Chapter 408 Killing Fields
San Fu didn't know what he was doing over there, so he gasped twice: "Okay!"

"I see, I'll be there later!"


"Then I'll hang up first."

Ye Qianxing hung up the phone and ate breakfast quickly. Nan Nan didn't come back last night, so she must be with Qin Jue. Ye Qianxing sent her a message to leave a message. Nan Nan replied quickly and will be back later.

Then Ye Qianxing left a message to Su Mobai, saying that today's team training.

There are still two days left before the team competition. Their teams, except for Ye Qianxing, are not familiar with each other, and there is a big difference in combat effectiveness between them. I'm going to make a fool of myself.

The team competition is different from the individual competition. In the team competition, if the players have a tacit understanding and cooperate well, then it is not a problem to double the combat effectiveness.

If there is no tacit understanding among the team members and they hold each other back, no matter how high the combat effectiveness is, the combat effectiveness is twice as weak, and it is not a problem.

Therefore, running-in is very important.

Ye Qianxing finished breakfast quickly, and several people here also quickly gathered at the door of Ye Qianxing's bedroom.

Everyone entered the room and sat on the sofa, Nan Nan and Su Mobai were sitting, San Fu stood and looked at the two of them, the two of them leaned on the sofa, facing the coercion of the strong man leaked by San Fu, they looked pitifully like little chicks.

San Fu scratched his head, Ye Qianxing was thinking that San Fu was strong, so he might not be satisfied with bringing two small oil bottles.

I was thinking about how to speak.

San Fu stretched out his hand to the two little chicks: "Hello."

"My name is Three Axe."

Su Mobai held the opponent's hand and said, "Su Mobai."

This baby speaks softly.

Nan Nan also: "Just call me Nan Nan."

The other three axes didn't say anything: "Then let's go to the killing field. It's the best place to practice fighting. We can choose to use the team battle machine mode first. When we get familiar with it, we can challenge the real team there."

"If you win, you can also win contribution points."

Three axes proposed.

Coincidentally with Ye Qianxing, there is nothing better than the tacit understanding cultivated in battle.

"it is good."

"Do you two have anything else to do?"

Nan Nan and Su Mobai shook their heads.

"Let's go then."

I'm not very familiar with it, and it seems that everyone doesn't talk much.

Ye Qianxing was about to brighten up the atmosphere: "Otherwise, let's talk to each other about what we are good at and what we are not good at that need to be made up by others."

"Let's talk about the three axes first."

Three axes nodded.

"I am a standard strength type, and my mecha is also a strength type, so my speed is a shortcoming, but defense is my strength."

"If I meet a particularly dexterous player, it will be more difficult for me."

It is true that San Fu is a genius of the Milky Way, but there are more than a thousand galaxies in the universe, so there are countless geniuses like San Fu.

After San Fu finished speaking, he looked at Nan Nan, who said with a serious face: "My speed is actually good, but my defense and strength are not enough."

These two are completely opposite.

Then there was Su Mobai.

He babbled for a long time without saying a word.


Ye Qianxing looked at him.

"What are you good at?"

"I'm good at mecha control, even mecha blasting. My mental strength is relatively high, but my defense and speed are not good."

"I'm from the Mecha Manufacturing Department, and I'm a researcher."

"In short, thin blood and low defense."

Ye Qianxing understood, and patted Su Mobai's shoulder: "Then you can help them transform the mechs."

"Wait to make the performance of the mecha higher."

"You can also manipulate your own mecha to carry out mecha explosion."

"Very useful."

A mecha master in the interstellar world is equivalent to a weapon refiner in the fairy world. A magic weapon can double the combat effectiveness.

After being praised by Ye Qianxing, Su Mobai laughed with a trace of blush on his face.


"I am very good at transforming mechs."

San Fu looked at Ye Qianxing: "What about you?"

Ye Qianxing: "I am good at everything, but I am weak in everything."

Ye Qianxing has cultivated all five spiritual roots, and has always fought steadily since she was a child. She seems to have both speed and strength, but she can't compare with those who specialize in it.

But the most powerful thing is that she can cooperate.

So, everything is good, and everything is short board.

San Fu looked at Ye Qianxing and said, "Then you are a brick, and you can move it wherever there is a shortage."

Ye Qianxing couldn't laugh or cry: "Yes!"

When they came to the gate of the killing field, several people paid their fees. Star coins are not easy to use in the Star Academy, and all they use are contribution points.

Killing Fields, one person, 10 contribution points for one hour.

"Choose the team battle mode, four-player team battle."

"The modes are easy, medium, hard, and super hard."

"Which one to choose?"

Except for Nan Nan who really got in by relying on Ye Qianxing, the other three are all young geniuses in their respective fields.

So they ruled out the simplicity without even thinking about it.

San Fu said: "Difficult." If there were not other people, he would have chosen super difficult.

Ye Qianxing thinks it is safer to be moderate, after all team battles are different from individual battles.

But Su Mobai actually nodded.

Ye Qianxing swallowed the words in his mouth, nodded, "Okay."


Once the mode was selected, Ye Qianxing clicked Start, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed into an endless large square.

Four mechs stood opposite the four of them.

Ye Qianxing was not used to using mechas, it was a one-on-one battle.

And the other three have mechs.

Several people hadn't assigned a target yet, but San Fu had already picked one and rushed up.

Su Mobai drove his mecha, followed closely behind, Ye Qianxing sighed and shook his head on the spot.

She led the sect to play a team game.

Therefore, according to this style of play, she had already expected that she would lose.

But it's okay to lose, to suppress everyone's arrogance.

As soon as Sanxue rushed up, the opponent's C-position black mecha was directly knocked into the air by him, and he rushed forward with a roar.

But the other three mechas quickly surrounded him.

The weapon was pointed at his mecha power plate.

Su Mobai followed closely behind, and blocked the next blow for San Fu, Ye Qianxing arrived, and helped San Fu take another one.

Nan Nan stopped the last one, and the Three Axes went on a rampage, rushing towards the black mecha again.

But the three mechas didn't fight them at all.

With a feint, he rushed to attack San Axe.

The other is also a feint and sneak attack on Nan Nan.

They fully analyzed which ones are the best to attack.

The three axes are far away and cannot return to defense.

Ye Qianxing stretched out his hand to pull Nannan.

Su Mobai assisted and wanted to blast the opponent's mecha.

But he was shot back by another mecha, and Su Mobai was killed in seconds.

Ye Qianxing brought Nan Nan two against three, but the three mechas bypassed Ye Qianxing and attacked Nan Nan desperately.

Seeing this situation, Sanxue wanted to come back, but the black mecha wrapped him tightly.

Don't let him move a step.

 I have a car in the last one, don’t you all understand?
  Pen? ?

  Brush? ?
  What I wrote was too cryptic, didn’t you understand it, ahhh~
  It made me so excited, but you didn't respond?

  Harmful!After all, it was a wrong payment!

(End of this chapter)

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