Chapter 304 Blood Compensation

[To be honest, I always have a bad feeling that there won't be a second Ji Hanxiao, right? 】

[The silver light I bet on is all worth, I won't lose money, right? 】

Some suspicious people began to panic.

[Starnet's betting market is now closed, I think it's useless. 】

【She's a bit powerful, but she's still far from Yinguang. I think you guys are exaggerating. 】

[I just suddenly remembered that that year, Ji Hanxiao's odds were 1:500]

[Brother, stop talking, please, the past is unbearable, I lost a full [-] million star coins that year. 】

Every year there will be some sure-fire geniuses, and everyone will make some money and grab the wool of Xingwang Universe Company.

But if you squeeze too much, it is inevitable that there will be times when the car overturns.

Just like...

Ji Hanxiao.

That year, he directly opened an unknown number of handicap, the first, the top five, and the number one handicap in the universe, which made Xingwang Universe Company win happily.

Seeing Ye Qianxing like this now, many people feel a little flustered.

They pressed the silver light.

Pressed three axes.

Overwhelm other people, all the wealth.

Of course, there are also people who are resourceful: [Hahahaha, I have already been taught to behave by Ji Hanxiao that time. 】

【I didn't put all my net worth on one person, not only that, I also selected some contestants, some of them were qualified, among them was No. 5876, hahaha. 】

The man proudly talked about his cleverness, he is so excited now, he really wants Ye Qianxing to be upset, think about the odds, hahaha, if Ye Qianxing really can make it into the top five, can If he wins first, he will definitely make a fortune.


[Why am I not so witty? 】

[Everyone, don't mess up, don't mess up, we can win. 】

[We can really win, she is only on the fourth floor. 】

[Hold on, hold on, don't panic, everyone don't panic. 】

But after Ye Qianxing cultivated a phantom clone, Ye Qianxing quickly entered the fifth floor from the fourth floor.

This time it only took three days, because Ye Qianxing felt that at this level, further training would not be very useful.

The fifth floor is not too difficult for Ye Qianxing after having a clone.

All right, sixth floor.

[I'm dead, I'm dead, my quick-acting heart-rescuing pill? 】

[My life-sustaining medicine? 】

[I'm currently pinching my own people. 】

[It's over, it's over. 】

【The seventh floor! 】

[She has gone to the seventh floor! ! 】

Everyone was also stunned, never expecting that Ye Qianxing would be able to give them such a big surprise.

Seeing Ye Qianxing's ranking in the rankings, from [-], to the top [-], to [-], to [-], to the top [-]...

Before, 50.
Top ten now.

Many people are on the verge of myocardial infarction.

[Fuck! ! ! ! ! 】

【Fuck! !Fuck!Fuck! 】

[After Ji Hanxiao, another year of big turnaround. 】

[People from Xingwang Universe Company, come out and let the labor and management see how curved your smile is. 】

[You have paid attention to it before, is Yinguang the number one, the total star coins of the handicap? 】

[It seems to be hundreds of billions? ? 】

【No... I can't think of this number, because I contributed [-], please, don't let me lose, this is me, two months salary, if I lose, I have to drink northwest wind. 】

[...Old Versailles. 】

[Under playing? 】

[This game is definitely a blood loss. 】

(End of this chapter)

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