I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 409 Star Team, Invincible!

Chapter 409 Star Team, Invincible!
In less than 3 minutes, the battle is over.

They lost badly.

Even Ye Qianxing was caught in seconds.

Ye Qianxing rubbed his nose, looking at the sky speechlessly.

San Fu spoke first: "I wanted to go over to help you just now, but the grandson dragged me and wouldn't let me go over!"

"Don't even let me move!"

Nan Nan reviewed herself: "I'm sorry, Xing Xing, I'm too weak."

"Or you can change players."

Nan Nan felt that she was holding back.

Su Mobai: ...

He opened his mouth to say something, but didn't say it.

He felt that he was also at fault, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Ye Qianxing turned to San Fu: "If I were that black mech, I would also drag you along."

"Obviously dragging you can win, why not dragging you."

"You said, why is he dragging you?"

San Fu hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's for her team members to attack you."

"This is teamwork. Did you cooperate just now?"

Ye Qianxing looked at everyone.

All of them lowered their heads.

"This is a team competition, not an individual competition. If everyone plays their own games, it would be better to hold an individual competition."

Ye Qianxing: "It's normal to lose, it's strange not to lose."

"I have led the team competition before. From now on, I will be the captain, and everyone will follow my instructions to train, special circumstances, and special operations."

"Do you have an opinion?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Nan Nan raised her head to speak, but was stopped by Ye Qianxing.

"You're not the worst in the whole school, why can't you join the team?"

"It's always useful to give full play to my strengths and help everyone."

"Besides, the three of us take one of you, can't you fly?"

"Don't let me hear any more words about quitting the team."

Ye Qianxing's face turned serious, and his aura was [-] meters, making it impossible for anyone to utter a single rebuttal.

"it is good."

Ye Qianxing began to arrange the battle plan.

"From now on, we start training with the simplest mode of the killing field."

"Su Mobai, what are you good at?"

Su Mobai: "Mecha transformation."

"Before the start of the game just now, did you modify their mechs?"

Su Mobai shook his head.

"From now on, before each match, you are responsible for modifying the opponent's mecha according to their situation."


Su Mobai nodded vigorously.

"Nan Nan, you go to collect information. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Before the start of each day's game, you will collect the situation of our opponents and battle videos for that day, and give them to Su Mobai."

"Let him modify a suitable mech to give you blessings when you face a certain team."

In this way, the most efficient and useful enhancement of combat effectiveness can be achieved.

"Besides, Nan Nan, it is difficult for you to contain others. You are in charge of roaming and sneak attacking. Su Mobai will fill her with all kinds of parts of the mecha that are suitable for sneak attacking."

"Three Axe, you are the highest combat power outputter of our team, you are responsible for..."


Everyone has done enough analysis based on the battle just now, and everyone has found their own position.

"Are you ready?" Ye Qianxing looked at everyone, everyone was a little nervous.

This is the second battle after their customized plan. If it ends in another 3 minutes, it will basically be cold.

Everyone nodded.

Only then did Ye Qianxing press start, this time the scene was a wilderness with dilapidated buildings.

The opponent is still, black and white, red and blue, four mechs.

The four of Ye Qianxing stood still, and the four mechas charged straight at them.

Ye Qianxing and San Fu, one on two, quickly pinned down each other.

The weapon of the three-axe mecha is also an axe, which is made of a super-powered metal. Every time it is swung, countless white marks will be cut on these mechas.

With the sword in Ye Qianxing's hand, every move made the mecha take a few steps back, and it clung tightly to the opponent like a loach.

Nan Nan manipulated the speed mecha modified by Su Mobai, and began to secretly put blasting tools on each mecha.

Su Mobai followed...

There were two bangs, and the two mechs exploded.

Ye Qianxing and San Fu also solved one by himself.

With tacit cooperation, they solved the battle in less than 5 minutes and won very well.

After leaving the killing field, Nan Nan started to scream, and even San Fu had a little smile on his face.

"Ahhh!! I won!"


"It's that simple?"


Three Axe: "I knew it was just that we were too careless just now, but it's actually very simple."

Ye Qianxing looked at everyone's high morale again, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"This is just the simplest mode. We still have to try several more modes. In addition, we will participate in some actual combat later. In this way, it will be easier to face various opponents."

Time is running out, we can't waste a second.

"it is good!"

"I think I didn't do well in some places just now, I think I should..." Su Mobai began to review his mech transformation just now.

The others were also thinking about their shortcomings in the battle just now, everyone discussed, then improved, and went into battle again.

Then come out again and discuss again!


From easy to medium to difficult, they knelt down twice on difficulty.

Then it was super difficult, and I played it three times.

Then make an appointment with the previous team.

For two full days, they were all in the killing field, unlike the rookies who had just entered. When they came out of the killing field again, it was less than ten hours before the start of the team competition.

The momentum of the four people is restrained. Looking carefully at the four people, there seems to be a tacit understanding lingering on them, and the eyes of the four people are exactly the same.

Ye Qianxing was very satisfied. Although the training came in a hurry, the effect was good.

"Go back now, wash and sleep, and let your spirit relax."

"Next, our battle has just begun, and the previous ones are just appetizers."

San Fu looked at Ye Qianxing solemnly: "Come on!"

"come on!"

Su Mobai thought: "Then our team must have a name?"

Nan Nan hurriedly raised her hand: "I know, I know, I've thought about it a long time ago, let's call it Star Team!"

"What we are about to conquer is the sea of ​​stars!"


These two words rolled on the tip of Ye Qianxing's tongue, and she nodded with a smile: "No objection."

Three axes: "Yes!"

Su Mobai: "Okay!"

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly stretched out their hands, and the four hands were folded together.

"Team Stars!"

"Team Stars!"

Suddenly the four voices joined together, and the aura of the four people soared into the sky: "Team Stars! Invincible!"



The team competition starts with a lottery system. There are a total of 5000 teams, and numbers from one to 5000 are drawn.

Then, head to tail.

It's a battle between No. 1 and No. 5000, like that.

(End of this chapter)

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