Chapter 346
Suddenly the golden egg cracked open, and a slightly rough man came out of it. This man also seemed to feel uncomfortable and depressed.

When he stretched out his hand, an unusually wide ax appeared directly in his hand.

The ax was exceptionally sharp, with a cold light shining, and a mysterious feeling that made them unable to explain clearly.

Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes.

When the man turned his face away, they felt that he seemed a little familiar, and his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Ji Hanxiao, the god of war.


The ax was swung down vigorously, and the chaos instantly split from the middle, leaking a trace of light.

The man's head was up to the sky, his feet were on the ground, and the ax directly split the chaos.

Every time the sky and the earth grow one inch higher, he grows one inch higher, until the chaos becomes higher and higher apart, and everyone finds that the turbid air is gradually descending, and the clearness is rising gradually, forming the blue sky and the earth.

When Ye Qianxing made this scene of opening up the world, in order to show the truth, he even traced the law of heaven.

Among all the people watching, everyone felt a burst of suffocation.

At this time, a line of large characters appeared next to the man: [Pangu, open the sky axe, open the sky and open the earth, the sky is clear and the earth is turbid. 】

With some deep opening sounds, everyone suddenly felt as if they had become Pangu.

Stand there, stand upright.

Open up.

[The first ancestor of the ancient country, the founder of the universe. 】

As the sky and the earth got higher and higher, in order to prevent the sky and the earth from overlapping again, Pan Gu grew an inch taller for every inch that separated the sky and the earth, supporting the space between the sky and the earth.

That's it.

After a full 18000 years, the sky and the earth are 36000 kilometers long, and finally the sky and the earth have become very solid.

But due to his excessive fatigue, he finally collapsed from exhaustion.

The tall body gradually disappeared into the air little by little, and his breath turned into wind and clouds.

His voice turned into a rumbling thunder.

The left eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon, and the limbs and body become the earth and mountains.

Blood became rivers, veins became roads, hair and beard became stars in the sky.

Skin and hair turned into grass and trees, muscles into earth, teeth and bones into shining metals and stones and treasures.

The sweat on the body also turned into rain and dew.

At this moment, everyone who watched the video felt as if they had become this fallen giant.

While feeling the breath of heaven and earth, it is the beginning of all creatures and creatures.

Four seasons, mountains, rivers and lakes, sea, clouds, wind and rocks, this world is a miracle created by the Creator God.

The background music becomes louder little by little.

With the development of this world, everyone's eyes gradually became enthusiastic. This kind of scene they had never been exposed to before.

A picture that their minds couldn't imagine.

Let them gradually become fascinated.

A wisp of Pangu's energy turned into Hongjun, the only figure in this world.

Then Sanqing.

Many ancient gods began to compete for the holy position, Nuwa created man, mended the sky, various gods were born, and human beings gradually became healthy.

The world has become vibrant from the barrenness at the very beginning.

Battle of the Gods...

The struggle between the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

The background music is getting more and more exciting, and everyone watching is getting more and more fascinated, it's just mesmerizing.

It turned out that the heaven and the earth appeared like this.

It turns out that everything about living beings was created in this way.

It turns out that after death, a person has a soul, reincarnation, and heaven and earth.

 As for Sister Xing, she is from the world of cultivating immortals. It is normal for there to be gods who created the world. Different planes, naturally all kinds of powerful existences are also different. This book has many private settings, so don't take it seriously.

  Materials from ancient times are also found, so don’t worry too much about them.

(End of this chapter)

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