I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 376 The Ancient Country Is a Super Sect

Chapter 376 The Ancient Kingdom Is a Super Sect

With a serious expression, Ji Hanxiao threw out all those unscrupulous things from his mind.

When Ye Qianxing was called a person from the ancient country by Ji Hanxiao, he immediately stopped worrying about what happened just now.

Turned the attention over.

"You gathered people from the ancient country?"

"is it a lot?"

Ji Hanxiao shook his head: "I didn't take the initiative to gather, but I often meet some, pay attention, and keep them here."

"Most of their aptitudes are not very good. I have tried the cultivation methods of humans in the ancient country before, but it caused several people to explode directly."

"Later, I didn't dare to try it rashly."

"I thought that since you are here now, let's take a look."

These people were picked up by Ji Hanxiao from various places.

Although he currently has no way to save all the human beings in the ancient country, Ji Hanxiao will still take care of them as long as he encounters them.


"It's getting late now, let's wait until tomorrow, let's go and have a look tomorrow."

Ye Qianxing frowned, thinking that if he saw these people, he should let them go back to the ancient earth?Or should we teach them how to practice the exercises?

If she bought the ancient earth in the future and became the master of the ancient earth, then there is nothing wrong with her training her own troops, and she can even order them.

But now, she has no title to order these people.

The rise of the ancient country is not just talk.

She can teach them how to practice.

But there is no guarantee that these cultivation methods will not be spread.

Or these people will use the exercises to do something.

Ye Qianxing felt that he needed to think about it.

Ji Hanxiao made a sound beside him.

"Just go and meet them. Although I have checked these people and they are all from clean families, I don't deny that people are fickle."

"Before the ancient earth was in hand."

"It is not easy to teach exercises for the time being."

Ji Hanxiao and Ye Qianxing have the same concerns.

The rise of the ancient country didn't happen when you saw a person from the ancient country and told him to practice exercises.

It has always been difficult for loose cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals to find strong men, and the road to strong men for casual cultivators is a hundred times more difficult than that of sect strong men.

It's not just the inclination of resources, but also the need to fight alone.

There is also the beginning of cultivation, when I was young, the marrow washing, training, guidance, and experience given by the sect.

These things are the most important, and these can save the disciples of the sect from many detours.

And the same is true for the ancients.

Ye Qianxing doesn't intend to turn them into casual cultivators, the ancient country is a super sect.

Like the Wuji Sect, there can be many factions in the sect, there can be many fairy peaks, and there may be conflicts and competitions, but the sect is always united, and the sect is the family.

So these things really need to be carefully considered.

"it is good."

Ye Qianxing agreed.

Until Ye Qianxing finished eating again, Ye Qianxing was about to go back to the room, but this time Ji Hanxiao really had no reason to stop him.

Watching Ye Qianxing walk to the door of the room helplessly, racking his brains.

If there is anything else, I can keep the cub for a few more minutes.

But until the cub left, he didn't think about it, watching the door being closed by white hands little by little.

Ji Hanxiao hurriedly shouted: "Xing Xing, good night."

The door paused.

Ye Qianxing's calm voice came: "Good night."

"Stars?" Seeing that the gap in the door was so small that it was almost impossible to see, Ji Hanxiao hurriedly shouted again.


"Anything else?"

Ji Hanxiao stammered: "Well...no...it's okay."

"Good night, Star."

What responded to Ji Hanxiao was the slamming sound of the door closing.

 Sister Xing: Crazy!
  Brother Hu's real name is miserable! ! !

  Excuse me, what can I do to save Brother Hu's humble love.

  I am in a hurry to write.

  Bobo: The author is great! !Please, let them be together.

  [Bobo grabs the reader's words, never tired of it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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