I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 401 Is there no man in my heart?Beauty dizzy!

Chapter 401 Is there no man in my heart?Beauty dizzy!
The pain made Ye Qianxing struggle from the beauty.

Sure enough, the illusion is beautiful.

the reality is cruel.

Although Ji Hanxiao came out to disrupt the situation, he was a little sad.

But the unusual flirtatiousness of Xianzun made Ye Qianxing feel that she could stay in the illusion for another 100 years, marrying Xianzun and having children.

Thinking of just now, Xianzun slightly opened his cherry lips, and whispered in his ear: "Do you want to taste it?"

Ye Qianxing felt that he was really mentally retarded, why didn't he just pounce on him, but wanted to think about Ji Hanxiao.

Sighing, he kicked Ji Hanxiao away.

"piss off!"

Delay me in dreaming and watching beauty.

It's already showing mercy by not killing you, so give you a chance?
Ye Qianxing shattered Ji Hanxiao's figure with a merciless sword, and then Shi Shi ran out of the environment.

In reality, I was in the posture of being thrown down, and the back of my head really hurt a little.

The beauty has not been tasted, even if it is a dream, it has not succeeded.

Ye Qianxing was not in a good mood, so he kept walking up with such a sullen face, and he didn't know how many steps he walked.

Suddenly the steps in front disappeared, and a group of teachers with tutor signs appeared in front of them. They looked at Ye Qianxing in a very hungry way, and they were about to pounce on food.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Qianxing took two steps back vigilantly.

Suddenly, a mentor rushed to the front: "Hello, classmate, I am from the Department of Mecha Combat, and I am the ace instructor of this school. Especially in mecha combat, I am absolutely top-notch. Anyone here is better than me!" But I……"

"Student, me!! I'm from the Department of Mental Power Control. My control and training of my students' mental power is simply the best in the world. If you recognize me as a teacher, you will never regret it. I..."

"Student, I am..."

"Student, I am..."

"Student, choose me, you will never regret it in your life..."

The mentors swarmed up, each with an enthusiastic tone, as if they had met their favorite idol.

Ye Qianxing was squeezed in the middle by them, like the weakest and pitiful little chick.

It wasn't Ye Qianxing's turn to speak at all, these people started fighting by themselves, but when they fought, they didn't forget to hold Ye Qianxing.

This one grabbed her skirt.

The one pulling her hair.

Another hugged her pant leg.

In an instant, Ye Qianxing's hair was disheveled, his clothes were disheveled, and Wu Wu was stunned by a hand and a foot in front of him.

"This student, give it to me. Don't fight anymore. I don't want the money you lost to me in a bet."

"There is no need for contribution points."

"You're fucking dreaming, what a good seed this is, this seedling will be my student in the future, won't you honor me even after earning money?"

"If she is like Ji Hanxiao in the future, how many contribution points will there be? You want to buy me a good student with this little money? You are dreaming!"

"Didn't you chase me before? Don't compete with me for students, I will promise you."

"No! Students are more important, you can find another girlfriend!"

"Okay! You old bald donkey..."

Everyone chattered beside Ye Qianxing, negotiating conditions, scolding and fighting.

Ye Qianxing was confused by the operation with a group of showmen. Are these people really the mentors of the Star Academy?

Is it the living Hades that those students talk about?

Why didn't she see it, instead she saw a group of sand sculptures.

Seeing that the fighting situation was getting more and more escalating, Ye Qianxing was already implicated, and he was hammered several times on the back by someone.

Tears burst out of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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