I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 365 Want to eat pork chops, want to eat hot pot

Chapter 365 Want to eat pork chops, want to eat hot pot

When Ye Qianxing woke up again, she no longer knew which galaxy she was in, and the other party was obviously much more cautious. Ye Qianxing realized that she was no longer lying on the ground freely.

Instead, he slept unconsciously in a metal cage.

The metal was obviously extremely hard.

Looking at the figure with his back to him, Ye Qianxing knew that he couldn't ask anything more from him, but the other party obviously had a purpose for him, so he didn't hurt himself.

Ye Qianxing must make a quick decision, why not kill this man first.

If Xun is well-behaved, it will be easy to pry out any news, or else search for the soul.

But she must be on guard against the opponent's extremely powerful coma medicine. In fact, she had already used her spiritual power to form an invisible protective shield on her body just now, and even blocked her five senses, but she was still hit.

These defenses were useless, so in desperation, Ye Qianxing lay down on one side, allowing the spiritual power to circulate in his body, and on the other hand, he secretly stuffed a detoxification pill and took it.

I hope it will be of some use. I quickly refined this after I was poisoned by the snake venom last time. I just don’t want this kind of thing to happen again.

Occasionally, his own alchemy skills can only be regarded as middle-level, and he doesn't know if it will work or not.

After waiting for the spiritual power to run for a big week, let my stiff limbs gradually warm up.

Ye Qianxing looked at the mental power Ji Hanxiao left in his mind, he probably wanted to use this to find himself.

Ye Qianxing scratched her head, but it’s not good to bother others all the time. It’s okay if Ji Hanxiao is looking for him, but if he doesn’t, hhh~
Saying something to others, isn't it self-indulgent? To put it bluntly, Ye Qianxing thinks that Ji Hanxiao and the others are not that good yet.

It's better to solve it by yourself, if you can rely on yourself, you don't need to rely on others.

Ye Qianxing looked at the man who still didn't turn around, gave up the method of contacting Ji Hanxiao, and slashed fiercely at the cage, which broke a metal pipe.

Created the illusion of running away, and the next moment, Ye Qianxing suddenly disappeared in the cage.

After entering his own space, there was no room for carrying objects, and he landed directly on the metal of the cage.

There was a loud clicking sound, the sound of metal colliding, and there was a person missing in the entire suspension car.

The mysterious man turned around suddenly, looked at the empty cage, and his face was solemn for an instant.

He took two steps and walked to the edge of the cage. He didn't open the cage immediately, but carefully observed the crack.

Looking at the empty cage, the mysterious man took two steps back instead: "I know, you must still be here, and you didn't escape at all."

"You are just waiting for me to pass by, let you escape, or assassinate me."

The mysterious man's voice was still steady and confident.

"I won't fall for your tricks."

The mysterious man stared at the empty cage and spoke into the air, but he really couldn't see where Ye Qianxing was.

He is confident in his mouth, but in fact, he is a little uncertain in his heart.

But here Ye Qianxing was in the space, watching the mysterious man talking to the air in a godlike way, while gnawing on the fruit in his own space.

"Hmm... this pear juice is so much, so sweet."

"Yummy, hiccup."

Ye Qianxing didn't care what the mysterious man thought, and just ate food on his own.

"I'm hungry, I want to eat pork chops, I want to eat hot pot." The mysterious man was still talking, and Ye Qianxing just thought he was farting.

 Sister Xing: "Well...there is so much pear juice, so sweet."

  Brother Hu: "Well... this bastard ####, so sweet~~"

  This car is a bit fierce, hahaha, I didn't drive it, do you believe it?

(End of this chapter)

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