Chapter 368 Star, I Pain~~
Ji Hanxiao's gaze on Ye Qianxing's earlobe gradually became hot, and he watched helplessly as the ear changed from white to pink and then to deep red.

I couldn't help but want to laugh, but I choked on the blood and coughed again.

Ye Qianxing's footsteps were not chaotic at all, but walked more steadily: "I bumped you?"

"I'll go slower."

Ji Hanxiao shook his head, but the broken light in his eyes was almost blinding people's eyes. There is nothing more happiest in the world than this.

The stars are really cute.

The stars are really worthy of my love.

The two returned to Ji Hanxiao's suspension vehicle, and Ye Qianxing put them on the bed, and then began to treat Ji Hanxiao's wounds.

"This is for treating internal injuries, take it first."

Ye Qianxing took out many bottles and cans from the space, and took out many kinds of pills.

Those who treat internal injuries are handed over to Ji Hanxiao, and those who treat external injuries are ready to be treated by Ji Hanxiao.

It turns out that Ji Hanxiao didn't take the elixir.


Ji Hanxiao lay on the bed with a wry smile: "I can't move."

The injury was a little serious.

Ye Qianxing understood, and without arguing, he held the elixir in his palm and placed it on Ji Hanxiao's lips.

Soft lips brushed against the palm of his hand.

One warm, one cool.

Ye Qianxing trembled slightly, it was not obvious, but the two pills did not enter Ji Hanxiao's mouth together.

The other pill went astray, and Ji Hanxiao moved his mouth to look for it in the palm of his hand.

It felt as if Ji Hanxiao was kissing Ye Qianxing's palm and fingers.

This action, no matter how you look at it, how obscene, how idiotic.

Ye Qianxing's face turned red with a touch.

She quickly retracted her hand, and then held the elixir between her fingertips and placed it in front of Ji Hanxiao's lips.

Throwing it into Ji Hanxiao's mouth, Ye Qianxing cut open Ji Hanxiao's clothes and saw his bloody back. The wound on his back really looked a little scary.

Ye Qianxing frowned, and then began to deal with it methodically.

Feeling the cub busy on his back, Ji Hanxiao's eyes became more and more fiery.

He said long ago that Xing Xing is the person who can walk side by side with him the most.

If this matter were changed today, even if it was a man, seeing Ji Hanxiao injured like this, he might not be able to stabilize the situation so quickly, and then solve it quickly.

How many will be a little flustered.

But Ye Qianxing did not even say a word of nonsense throughout the whole process, and did everything in an orderly manner.

A deep obsession flashed in Ji Hanxiao's eyes.

Every second he looks at the cub, he loves the cub more.

Every inch of the cub's body was ordered from heaven by him.

It just grew to his heart.

Clenching his hands into fists and lightly clenching them by his side, Ji Hanxiao felt that he had to speed up his progress, otherwise, if it went on like this, it would be years and months before he could embrace the beauty.

But never thought, Ye Qianxing saw Ji Hanxiao's clenched fist, and immediately relaxed his movements.

"Pain?" He asked softly.

Ji Hanxiao originally wanted to shake his head directly, when was he afraid of pain.

I'm used to it, so it hurts a little bit.

But the next moment, Ji Hanxiao felt that something was wrong, he quickly changed his words, his voice was weak and trembling.


"I hurt~~"

As soon as Ye Qianxing heard the aggrieved tone of nine twists and eighteen turns, the wound treatment machine he was holding in his hand almost fell on Ji Hanxiao's wound.

"I'll be gentle." Ye Qianxing took a deep breath and tried to answer with a normal voice.

 just now:
  Brother Hu: Star~~I hurt~~

  Xing Xing: Huh huh...

  A little broken sob.

  "Bastard Ji Hanxiao, it hurts!"

(End of this chapter)

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