Chapter 345

"It seems that apart from this, I don't know what else to shoot."

"Actually, I don't really want to see this. I want to know about the history of our ancestors."

Everyone chattered and discussed together: "I don't want those grandchildren to say that we are repaying favors."

"Actually, I have never understood why our ancestors were so stupid."

"Why, don't keep some elites and let them bring them out together. Those children, it is impossible to kill the enemy."

"If some people escaped from the ancient country back then, we wouldn't be what we are now..."

“I always feel like I have some resentment against them in my heart.”


Every time this topic is brought up, everyone wants to sigh.

The ancestors became heroes themselves, but why didn't they consider it for future generations?Even if some people escaped casually, they would not lose their inheritance, no one was in charge, and they were squeezed to this point.

"Stop talking, it's not our ancestors' fault, it's all because of our own aptitude."

"We're useless, we can't practice, and our physique is relatively weak."

"By the way, Lao Zhang, are you almost saving enough money to redeem yourself?"

"Well, it's almost time."

A man whose hair seemed to be turning white hung his head and replied, "It's still 10 star coins. I guess I will work another year this year, and save some money. I can still save the 10 star coins."

"Old Zhang, you have saved enough money, where do you want to go?"

"really envy you."

Lao Zhang smiled wryly: "Why do you envy me? I've been saving for most of my life, and I haven't had a good life for decades."

"I want to go back to the ancient earth."

"I want to go and see, the place where our civilization was born."

"Our roots."

"The Milky Way is more tolerant of our ancient people. Maybe you can find a job, a job that can earn a little money."

Everyone chatted, and patted Lao Zhang comfortingly: "You can be regarded as having survived, at least for the remaining few decades, I can live a little more chicly."

"We don't know when we'll be able to make it through."

"When you go to the ancient earth, remember to take a video and send it to us."


Lao Zhang nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely remember."

Everyone hooked their heads together and talked together, suddenly a chubby man with an optical brain in his hand rushed in quickly: "Here, here, the optical brain is here, the optical brain is here for rent."

"Hurry up, everyone sit down, let's start watching."

"Old Liu, Lao Liu, hurry up, we can wait until the flowers are all gone."

"hurry up."

"Alright, let's start."

Everyone adjusted the mapping holographic screen of the optical brain to the maximum, then closed the doors and windows, and just stayed in the room, ready to take a good look at their ancestors.

In Interstellar, 5D technology has been popularized. When you watch videos, you can choose holographic 5D. In this case, you can experience the movie scene as if you are in this world.

The StarCraft film industry, the film and television industry, is actually very developed.

Turn on the optical brain, the video has been released by the Cultural Propaganda Department, and they click to open this video.

First, he was sucked into a completely chaotic and dark world.

Chaos, darkness, a little stuffy and unable to breathe.

Everyone felt very uncomfortable.

But in this chaos, he saw a huge golden egg.

Everyone watched the video carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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