Chapter 367 Explosion
When Ye Qianxing heard the other party's words, he immediately had a particularly bad premonition.

The sword in his hand was slashed heavily, and one arm of the mysterious man was shortened.

The mysterious man didn't turn his head back, and rushed out of the suspension car with a dull head. Ye Qianxing also hurriedly followed, but found that the moment the mysterious man went out, the entire suspension car instantly turned into an abnormal state. A solid all-metal cabin.

Ye Qianxing doesn't know much about interstellar metals.

But when she went down with the sword, there were only two white marks on the metal.

It is much harder than the cage just now.

And on the operation panel of the hover car, a dazzling red progress bar has already appeared.

The piercing siren rang throughout the suspension cabin.

Ye Qianxing looked at the progress bar that was about to be full, and was about to enter the space.

I'm afraid there is something in it.

Made, this dog has a lot of tricks.

Ye Qianxing quickly prepared to take refuge first, and then go out to find this grandson later.

As a result, at the moment when the progress bar was about to be full, the entire metal cabin was pierced from the outside, and a tall figure rushed in, eyes full of anxiety.

Ye Qianxing paused when he entered the space.

The progress bar is full.

The next moment, Ye Qianxing only felt her body being hit by a blow, her whole body was spinning, and her face was pressed against the golden dress.

There was a frantic heartbeat and a loud roar.


Mixed with the dull sound of pain, the arms that hugged him seemed to tighten a bit.

Ye Qianxing's mind went blank for a moment.


It seemed that something fell on his face, Ye Qianxing looked up, and Ji Hanxiao's cold face was full of panic and nervousness.

When he opened his mouth, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Aren't you hurt?"

The first sentence he said was also concerned about Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing felt that his heart seemed to stop beating.

But in the end such occasions are commonplace.

Before she had time to think about anything, she quickly jumped out of Ji Hanxiao's arms, only to find that Ji Hanxiao had a pair of wings, which were as beautiful as small wings, and there were hideous bone spurs on the wings.

Only in appearance, there is a slight difference.

And just now, the reason why she only heard the sound of the explosion but did not receive any impact was that she was completely wrapped in wings, and Ji Hanxiao became her meat shield.

Before he had time to think about why, Ye Qianxing quickly supported Ji Hanxiao: "Did you come here by yourself, or did you bring someone?"

Ji Hanxiao was unable to speak, he felt that if he spoke now, he would be able to spit out pieces of internal organs.

So, I stretched out my fingers and made a 1.
Ye Qianxing asked again: "Where's your hover car?"


Ye Qianxing directly put Ji Hanxiao on his back and carried it on his back: "Hold on."

Bloody, gunpowder, she didn't change her face, just with such a force, relying on her petite body, she directly carried Ji Hanxiao, who was more than two meters tall, on her back.

Every time Ye Qianxing took a step, there were deep footprints under his feet, obviously because of his heavy weight.

But her expression remained unchanged, her steps were steady, and she tried not to let Ji Hanxiao feel the slightest jolt.

Ji Hanxiao's head drooped slightly on Ye Qianxing's neck. At this moment, he felt that the injury on his back didn't hurt at all.

You can even come a few more times.

Anyway, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick and he can't die. It's the kind of steadfastness that comes from his heart that makes Ji Hanxiao feel happy.

 Xing Xing: Ji Hanxiao, you have been carried by a woman before.

  Ji Hanxiao: That's because I got hurt.

  Xing Xing: I don't care, you have been carried by women.

  Ji Hanxiao feels wronged: That's what you want to carry on my back.

  Xingxing looked at Ji Hanxiao with a serious face: I don't care, you have been carried by women before.

  Ji Hanxiao took a sudden step forward, put his hands on the wall behind him, and wrapped Ye Qianxing in his arms: "Okay, I was carried by a woman, and I was also cheated by her. Do you want to know the details?"

  Xing Xing: Just drive whenever you want, Gan!
(End of this chapter)

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