Chapter 311

Ye Qianxing returned to that square again, and then received a new number, because some people were also eliminated in the second round, so the numbers were all reassigned.

Ye Qianxing's number this time is great: 888.
When entering his room, San Fu raised his fist at Ye Qianxing.

"come on!"

Ye Qianxing punched back and said, "I'm waiting for the final battle with you."

"it is good."

Yin Guang led the way into the room, and Ye Qianxing still took the Bigu Pill without using the nutrition store.

Then entered the star network.

The rules of this battle are simple.

Just one word, kill!

You can kill whoever you want, commit the crime by yourself, or commit the crime in a gang.

Just one word, kill!

In the end, the last person with the most points in the star network is the winner.

Maybe the Star Academy is to avoid someone, for example, the second person, and the first two people die together, then there will be no one left on the scene, so they can be ranked according to the points.

As for the points, every time you kill the opponent, half of the points will be taken away by you.

If the score is less than 100, you will be eliminated.

This is also a chance for everyone to be resurrected.

A chance to turn things around.

Opening his eyes again, Ye Qianxing found that he had been teleported to the killing field.

It seems that in order to match the atmosphere of the killing, the killing field is full of ruins.

Broken concrete, houses, metal debris, huge garbage pits.

Walking on the scorched road, there was even a light drizzle of rain. Ye Qianxing looked at his optical brain, and he was still ranked first.

If you have the most points, there will definitely be many people and partners who will deal with you first. Those with more points will not use this method, but those with low points may not.

In everyone's eyes, Ye Qianxing must be the most delicious one.

After tidying up her tight black orange top and shoes, Ye Qianxing was going to find a hidden place to sleep first.

She is ready to fuck!

But unexpectedly, two students were suddenly teleported behind her.

Ye Qianxing sighed and picked up the sword.

"I'm sorry, two big brothers."

With the sword in hand, both of them had their heads cut off before they could react.

The resurrection point is not in the same place. After death, if the points are still greater than [-], it will be retransmitted to a certain place for resurrection.

Ye Qianxing watched the two people disappear, and then walked towards the broken building next to him.

Finally, at the very corner of the building, I found a house that was still in good condition.

There is even a bed and a table inside, which is already very satisfying.

Ye Qianxing randomly picked up a few stones at the door, and put a simple cover-up and a warning formation.

Then he lay comfortably on the bed in a large font.

"At the beginning of the killing field, it all depends on dogs." Ye Qianxing murmured softly.

She is not a fool, as long as she goes out now, she will definitely be hunted by the whole audience.

And going out to kill people now would definitely consume a lot of energy and get a small return.

Because those who can be killed now are all young people, and those with low points are terrible.

Most of them have tens of thousands of points, and they only get a few points for one kill.

It's not about hanging on first.

When the little fish had eaten all the dried shrimps, there were not many small fish left, and they had collected all the points. It was enough for a big fish like Ye Qianxing to go out and eat the small fish.

When the time comes to kill a person, you can have tens of thousands of points.

(End of this chapter)

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