I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 427 The purpose is exposed!

Chapter 427 The purpose is exposed!
"However, when encountering some relatively large problems, the mech cannot be repaired automatically, and the mech master is no longer in an emergency around us. We also need to have the ability to solve some problems independently."

"First of all, we need to understand the structure of the mecha."

"Mecha, including control, energy, components, three major sections."


Everyone complained about it, but in class, everyone was still very serious, and everyone listened carefully.

No one runs away from God, one is not daring.

The second is genius, which requires more effort, which is also the key to their success.

Being able to go to the Star Academy has proved their excellence.

The second quarter, mech practical class.

Driving the mech to understand, and various difficult moves.

Of course, like Ye Qianxing, there are many students who are new to mechas, and the pressure of the first class is even greater.

Ye Qianxing is not against touching mechs at all, all she has to do is to learn it.

Go beyond it, so Ye Qianxing also learns and works hard.

To put it bluntly, the mecha requires you to divert your mind from the console, and control the mecha to make various difficult movements.

What is needed is a high degree of fit between the spirit thread and the mecha.

After a class, there was no delay this time, and everyone rushed to the cafeteria frantically after class.

But Ye Qianxing was a little exhausted, he was really tired, the double labor of mental and physical strength made people exhausted.

When I arrived, there was no accident, the food had already been taken away, not even the steamed buns were left.

Ye Qianxing took two nutrient solutions with a normal expression, returned to the table, looked at the senior over there, and prepared to start with the lunch box.

The other party said a word to Ye Qianxing.

"Thank you junior."

Ye Qianxing was not angry this time.

She smiled: "I hope the senior can thank me later."

The senior just thought that Ye Qianxing said something angry again and didn't take it seriously, and the one next to him holding the steamed bun was the senior at noon.

The senior sister sighed: "It's really not easy to eat your steamed buns."

"Junior girl, didn't you make steamed buns before? The steamed buns are a little choking. Tomorrow will be meat buns, right?"

Ye Qianxing smiled and nodded again.

There is nothing wrong with steamed buns.

But the food in the lunch box over there was tasted by the senior.

The whole face froze.





"Water, water, water!"

Ye Qianxing shook the nutrient solution in his hand, looked at the messy scene, and walked away with a smile.

"Seniors can continue to eat tomorrow, and make hibiscus shrimp tomorrow."

Evening gravity class.

Each person has a gravity chamber, and the pressure doubles when entering.

Ye Qianxing looked at the button next to it, it said 100.
That is to say a hundred times the gravity chamber.

Ji Hanxiao clicked on his optical brain: "There are two ways to end this class. Under 150 times the pressure, stay for two hours."

"Or 180 times, persist for 10 minutes."

"be careful."

After Ji Hanxiao finished speaking simply, he just waited for everyone to get used to it.

The pressure cannot be multiplied in an instant, and it is easy to be crushed, so everyone had to increase it a little bit, choose a method that they can accept, and check it with Ji Hanxiao after the end.

But Ji Hanxiao walked up to Ye Qianxing and changed her request: "You and San Fu will pay 150 times for two hours, or 200 times for 10 minutes."

This is teaching students according to their aptitude, Ye Qianxing nodded without objecting.

According to the number on the gravity chamber, increase it little by little.

When it was 150, Ye Qianxing had to adapt for a few minutes. At this time, the gravity was so heavy that she couldn't straighten up.

Use aura to let yourself adapt slowly while meditating.

After 5 minutes, adjust to 160.
He simply sat on the ground with his buttocks pressed down.

Ye Qianxing's clothes were all drenched with sweat.


Ji Hanxiao just watched quietly, his eyes were a little empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Ye Qianxing stayed longer and longer.

In fact, 200 times is more difficult than 150 times for two hours.

Because everyone is out of class.

Only San Fu and Ye Qianxing were left in the room.

And San Fu ended before Ye Qianxing because of his body's genes and defense problems.

He walked out of the gravity room in a panic.

The body was obviously hollowed out, and he raised his hand to Ji Hanxiao, indicating that he was leaving.

I was so tired that I didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Well, come back."

After San Fu left, Ye Qianxing had already arrived, 198.

At this moment, her facial features were ferocious and terrifying.

The veins on his face popped out one by one.

Ye Qianxing tried to lift every finger of his own.

Sweat had already blurred the scene in front of him, but Ye Qianxing still didn't let go.

He simply gritted his teeth and pushed the gravity to two hundred.

Ye Qianxing fell to the ground completely.

Even breathing felt very laborious, and the pressure made it impossible for air to enter the lungs.

All over the body, even moving the fingertips is laborious.

She lay quietly on the ground, waited for herself to adapt for a while, and then tried her best to move.

Ji Hanxiao just stood at the door and watched, a trace of distress and pride flashed in his eyes.

With such a bastard, how can he let go?

how to put it?
Once he lost her, he would never find such a dazzling girl who could fight side by side with him.

It took a full 20 minutes for Ye Qianxing to stand up from the ground.

The red eyes are because the strong gravity has pressed the blood vessels, making her whole body congested.

She started to try to walk around in the gravity room, and persisted for another 10 minutes before looking up at Ji Hanxiao.

Looking at the embarrassed girl in front of her, those eyes were even more dazzling than obsidian.


Ji Hanxiao raised his hand to turn off the gravity, and Ye Qianxing instantly felt relaxed.

The next moment, she hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, and countless auras poured directly into Ye Qianxing's body.

After all this consumption, Ye Qianxing found that the meridians of his body had expanded slightly.

The galloping aura gathered into a river and poured into his dantian. Ye Qianxing clearly felt that his dantian became more solid.

Opening his eyes again, Ye Qianxing looked at the gravity room with some fiery gaze.

Ji Hanxiao raised his hand to cover his eyes, always feeling that the sparkling eyes in the boy's eyes were about to blind him.

The corners of the mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Want to come later?"

Ye Qianxing nodded frantically.

"miss you!"

"But only the instructor has the right to open the gravity room, and students cannot come here without permission."

Ye Qianxing pursed his lips.

"let it go."

"Instructor, I'm going back first."

I was so sticky that I wanted to take a bath.

"There is another way, you can come too."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao's persuasive appearance, here he comes!

After a day of tossing and taking a day of class, the goal finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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