I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 377 1 million for you!Come out and open a room!

Chapter 377 One hundred million for you!Come out and open a room!
Looking at the closed door, Ji Hanxiao felt lost for the first time.

He felt that there was another novelty.

Since meeting the stars, he has learned a lot of emotions that he didn't have before.

This feeling is like opening the door to a new world. You never know what kind of surprises are behind each door.

Whether it is ups and downs, it is impressive, and it is sweet.

But he is not very good at words.

Always used to do it.

It's just that I and Xingxing are always separated by two places, even if I do it, I don't have much time.

So this period of time together is very precious.

But there is always nothing to say, either on the way to talk about business, or in the middle of talking about business.

Although Ji Hanxiao prefers to stare at Ye Qianxing and never gets tired of watching it, but Ji Hanxiao feels that this will not work.

So, Ji Hanxiao thought for a while, and turned on the optical brain.

Surreptitiously search for problems on the optical brain.

[How to chat with girls. 】

A search turned up a lot, many people have asked this question before, Ji Hanxiao hurriedly read other people's answers carefully.

[Brother, before answering this question, let me ask you a question. 】

The question blogger replied: [What? 】

[Do you have money? 】

Ask the blogger: [Yes! 】

Ji Hanxiao followed and looked down, while nodding himself. He also has money, a lot of money.

[Then let's talk about it, transfer 100 million, let her come out, open a room! 】

Many people commented below: [Yes! 100 million is not enough, 1000 million! 】

[Ten million won't work, one hundred million! 】

[Give it until she is satisfied, if you can't buy a girl, it means you don't have enough money and the price is not high enough. 】

Ji Hanxiao imagined the scene, if he gave his son [-] million and asked her to go out and open a room for him.


Thinking about that scene, Ji Hanxiao shrank his head.

There is no need to open a house, let's buy a coffin.

It was not reliable at all, Ji Hanxiao directly scrolled to the bottom, wanting to read the next one, only to see someone saying it.

[What you said is wrong, what's so fun about this kind of sudden fun. 】

【Let me tell you, if you really want to conquer a woman, hehehe...】

how?Ji Hanxiao continued to look down, feeling curious about the baby.

[When you come out to open a room, people will definitely think you are crazy. 】

Ji Hanxiao nodded, that's right, maybe his life is gone.

[It's better to draw it slowly. 】

[If she doesn't talk to you. 】

[You just give 100 million. 】

[A sentence of 100 million. 】

[Guaranteed, how much you want to hear, how much. 】

【Hahaha. 】

Seeing the back, Ji Hanxiao suddenly felt very poor.

100 million words.

Xing Xing has already said so much to himself today, and he hasn't settled the bill yet.

100 million words, 100 billion, is tens of thousands of sentences, which sounds like a lot, but in fact, people speak normally every day, and they have to say hundreds of sentences.

Do the math, it's only enough for one hundred days.


It's a good idea, but there just isn't enough money.

The second article below turned out to be an advertisement.

[How to chat with girls? ? 】

[Can't chat with girls? 】

[Here is a collection of all the opening examples of chatting with girls, straight to the point, euphemistic and subtle, humorous and other chat routines, learn how to get girls back to you in seconds! ! ! 】

[Don't 9998! 】

【No, 998! 】

[Don't miss out on such a discount, just sign up today, a trial class, only 98! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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