I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 364 [2 in 1] Mysterious Man

Chapter 364 [Two in One] Mysterious Man
The speaking voice was a little hoarse and not pleasant, but it was still recognizable as a man's voice.

After pretending to sleep for so long, he was found out.

Ye Qianxing sighed and had no choice but to open his eyes.

This person is very sick, you give me some water and dry hair on my nose!

The man chuckled again, and then answered Ye Qianxing: "You have some black spots on your nose. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. It's an eyesore, so I'll clean it up for you."

"According to the normal drug effect, you will sleep for at least twelve hours before you wake up."

"By that time, we'll already be in place."

Ye Qianxing looked at the man wearing a long-brimmed hat with a serious frown: "Can you hear my thoughts?"

The other party nodded without hesitation.

"Mind reading."

"Better at it."

Ye Qianxing closed his mouth. This kind of person is the scariest and Ye Qianxing's most hated opponent.

Condensedly knocking off the opponent's hand, and moving a little further away from this person, Ye Qianxing asked, "Why tie me up?"

I have already torn my face, there is no need to pretend.

That's tough.

The mysterious man seemed to like to laugh, so he chuckled twice: "Because, you are really funny."

"Why don't you come with me, it's much better than Ji Hanxiao."

He even stretched out his slender fingers, trying to lift Ye Qianxing's chin.

The sword in Ye Qianxing's hand appeared directly, pointing at his main artery, but he dodged it sideways.

"If you don't want your hand anymore, you can try it."

In fact, Ye Qianxing was cursing in his heart: "Pig nose with garlic!! I don't know how old I am."

"Ugly looking, fancy thinking, a toad is not as bad as you."

"The whole body is tightly wrapped, and at first glance, it looks like a person who has no face to meet people, no face and no skin."

Seeing the other party's face suddenly turn livid, Ye Qianxing immediately felt relieved. She still remembers her nickname of star.

Don't you like to see what other people think?It looks good and sounds good.

"Have you heard enough? If it's not enough, I'll give you two more swear words."

Even if this mysterious man raised his head, Ye Qianxing found that he couldn't see what he looked like, it must be covered by something.

Ye Qianxing smiled and cursed inwardly.

"It really is a shameless dog."

The man's face twisted, but after twisting a few times, he calmed down again: "Okay!"

"Spicy enough!"

"I really like your character."

"I really like your little mouth. I believe that one day, I will be able to hear what I want to hear from it."

"It's easier to eat shit, really." Ye Qianxing replied with a smile.

"Follow me, huh?"

"What Ji Hanxiao can give you, I can give you."

When Ye Qianxing saw the other party's appearance of being ready to seduce, he immediately lost his temper.


In the world of cultivating immortals, she has never seen such a little fresh meat, old bacon, or such a peerless beauty. Where did this toad get the courage to even dare to show his face, and he still thinks a lot.

Ye Qianxing is not prepared to admit defeat when it comes to cursing.


"What's wrong with me?"

"What he has, I have."

When Ye Qianxing heard these words, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, if you say too much, you will lose. At least this sentence means that the other party's status is very high.

"He can give me a lot of money, a lot of contribution points, how much, how much, can you give me?"


"He can give me love with all his heart and only love me for the rest of his life, can you?"

"You don't even dare to show your face, maybe you are a woman!"

"I don't want lilies!"

Ye Qianxing lied without blushing or panting.

The man opened his mouth to answer, but when he saw Ye Qianxing's eyes, he immediately came to his senses.

"You're just trying to trick me."

"Cunning little girl."

Ye Qianxing felt a little pity.

The other party actually reacted.

Otherwise, at least I can know the gender again.

"Whatever he can give, I can give."

"Even if I tell you that I'm a man, will you believe me?"

"Or do you want to inspect the goods yourself?"

"That's not impossible." Ye Qianxing held his head high, without any fear.

"However, before that, why don't you tell me all the things I can get, and what do I want in exchange?"

"Is it a plant? Food? Or a practice? A cultivation system?"

Ye Qianxing tilted his head and looked at the other party.

This innocent and harmless appearance lowered people's guard a lot, but it did not include the mysterious man opposite Ye Qianxing.

The other party was choked by Ye Qianxing's sharpness and didn't know what to say.

Ye Qianxing seems innocent and deceitful, even big-chested and brainless, but when you take a closer look, you find that this is a cunning little fox at all. He was dug out by the other party.

No oil and salt.

Looking young, he is already an old fritter.

The mysterious man was about to stop laughing, and he smiled on the surface: "Why can't I just fall in love with your beauty?"

Ye Qianxing shook his head: "I didn't regard you as mentally retarded, please don't lower my intelligence."

What beauty?
Is it worth taking such a big risk?
Is beauty so high?
Ye Qianxing didn't believe it.

"Believe it or not, it's just for sex."

The other party responded with such a simple sentence, but obviously did not have much enthusiasm for Ye Qianxing. They just had other purposes, but they were unwilling to say it.

Ye Qianxing smiled at him: "Huh?"

"Look in my eyes."


"Look carefully, is there something written in it?"

"Huh? No!"

"I didn't write about a fool, you take me for a fool." The other party was a little closer to Ye Qianxing, and while Ye Qianxing was talking, Ye Qianxing suddenly became violent, directly picked up the sword, and went towards the other party's hat.

A magical object that conceals the face, possibly a hat.

Ye Qianxing wanted to see the other party's true face.

That person realized Ye Qianxing's actions almost instantly, but the distance between the two of them was still too close, there was no time to dodge, so...

The hat fell to the ground in an instant, and Ye Qianxing's sword also scratched his arm.

But he didn't care about his injuries at all, and distanced himself from Ye Qianxing, covering his face with his hands from the beginning to the end.

Ye Qianxing didn't see anything at all.

When Ye Qianxing rushed over again, a new hat appeared on the opponent's hand, and he put it on again.



Ye Qianxing only felt that his mind was in a state of chaos, and the troubled situation in the Colosseum before had happened again.

special code! !

Dog chops!
They have blocked the five senses, but they still haven't escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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