I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 398 Ji Hanxiao? ?Explanation!

Chapter 398 Ji Hanxiao? ?Explanation!
Ye Qianxing was even more puzzled.

What scenario does this describe?

Why don't you have any impression of yourself?
"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Qin Jue looked at Ye Qianxing's picture as if it wasn't a fake, and couldn't help being a little puzzled. Did he see it wrong?
That's impossible!

Absolutely impossible!
At that time, Ye Qianxing's identity was also checked.

How could it be wrong.

So Qin Jue pondered for a moment, and read out a string of time: "XXXX, are you on the XX spaceship, room 32?"

Ye Qianxing's eyes widened again when he heard this.


That was the first time she met Qin Jue.

"That was the first time I saw you."

"That day, you gave my subordinates two skewers, so it was you."

Ye Qianxing nodded.

How could Qin Jue be so smart that he couldn't guess it? If that person was really Ye Qianxing, but she didn't know that Ji Hanxiao came out of her room, then Ji Hanxiao must have concealed it.


Ye Qianxing was not allowed to know.

If I told Ye Qianxing about this, I would definitely make Ji Hanxiao unhappy.

But for Nan Nan's sake, Qin Jue thought about it and told Ye Qianxing.

"That day, the night you grilled skewers for me, I went there again later, and it was Ji Hanxiao who opened the door."

"My subordinate lost a tongue because of it."

Qin Jue didn't say why he broke his tongue, but Ye Qianxing also guessed it. After all, the man didn't speak very well.

somewhat impressed.


However, Ji Hanxiao opened the door from his own room?
Ye Qianxing shook his head vigorously, but couldn't remember the plot.

Qin Jue asked again: "You really didn't know Ji Hanxiao at that time?"

Ye Qianxing: "I don't know!"

The answer was extremely crisp.

"Then? What's your relationship now?"

Ye Qianxing: "Partnership, ordinary people."

Qin Jue pursed his lips again, thinking whether to speak out or not.

"That day, I heard a girl whimpering at the door."

"Looks like it's yours."

"Also, the sound of clothes rubbing against each other."

Qin Jue can only remind this.

Ye Qianxing's eyes were almost out of frame.

Gan ah!

what's the problem?

Ye Qianxing only felt that he wished he could rush to Ji Hanxiao and question him in person.

But Qin Jue's words reminded her: "You'd better knock from the side. If he doesn't let you know, he must have his own purpose. Even if you ask, he won't admit it."

The impatience in Ye Qianxing's heart was somewhat extinguished.

She felt that Ji Hanxiao's matter was not that simple.

"I see."

"Anyway, thank you for telling me this. I'll try not to let him know that you said it."

Qin Jue nodded dispensably. To be honest, since he said it, he didn't think about it so much.

After the two finalized the treatment and other matters, Qin Jue called Nan Nan back, and then left by himself.

Nan Nan and Ye Qianxing were left to eat some food in the room, and then went to the school gate to gather.

There are many students and teachers gathered there to prepare for the freshman preliminary competition.

The main purpose of the freshman preliminary competition is to rank the freshmen, and the second is to divide them into classes.

Also check the level of the students.

"Let's not talk nonsense, the freshman competition, the first round."


"From the last floor, go up and rank according to the number of floors you walk."

"Non-warrior students are counted according to their grades + 50 floors."

(End of this chapter)

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