I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 406 The Strange Relationship Between Three Axes and Silver Light

Chapter 406 The Strange Relationship Between Three Axes and Silver Light
The blush on Ye Qianxing's face never faded.

This day, Ji Hanxiao teased herself every now and then, either to talk about love or to confess.

This special god can't stand it.

Because Ji Hanxiao himself is a man who is good enough and perfect enough.

Although Ye Qianxing has someone he likes in his heart, he still needs a lot of willpower to hold his ground.

Ye Qianxing was really forced to do nothing, so he had no choice but to do three things.

not talking.

Don't look at him.

Do not respond.

It was as if Ji Hanxiao was regarded as air. According to the flying speed of Ji Hanxiao's wings, he should have returned to school soon.

In the end, Ji Hanxiao flew slowly until dark in order to hold the cub for a while longer.

As soon as he arrived outside the Star Academy, in a slightly remote place, Ye Qianxing quickly patted Ji Hanxiao's arm.

"Just put me here, don't send me in."


This is Ji Hanxiao! !If he just carried himself into the school in such a grandiose way, then he wouldn't need to hang out in the Star Academy, and how many people would tear Ye Qianxing alive.

And all the troubles that come with it.

Ye Qianxing didn't want to face it.

Ji Hanxiao felt a little pity, but he wanted to tell the whole world that the son was his.

So I struggled for a while: "Actually, I have nothing to do today. I can take you in and deliver it directly to the door of your dormitory."

Ye Qianxing was so frightened that cold sweat broke out: "No!!!"

"Need not!"

"Put it down quickly!"

Seeing that Ji Hanxiao didn't respond, but was getting closer to the school instead, Ye Qianxing kept struggling, feeling like, if you don't let me down again, I will draw my sword.

Ji Hanxiao's leg kicked by the cub directly landed on his calf: "Um..."

"Don't move, don't move..."

Take a breath.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you down."

"do not move."


Seeing Ji Hanxiao's height drop little by little, Ye Qianxing breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as the two of them landed, Ye Qianxing ran away, not even saving time to say a word to Ji Hanxiao.

Because Ye Qianxing understood that if she wanted to reject Ji Hanxiao, she would have to stop seeing him from now on.

not talking.

Not related.

Otherwise, this old man is shameless.

Panting and running back to the dormitory, Ye Qianxing just opened the door, the room was empty and Nan Nan was not there.

Ye Qianxing simply sat in the living room and cut some fruit to eat.

Then I started thinking about the team members.

"Each team needs four people."

To play a team game.

Ye Qianxing only knows Nan Nan, there are only two of them, and there are still two more.

Ye Qianxing's eyes lit up, and he thought of two candidates.

She quickly turned on the optical brain, sent a message, and then prepared a lot of fruit, packed it in a bag, and took it out later.

After getting a reply on the optical brain, Ye Qianxing left the dormitory with his feet up.

When I came to a lounge, many tables were full of people, gathered in groups of three or four.

Ye Qianxing glanced around the room, and saw those two people exuding a strange aura in the corner.

San Fu raised his hand at Ye Qianxing.


With a crisp voice, Ye Qianxing raised his foot and walked over.

On a square table, San Fu sat on one side and Yin Guang sat on the other.

Ye Qianxing sat down between the two of them.

"you two……"

"what happened?"

Ye Qianxing always felt that the atmosphere between the two was unusual.

Yin Guang and San Fu looked at each other, and then snorted coldly at each other: "Who is with him, two?"

The unanimous voice seems to have been discussed.

"You are sick! Learn to speak from me!"

They all spoke in unison again.


Still in unison.

Even Ye Qianxing's eyes became weird now, these two people...

Ye Qianxing looked left and then again, but the two of them kept their mouths shut, and they were unwilling to speak no matter what.

There was a moment of silence in the atmosphere.

"Ahem..." Ye Qianxing coughed, ready to break the silence, and talk about his business by the way.

"Um, Brother Three Axe, Brother Yinguang, I brought you some fruit, you two will share it later."

Ye Qianxing took out a bag of fruit from the space and put it on the table. San Fu and Yin Guang looked at each other and quickly reached out to grab the fruit.

"Zi La"...

Under the merciless tugging of the two people, the woven fruit bag broke immediately.

Oranges, apples, and other round fruits rolled all over the floor.

Ye Qianxing: ...

In this way, neither of them gave up, there were five fruits scattered on the table, San Fu raised his hand and wanted to embrace the fruits on the table.

In the end, the person who already knew his purpose, Yinguang, turned the table over.

"Want to eat alone? Dream!"

Yin Guang looked at San Fu sarcastically.

Three axes: ...

"Fuck you!! Grandpa's, silver light!"

"You must be very sick. This fruit was given to me by Xiao Xingzi."

Yin Guang's voice was cold, and when he was scolded like this, he immediately became angry: "No matter how dirty you talk, I will tear your mouth to pieces."

Ye Qianxing saw that the two of them were getting more and more noisy, and they almost even started fighting in the end.

Ye Qianxing: ...

These two people are poisonous. Before, they had a good relationship, and they went to their own places together. Why do they meet in such a ghostly manner now.

Seeing that the two of them were about to make a move, but the students around were watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. Some people moved the table over and prepared to set bets at the opening.

Some people secretly stretched out their claws to the ground, all kinds of fruits on the table.

"Tear off my mouth? That depends on whether you have the ability, or let the good brother teach you how to be a man!"

To be honest, even Ye Qianxing felt that he deserved to be beaten when he heard what San Fu said, let alone someone as proud as Yin Guang.

So he rushed up directly with the gun in his hand.

Ye Qianxing hurried forward and kicked the two of them away.

"If you want to fight, I have no problem."

"I'm here today to ask you something serious, you wait until I finish asking you before continuing."

Ye Qianxing blocked the two people from continuing to fight, Yin Guang stood up straight with an ugly expression.

"I know what you're here for, but I don't think you'll be on the same team as Three Axe."

"With him without me!"

"So, you can choose one of us."

Yin Guang looked at San Fu with some disgust in his eyes, which made Ye Qianxing really confused, wasn't he fine before?

Even if two people fight, it shouldn't be so thorough, right?

But pick one?
Isn't this an offending and unflattering thing?

Ye Qianxing felt a little troubled.

"Really not?"

Ye Qianxing looked at San Fu.

San Ax patted his chest heartily: "Grandpa San Ax is very generous, and I don't mind being on the same team as him, but some are narrow-minded, and there are too many things to do."

(End of this chapter)

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