Chapter 312 Hunting Time
Ye Qianxing looked at Yinguang's points and they quickly surpassed him, but he didn't care. Instead, he closed his eyes and prepared to take a good rest.

I have been training my body skills before, and I haven't had a good rest.

That's it.

Ye Qianxing has been in this room for a full 15 days.

Except for some people who came here by mistake occasionally and were dealt with by Ye Qianxing, at other times, Ye Qianxing stayed in this room to meditate and practice.

In the past 15 days, Ye Qianxing's points ranking has dropped from No.1 to less than ten thousand.

Not yet at the bottom, probably because there are some people who have the same idea as Ye Qianxing and are ready to give it a try.

Yinguang and their points have surpassed the dust, reaching a level that everyone can't match.

[It's been 15 days, how long will the stars last? 】

[I still remember that when the big brother was in the Nine-storied Pagoda, he was like this. He spent five days on each floor, and finally slapped everyone's faces so painfully. 】

[emmm, I have a psychological shadow, so this time I am still standing at number 888. I think she may not have exerted her strength. Last time she was training her agility, is she practicing this time? 】

[She is not alone in the fight, I think I really like No. 888, hahaha, fight when it is time to fight, and fight when it is time to fight. 】

[I think number 888 is simply giving our women glory. Could it be that there will be a female Ji Hanxiao this time?At that time, we will have another strong female in Interstellar. 】

Although it is already in Interstellar, everyone is equal to men and women.

But it is undeniable that because of the gap in physical strength, physical fitness and other aspects, there are still not as many strong women as there are strong men. In the whole society, men still dominate.

For example, none of the top ten joint owners is a woman.

And Ye Qianxing's such a strong appearance stepped on the genius who was originally a first or second place, and immediately attracted a wave of female fans.

[Hey, today is another day when I want to marry Xing Xing and have a monkey. 】

[You guys are really brainless fans, I just found out, which big guy have you met who can be a dog? 】

【Her cowardly character like a mouse is destined to not go far. 】

[Women are women, so they will use some small tricks and be short-sighted. 】

[It won't be a big deal. 】

【Look at Yinguang and the others, they are the real strong ones. No matter what time it is, they are fearless and brave. 】

When the instructors got together, they also convinced Ye Qianxing.

[This number 888 will definitely live a long time in the future, and will not die easily. 】

[She doesn't even have a little bit of idol baggage, doesn't she know how many fans she has gathered now?He even said that he would do it. 】

[And it is indeed a bit qualitative, it can last for so many days. 】

[What a wonderful thing. 】

[This is the best way. Only people with this kind of personality who can bend and stretch can live a long time. Why should they care about other people's opinions?Don't we have only one goal?To become a strong person, no matter which path you take, the one that suits you is the best, not what everyone says is the best. 】

I don't know who said such a sentence, and everyone immediately thought about it.


What others say is fart, what suits you is the best.

Ye Qianxing chose the most trouble-free path, didn't he?

Ye Qianxing didn't know anything about the controversy on the Internet.

She stayed for another 10 days, and she had fallen to the last place. Except for her, the other points were all below [-] points, and she was eliminated.

Ye Qianxing stood up and flexed his wrist before pushing the door open.

Picking up the sword in his hand, he just walked out of the room carelessly, and said softly, "The hunting time is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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