I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 399 Without a man in my heart, I draw my sword to be a god of nature [4 in 1]

Chapter 399 Without a man in my heart, I draw my sword to be a god of nature [Four in One]

Most of the people in the non-combat department are scientific researchers, and their physical fitness has never been very good, so they have no objection to specializing in this kind of sports that tests their fitness.

Su Mobai was among this group of white chickens. He raised his head and looked hard, trying to see where Ye Qianxing was.

It seemed that he finally saw Ye Qianxing's back.

Su Mobai instantly raised a big smile at the corner of his mouth, the stars really came, the stars really came.

Su Mobai looked at Ye Qianxing's back with admiration in his eyes, as if his eyes were too eager, Ye Qianxing turned his head and locked Su Mobai with a glance.

I still have a little impression of this boy, mainly because of the nickname, which is too amazing.

I glanced around, but didn't see where his teacher was.

Ye Qianxing returned a kind smile, unexpectedly, Su Mobai ran towards him.

The thin body squeezed back and forth among the crowd.

Ye Qianxing always felt that this boy was too weak, and also saw that he seemed to be in poor health, so he took two steps forward to respond.

Ye Qianxing's figure was not tall, but he took one step at a time, and his arms powerfully separated the crowd around him.

Finally, he came to Su Mobai's side and looked at the big boy who was blushing and sweating a little: "What are you doing here? The competition will start soon."

"If you don't save energy, how can you compete?"

Su Mobai's excited voice was instantly stuck in his throat, and he always felt that the current idol seemed to overlap with the teacher.

I'm a little embarrassed and don't know what to say.

But Ye Qianxing stood by his side to protect him: "Let's go."

"go there."

Su Mobai smiled instantly and showed his big white teeth: "Okay!"

"I see you are so excited."

"Xingxing, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Since you stopped broadcasting, I haven't watched the live broadcast again."

"Will you still broadcast live in the future?"

Su Mobai kept asking Ye Qianxing questions with his mouth.

Ye Qianxing protected Su Mobai and walked to Nan Nan: "We'll talk about the future, maybe it will happen, maybe it won't."

"This is Nan Nan, my good friend."

"This is..." When introducing Nan Nan, Ye Qianxing suddenly didn't know what to call her.

All she knows is that the other party's nickname is Teacher and that I have a bad waist.

But real name?

Su Mobai hurriedly came over and introduced himself: "My name is Su Mobai, and I am a freshman in the Mecha Division this year."

"I'm also a loyal little fan of Xing Xing."

Su Mobai seemed to blush easily, and after a few words, a trace of pink appeared on her fair skin.

Both of them liked Xing Xing and accepted each other easily. Nan Nan and Su Mobai shook hands.

Ye Qianxing turned his head suddenly, and saw the teacher who was with Su Mobai last time on the tutor's seat, watching him.

The other party was dressed in white, with cold eyes and eyes, and just put his hands crossed in front of the table, staring fixedly at Su Mobai's figure.

Fortunately, Ye Qianxing had good eyesight. When Su Mobai and Nan Nan shook hands, the other party's pupils shrank.

The next moment it shifted to Su Mobai's waist.

Ye Qianxing automatically gave this... well, the name on the sign in front of him: Si Yuan.

Teacher Si Yuan, with a voice: Little guy, it seems that the punishment is not enough.

"Hiss!!" Ye Qianxing gasped.

This CP knocked, knocked, really.

Qing Qing Leng Leng Master, and Nai Meng Nai Meng little apprentice.

After all, Nan Nan couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled Ye Qianxing's skirt: "Xing Xing, what are you thinking? So happy?"

"The corners of the mouth are turned up into outer space."

Ye Qianxing touched the corner of his upturned mouth, but he was embarrassed to say that he was knocking CP.

So he quickly changed the subject: "It's okay, it's okay."

"Just think of something happy."

"Is it about to start?"

"Let's get going."

After a while, everyone started to walk up the ladder in front of them.

This ladder doesn't look very wide, but every person who enters it disappears. This is the folding of space.

However, Su Mobai had some inside information, and whispered to the two of them: "The first step is under the pressure of gravity. The higher you go, the greater the pressure of gravity, making it difficult to go up."

"And the more you go up, there are also illusions."

"You guys have to be careful."

Not only attacking the body alone, but also attacking the heart.

Su Mobai knew how much he was, so he definitely couldn't go too far, but the stars are so powerful, so he must go up.

Ye Qianxing heard Su Mobai's words in his heart: "Okay."

"do not worry."

"Without a man in your heart, draw your sword and be a god of nature!"

The environment is nothing more than those things, and Ye Qianxing has no fear.

It was their turn at this time, Nan Nan walked forward first, and made a cheering gesture to Ye Qianxing before leaving.

When Su Mobai went in, he said to Ye Qianxing: "So far, only one person has reached the top of this ladder. Come on, stars!"

Ye Qianxing laughed, does this mean that the feeling is to let herself go up?

Lift your foot and step in.

Ye Qianxing walked up ten steps with ease.

There is gravity pressure on this step.

The gravity at the bottom is naturally the smallest.

The higher you go, the heavier it gets.

In the first ten steps, Ye Qianxing couldn't feel anything.

Going up ten more, Ye Qianxing paused, and when she looked carefully, there was a little sweat on her forehead, obviously a little strenuous.

She followed up with steps that were slower and slower each time.

From the very beginning of strolling in the garden, to the current difficult step by step.

Ye Qianxing has already reached a hundred steps up.

Finally, her back bent down, and the sweat dripped down her face in big drops.

She began to open her mouth and breathe heavily, obviously because of the gravity, and she felt uncomfortable under the pressure.

Holding on, I moved up two floors, and felt my bones seemed to protest and began to rattle.

Ye Qianxing felt that every step was starting to feel like a thousand weights: "Phew... there are still a few more floors to go."

Ye Qianxing always felt that he was about to break through, but there was always an opportunity missing.

An opportunity from Jindan to Yuanying.

So Ye Qianxing persisted.

Raise your legs with difficulty, one layer...

two floors...

Every step I walked, there were water stains from the big beach, all sweat.

"Hold on a little longer..."



This time, when he went up, he directly knelt down Ye Qianxing.

Already 120 floors.

Ye Qianxing's face began to turn purple, and it was difficult to lift his fingertips. With that feeling, you would feel that the blood flow in your body seemed to have slowed down.

The blue veins and blood vessels all over the body are abnormally obvious, which looks a little scary.

But under the extreme pressure of his body, Ye Qianxing felt that his thoughts became more and more clear.

She didn't even have the strength to lift her fingertips.


Even talking is extremely laborious.

But Ye Qianxing continued to walk forward while controlling the aura of space being drawn by himself.

She felt that her barrier was getting thinner and thinner, maybe she really wanted to upgrade.

There was obviously only one step, and he walked up with his legs lifted, but now it seems that Ye Qianxing has experienced tens of thousands of years.

The foot just steps up from the steps below to the next step.

But the pressure was indeed too heavy, Ye Qianxing felt a sharp pain as soon as he put his foot on it.

It was as if the surrounding air was being squeezed towards the feet.

I can't wait to crush my feet into meat.


Ye Qianxing endured it for a while.

A system sound suddenly sounded around: "Student Ye Qianxing, it has been detected that you are currently injured. In order to avoid any irreversible damage to your body, the system recommends that you stop going forward and return!"

"If you continue to move forward, all the consequences will be borne by yourself."

"No retreat!"

Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth and said two words.

The system voice stopped talking and didn't care about Ye Qianxing, leaving Ye Qianxing alone when he vomited blood as soon as he climbed the steps.

She was lying on the ground like mud, and she didn't even rest, she even reached out to reach the next step.

As a result, his fingers had just reached the next step, and even the fingertips were oozing blood.

It is obviously caused by the body can no longer bear this load.

The pain made Ye Qianxing's Lingtai clear for a while.

The next moment, the spiritual energy in the body was running wildly, and a large amount of spatial spiritual energy was drawn into Ye Qianxing's body.

At the same time, the golden core in her body split open, and a little purple figure appeared inside.

Ye Qianxing was overjoyed, and at the same time, as soon as the spiritual power in his body circulated, the pressure on his body disappeared in an instant.

Just now Ye Qianxing carried it to the present without using any strength at all.

It's all about physical strength.

Now that the spiritual power surged, the pressure in that instant was like a drizzle to Ye Qianxing.

Fortunately, persistence is useful.

A large amount of spiritual energy washed over Ye Qianxing's internal organs, making her face slightly red, and she sighed comfortably: "Um..."

The momentum is rising.

Ye Qianxing just meditated on the steps, and many instructors were also watching from above.

Ye Qianxing's appearance looks a bit special, plus her original genius name, after all, she is No.1 in the Milky Way, which still attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone saw that she was only on the 100th floor, and she was already in such a mess. Many people sighed and shook their heads: "Isn't the number one not worthy of the name?"

"It's a bit too bad. I originally wanted to take her as an apprentice, but now I feel a little bit awkward."

"Is there an inside story here? She is not a non-combat student."

Everyone whispered together.

"But this perseverance is still very good."

"What's the use of perseverance alone? It still depends on the combat power. She is too bad."

Everyone commented on Ye Qianxing, but Ye Qianxing just sat on the steps without saying a word, with his eyes closed, as if he was closing his eyes and resting his mind.


"I think she's a little weird now."

"Don't you think so?"

"The way she was sweating profusely just now, she almost couldn't resist that way."

"Even sitting on the ground is trembling under the pressure, look at her now."

"The sweat on my head is gone, and my back is straight."

Then an incredible thought came to mind: "..."


"She won't be! Is she advancing?"


"It really is!"

"All of these can advance?"

Everyone quickly stared at Ye Qianxing eagerly, but they were somewhat relieved.

"That's about the same. After the next promotion, it is estimated that there will be dozens more floors, at least."

"In that case, it looks more or less the same."

Just as everyone was talking and watching, the atmosphere among everyone had already begun to become slightly subtle.

It is not as peaceful as before, because when it was peaceful just now, everyone was not optimistic about Ye Qianxing, but now it is found that the stack still needs to be upgraded.

For such a good seed, everyone naturally wants to compete for an apprentice.

Ye Qianxing was almost at the end of the game at this time, she suppressed it slightly, but did not let the promotion succeed completely.

Because there is a thunder disaster to advance, now is not a good time to accept the thunder disaster.

The spiritual power turned round and round, and began to relieve the pressure of gravity.

Keep going up.

It was a lot easier to walk.

Another two hundred steps, and now Ye Qianxing has gone through more than 300 floors, nearly four hundred floors.

But there was still no expression of effort on her face.

Just continuing to walk up the steps under his feet, Ye Qianxing felt that the steps suddenly became very familiar.

It seems to be the long steps in front of the gate of Xianzun's palace.

Ye Qianxing continued to walk forward.

Sure enough, the further you go, the steps have changed from a bit similar at the beginning to real.

The steps paved with white jade are amazing to the touch.

After walking up 99 steps, he stood at the entrance of the palace. The palace in front of Xianzun's gate has 99 steps, and 9 is the extreme number. After walking so many times, Ye Qianxing could count the number of steps with his eyes closed.

Ye Qianxing stood in front of the huge carved door made of spiritual wood.

Ye Qianxing understood that as long as he opened the door, he could see the scene of the immortal meditating inside.

as always.

Ye Qianxing pushed open the door, and there was a figure in white robe meditating on the futon.

It seemed that he heard the door knock, and the other party's breath became disordered for a moment.


Ye Qianxing quickly saluted.


Xianzun's voice was as pleasant as ever, even a single word made Ye Qianxing's heart flutter, and his face was a little hot.

The voice of Xianzun is so good that it really makes people's ears pregnant.

"What's the matter?"

Hearing Xianzun's question, Ye Qianxing froze for a moment.

What is it?

Yes, what are you here for?Ye Qianxing suddenly couldn't remember.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing was silent, the Immortal Venerable said lightly again: "Come here and check today's homework."

That voice was as cold as pine and rocks in a spring, like ice and snow colliding, instantly clearing the spirit altar.

"Yes, Immortal Venerable."

Ye Qianxing recalled in her mind what homework the Immortal had assigned today, but found that it was empty and she couldn't remember anything.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the Immortal Venerable, Ye Qianxing felt extremely nervous, and even his palms were sweating.

"sit down."

Xianzun pointed to the futon in front of him.

 Lazy chapters, more and more lazy Bobo, haha~~
(End of this chapter)

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