I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 405 I Only Had One You in My Arms

Chapter 405 I Only Have You in My Arms
After taking a shower in the space, and then changing into clean clothes, I came out of the space.

Ji Hanxiao has already set up a barbecue on the spot.

On the hand is delicious and tender insect meat.

As soon as I came out, I smelled the aroma.

Ye Qianxing swallowed, feeling very hungry, Ji Hanxiao shook the barbecue in his hand.

"It's almost ready, let's eat some? By the way, have a taste, and see if my craftsmanship has deteriorated."

Ye Qianxing pursed her lips and backed away, always feeling that Ji Hanxiao had some kind of conspiracy, she was really afraid of this man.

"I don't want to eat, my spaceship is coming soon." Ye Qianxing felt that the spaceship must be on its way after going in for so long.


Ji Hanxiao smiled mysteriously, raised his chin once, and said in a flat voice, "Why don't you take a look at your optical brain?"

In Ye Qianxing's heart, the alarm bells rang out instantly, and he quickly looked at the light brain, obviously half an hour had passed, but no one answered the list, and it was still hanging there.

Ye Qianxing: ...

Instantly his face turned green.

You must know that all walks of life in Interstellar are extremely developed, and there will be no such car-free situation.

It's been half an hour and no one has answered. There must be a problem.

The problem lies in the man in front of him.

Ye Qianxing was very annoyed: "Ji Hanxiao, what the hell are you doing?"

Ji Hanxiao shook his head: "There is a big man coming from here. For the safety of the big man, this area has been sealed off, so the bus spaceship can't get in."

Ji Hanxiao didn't lie.

This big man is himself.

Hahaha! !

I didn't realize before that Zai Zai has so many expressions, so cute.

It's like rua, it's great, ahhhhh! !

Be good, cub, don't struggle any more, and quickly throw yourself into Brother Baihu's arms.

Ji Hanxiao's heart was almost filled with beauty, but he didn't dare to show the slightest bit on his face.

Ye Qianxing was still a little skeptical.

Just such a coincidence?


"I don't even bother to lie about things like this."

Ye Qianxing pursed her lower lip.

Ji Hanxiao can be regarded as a person with status and status, so he shouldn't be so shameless.

So Ye Qianxing believed it.

But many years later, Ye Qianxing realized a truth, that is, he would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than believe that Ji Hanxiao has integrity.

Ye Qianxing didn't speak anymore, always feeling that he is very bad now.

"Then I'll ask Nan Nan to pick me up."

Ye Qianxing muttered a bit and called Nan Nan.

Alarm bells were ringing in Ji Hanxiao's heart, and he hurried to find Qin Jue.

Seeing that no one answered Ye Qianxing's phone calls for so long, Ji Hanxiao quietly wiped off his sweat.

It's too difficult for him to chase a daughter-in-law. He has never had such a hard time when he saw the disc.

Later, Ye Qianxing tried all the methods he could think of.

In the end, he bit his lip and glared at Ji Hanxiao.

One is a coincidence.

Two are coincidences.

All the fuck's wrong, it's just a coincidence.

Ye Qianxing was so angry that she asked for others rather than herself.

After thinking about it, didn't Ji Hanxiao just want to hug herself?She is not.

She must go back by herself.

Rolling his eyes, he came up with the last trick.

Ye Qianxing felt at ease instead, she sat down next to Ji Hanxiao: "Is the barbecue ready?"

Ji Hanxiao was a little unsure what the boy was going to do?
Just give up?

I can't.

Is there another way?Should be gone?

"Is the barbecue still not ready?" Ye Qianxing smiled softly and calmly.

Ji Hanxiao nodded: "Okay, okay."

"It's ready to eat."

Never mind her, anyway, the brat is in his arms today!

"Thank you."

Ye Qianxing took the barbecue, looked directly at Ji Hanxiao who had been scrutinizing himself: "What do you think I am doing?"

"Why don't you eat?"

"I'm not a barbecue."

"The stars are beautiful and delicious, I am full just looking at them."

These words almost made Ye Qianxing unable to maintain his mask.


"Ji Lianzhu is so eloquent, so handsome, and so flirtatious. He must have a lot of girlfriends. Why hang him on my crooked neck tree."

"Some people can't afford it, like me."

Ye Qianxing ate the barbecue slowly, trying to make Ji Hanxiao give up liking her.

But as soon as Ji Hanxiao heard this sentence, he quickly expressed his loyalty.

"Xing Xing, don't frame me."

"Good eloquence, that's only for you, for others, I only know one word."

"?" Ye Qianxing was puzzled.




Ye Qianxing: ...

It seems to be true. Ye Qianxing has never seen that when Ji Hanxiao faces others, most of the time, he is as cold as ice, taciturn, and sharp-tongued.

The kind that doesn't lie to people.

"And Xing Xing, I have never been in love, nor have I liked anyone else."

"I clean myself, that's well known in the entire interstellar world, if you ask anyone, if I have had an affair with anyone, I will die."

"It's not something I can choose because I'm handsome, but I definitely never flirt with women, and I've only flirted with Xing Xing."

"Live for hundreds of years."

"Xingxing, I like you alone."

"Star~ I..."

Ji Hanxiao took the opportunity to show his loyalty, but Ye Qianxing's face was so hot that he couldn't sit still, and the food in his hand couldn't be swallowed.

I don't know why the topic has become so crooked.

Put down the roast and straighten up.

"I go first."

"Go? Xing Xing, how do you go?"

"I let the sword take me back."

This was the last solution Ye Qianxing thought of. She couldn't use the spiritual energy, but let the sword carry it. Without the blessing of her own spiritual energy, the sword would be more difficult, and the energy of the sword would be consumed.

Ye Qianxing also communicated with Jian for a long time before he let him agree.

Taking out the sword and getting bigger, Ye Qianxing jumped on it directly, ready to leave.

Ji Hanxiao can no longer be a monster this time.

This sword is his own.

It's impossible to listen to him, right?

"Goodbye Ji Lianzhu." Ye Qianxing smiled and prepared to leave.

But Ji Hanxiao is not willing to watch the meat in his mouth fly away like this.

He grasped the hilt of the sword.

With some threats.

He knew that the sword had a spirit.

Then Ye Qianxing noticed that the sword under his feet suddenly became smaller, and the next moment, he rushed back to his dantian without a trace.

It was so fast that Ye Qianxing had no time to react.

The body that was originally in mid-air fell straight down.

The next moment, he fell into a broad embrace, with powerful arms on his back and waist.

"Since Xing Xing is not willing to choose, then I will help you choose."

"Hold it."

The next moment, the two flew into the air in an instant, and Ye Qianxing was furious.

But Ji Hanxiao's head slowly approached Ye Qianxing's auricle without knowing when.

The breath sprayed a little itchy, Ye Qianxing couldn't hide in mid-air, his face was so hot.

"I've only held one of you in my arms."

"No matter before or after."

With a deep and magnetic voice, he spoke love words in a serious manner.

(End of this chapter)

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