Chapter 400
Ye Qianxing obediently sat across from the Immortal Venerable, but because he couldn't remember his homework, he didn't dare to look up at the Immortal Venerable.

Very guilty.

"Hand out."

Xianzun's voice was very steady, and Ye Qianxing obeyed reflexively. The originally fair and slender hand, in the other big hand, suddenly became petite.

Feeling the cold body temperature, Ye Qianxing couldn't help raising her head in surprise.

Xianzun's body temperature is about the same as his, it's icy cold.


Ye Qianxing said nah-na.

His gaze was firmly fixed on the hand of the Immortal Venerable. The Immortal Venerable's skin was very white, that kind of cold white porcelain complexion. His palm was large and his fingers were slender but powerful.

Straightforward pink and tender, shining like jade.

It's just that Ye Qianxing stared at the ring finger of the Immortal Venerable in a daze, and he didn't know which words seemed to have been said in the book.

The nameless length is directly proportional to that length.

The face seemed to be getting hotter.

Ye Qianxing felt that her thoughts were out of her control.

Xianzun's hand was slowly moving up along his fingertips, reaching his wrist, rubbing it lightly.

The icy cold feeling forced Ye Qianxing to close his lips tightly in order to restrain himself from exclaiming.

"Immortal Venerable?" Ye Qianxing called out again.

With doubt.

Xianzun's hand paused.

"what happened?"

"Xianzun... what are you doing?"

Ye Qianxing couldn't think in his head.

Xianzun seemed to find it very strange, he said lightly: "Yesterday, I buried the aura on your wrist and left homework for you to digest my wisp of aura, and I will check the completion of your homework."

Ye Qianxing raised his head reflexively, but his gaze was fixed on Xianzun's lips.


One by one, they are talking to themselves.

Suddenly, the corner of Xianzun's mouth curved slightly.

"Just now I was looking at the stars, absent-minded."

"First stare at my hand."

"Now staring at the lips of this seat again, I can't take my eyes off."

"Why don't you let me guess what the stars are thinking..."

Immortal Venerable's voice suddenly became low, and he approached Ye Qianxing slightly.

The breath moved the hair around Ye Qianxing's ears, and the distance between the two was less than one centimeter.

Ye Qianxing was a little confused.

"Does this finger look good?"

Ye Qianxing no longer has the ability to think, she nodded.


"Want to use it?"

use?for what?
Ye Qianxing's eyes were a little confused.

Xianzun chuckled twice, his chest trembled twice: "Are your lips pretty?"

Ye Qianxing nodded again, his hot forehead was sweating.

"Want to try it?"

Ye Qianxing's pupils dilated instantly.

try it? ? ?

Immortal? ?
When did Xianzun become so inappropriate here?
It seems to be Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao? ?Ye Qianxing didn't have time to wonder.

Suddenly, the face of the Immortal Venerable in front of him began to disappear, and the next moment, it turned into Ji Hanxiao's face.

Before Ye Qianxing recovered, Ji Hanxiao threw her down and hugged her like a puppy.

"Star, star, I love you so much."

"Star, star, I love you."

"Xingxing, Xingxing, you and I are fine, we have a bunch of cubs."


"I really like you."

"My heart, my liver, and every inch of my body are screaming, I only like Xing Xing."

"You are the only one in every lifetime."

Ye Qianxing hit the back of his head on the ground, feeling a little hurt.

 I want to drive, drive a big car,

  But there are often "traffic police" speed limits, and I can't help it.

  Harm, or to engage in business.

(End of this chapter)

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