxing's arms was almost torn off.

"Huh..." Barely dodging, Ye Qianxing let out a foul breath.

At this time, she felt that there was nothing left in her world, and even her sword seemed to be gradually detached from her hands, and in front of her eyes and in the world.

Only this dense tentacles.

There is only one thought in my mind.


avoid them...

Ye Qianxing seemed to have entered a mysterious and mysterious state, every step she stepped on was stepping into that small and small safe zone.

Her mind seemed to be tense at this moment, and she began to make extremely accurate predictions about where each tentacle would land, and then avoided it.

And as her speed became faster and faster, Ye Qianxing seemed to find that there was a different feeling rising in her body.

It seems that something is full, and it will rush out of the cage in the next moment.

At this time, the instructor who was watching the screen suddenly exclaimed.

"Hey? Leopard, Leopard, come and see."

"This ancient country's bloodline, her movement skills, are going to be advanced."

"I go!"

"Don't tell me, this may really be the dark horse of this year."

Looking at Ye Qianxing's figure, Yingbao couldn't help squinting his eyes.


This girl has even reached the fourth level.

The first pass is the best, many people can pass the first pass safely, but from the second pass, 50.00% of the people will be eliminated.

The third pass will eliminate 80.00% of the people.

The fourth level is to eliminate 90.00% of the people.

In the fifth level, 90.00% of them have been eliminated, and there are only a few sporadic ones left. They are super geniuses, and they can pass the sixth level, the seventh level, and even the eighth level.

Only Ji Hanxiao went up to the ninth level.

So most normal people stop at the second level.

The third level is better.

And this girl with the blood of the ancient country, who has to spend 5 days in each level, has rushed to the fourth level?
And this agility still has an epiphany?

This nine-storied pagoda does not test any variety of moves at all, it is the simplest speed and strength.

If she can improve her body skills to another level at this time, then...

The fourth level, really... can't help her.

"Is it really a dark horse?"

"Do you bet or not? Bet on which floor she can go up to?"

"If her agility can be advanced, I guess she can pass the fourth floor and be eliminated on the fifth floor."

"I think so."

"I feel that she is already a bit reluctant to pass the fourth floor, and I think she has been injured."

"Do you all bet on the fifth floor at most?"

"Then let me set a precedent. I always think she can go to the sixth floor?"


"Bragging, did you see that? Three axes came out, and he just reached the sixth floor."

But the people of the Galaxy Empire, when they saw the figure of Yun Cheng, suddenly changed from one to two, sharing most of the attacks of the sand-eating beasts,

Many people fell silent, they didn't expect the slap in the face to come so fast and so loudly.

[Is this an advanced movement? 】

[Avatar technique? 】

[Phantom clone? 】

[I'll ask those who say they are number one, does their face hurt? 】

[My sister Xing just doesn't like publicity, you don't understand why sister Xing has to stay on each floor for 5 days, she just wants to hone her body skills. 】

[Others go to fight for quotas, but my sister Xing is purely to hone her body skills. 】

【Sister Xing has entered the top [-] rankings. 】

[Sister Xing is the best, come on Xingxing! !come on! 】

(End of this chapter)

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