I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 397 The So-called Gene Collapse Disorder

Chapter 397 The So-called Gene Collapse Disorder
Qin Jue didn't speak, but listened carefully.

Ye Qianxing began to speak carefully: "What I say next may make you feel like I'm just talking nonsense."

"But, believe it or not, it's up to you to cure it or not!"

"Interstellar people, according to my observations, except for the blood of the ancient country, they are all incomplete monsters."

"People are divided into upper, middle and lower dantians, each of which is responsible for energy and spirit."

"However, except for the people from the ancient country, who have all three dantians, none of you have lowered your dantian!"

"So your energy system is always divided into mental strength and physical strength."

"But in real practice, the two can be combined into one, transformed into energy, and collected in the lower dantian. Power can be accumulated, and then used when you need it."

Qin Jue didn't show it on the surface, but in fact, listening to Ye Qianxing's words, turbulent waves had already set off in his heart.

Is that so?

Are they all mutilated monsters?

"So in Interstellar, the more capable a person is, the easier it is to suffer from genetic collapse."

"But you don't understand why, and you even think that because your mental strength is too high, your physique can't bear it."

"Actually, that's not the case at all."

"The most basic reason is because you didn't go down to the dantian, the first power can't be integrated, and the second power can't be stored, which will cause the phenomenon that these two dantians are suffocated, so you can't practice anymore."

"Even the power ran wild in the body, forming a situation where the tendons and veins are exhausted and the blood vessels are retrograde."

"It's called gene breakdown."

"The higher the strength, the more serious the collapse."

In fact, it's just a physical disability.

Ye Qianxing didn't care about the shocked expressions on Qin Jue's face, and just talked to himself.

"There are two ways to treat you."

"The first one is the simplest. I'll give you another bloodline from the ancient country. With the bloodline nourishment, your body will re-warm and nourish the lower dantian within three months at least, and then pass through my dantian again." Conditioning, help you reconnect the meridian and so on."

"The whole treatment process will take about two years, and you can practice again, and you will be fine."

Qin Jue felt that two years was a bit long.

"What about the second way?"

"The second method is much more brutal and straightforward. I will directly create a lower dantian for you."

"It's not impossible, but the lower dantian you created can only be regarded as a magic weapon."

"Dharma artifacts have drawbacks. I try to use the best materials I can to make them for you, but according to my skill in refining artifacts, what I can refine will at most allow you to reach the same height as me. It's impossible to be like Ji Hanxiao."

"Because, magical artifacts have quality and energy to determine. My craftsmanship limits me to what I can do."

"It's different from what I grew up on."

"Of course, if you choose this method, the course of treatment will be very fast. It only takes a week. After a week, I can install a lower dantian for you and help you recuperate for a month. That's all."

After Ye Qianxing finished speaking, Qin Jue hesitated.

This is totally two things.

One is to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and the other is to treat the root cause, but it will take a long time.

Qin Jue's voice was a little cold. To be precise, he used this tone when speaking to anyone except Nan Nan.

"Or is there a third way?"

"Use the artificial lower dantian first, use it first, and then start to transform the blood. When the time comes, wait until the new dantian grows, and then remove the dantian of the magic weapon."

"is this okay?"

In this way, Qin Jue can be cured quickly without losing his potential because of the urgent time.

Ye Qianxing complied. In this case, it was her who was struggling.



"Then I'll make some preparations recently. When I'm ready, I'll call you over to change my dantian."

There is also a lot of preparatory work in the early stage. Qin Jue needs to be given medicine to treat the hidden wounds in his body, and he needs to be recuperated.

There is also a need to refine a dantian.

Ye Qianxing looked at Qin Jue and moved forward slightly.

"I want to see your legs."

"You roll up your trouser legs."

Qin Jue pursed his lips, but he still rolled his legs.

On the somewhat shriveled legs, blue-purple blood vessels were all over the place, looking hideous and terrifying.

Ye Qianxing squatted down, wanting to check it out, but when he stretched his hand halfway, a small hammer still appeared in his hand, and lightly tapped Qin Jue's leg twice.

I took a look at the specific situation.

He didn't touch Qin Jue with his hands the whole time.

This made both Qin Jue and Ye Qianxing feel very at ease.

Just don't know how.

Ye Qianxing suddenly remembered that if Qin Jue dared to hug him.

I'm afraid he can cut off his head with a single sword.

But Ji Hanxiao hugged him, how could he just be angry?

Ye Qianxing's eyes were a little unpredictable.

Do not!
It is impossible for her to like Ji Hanxiao.

What she likes is Xianzun, after all, she has liked him for so many years, and Ji Hanxiao has only appeared for a few days.

It's just because I haven't been chased before, and Ji Hanxiao is shameless, and I lack the experience to deal with it for a while.

Ye Qianxing found a reason for herself.

That's it.

Qin Jue followed up and said: "You are going to have a freshman match recently. I don't think there will be much time. Anyway, it has been abolished for so many years. I can afford to wait two more days. You should prepare for the freshman match first. It is very important to you. .”

"Nannan's force value is not high, and you forced her to raise her aptitude. I hope you can take care of her more in school. She has a soft temper and is easy to be bullied."

Qin Jue's last sentence was sincere.

"Also, thank you."

Thanks for what?
Naturally, it was Xie Ye Qianxing who allowed Nan Nan to study at Star Academy.

Qin Jue didn't know how long he could live, nor did he know which would come first, tomorrow or the accident.

So if Nan Nan has the ability to learn more skills by herself, even if he dies, Nan Nan can continue to live.

"Need not."

This is the end of the conversation between the two of them. Suddenly, Qin Jue asked another question.

"What's your relationship with Ji Hanxiao?"

Ye Qianxing was blindsided by this question.

She didn't tell Nan Nan much about Ji Hanxiao.

It is impossible for Nan Nan to tell Qin Jue.

In the eyes of outsiders, she probably doesn't know Ji Hanxiao at all, even if she deduces clues from learning how to cook, she will not be associated with Ji Hanxiao.

Now Qin Jue actually asked what is his relationship with Ji Hanxiao?
Ye Qianxing: "Why do you ask that?"

Qin Jue: "Aren't you together?"

"I saw him come out of your room."

"Hmm... It looks like Y is dissatisfied."

(End of this chapter)

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