I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 428 Asking Ji Hanxiao as a teacher?

Chapter 428 Asking Ji Hanxiao as a teacher?

"I don't want to know anymore, I'll go back to the instructor first." Ye Qianxing was about to run.

But Ji Hanxiao said slowly behind his back: "Not only the gravity room, but also the mecha training room and mecha research room."

"Priority access to the secret realm."

"Priority right to participate in the competition."

"The Zerg Proving Ground, unlimited entry rights."

"Don't you want any of these?"

His speaking speed was actually very slow, but Ye Qianxing's footsteps slowed down every time he said a word.

In the end, it stopped.

If the gravity room, what kind of mecha operation room Ye Qianxing can resist this temptation.

What kind of Zerg proving ground.

Secret priority.

Ye Qianxing hesitated.

Be tempted.

As long as it is a powerful monk, especially Ye Qianxing who practiced swordsmanship, most of her cultivation base commission comes from actual combat.


So in fact, Ye Qianxing is also a militant in his bones.

The Zerg Trial Field is after the negotiations between humans and alien races, it was agreed by everyone, and the newcomers were put in for training.

It is for everyone to fight.

Star Academy occupies the main force inside.

But because of the limited number of places, each person can only enter three days a month.

This is the rule of the students.

And there are more important things in it, and what makes Ye Qianxing's heart move more, is the head and the contribution point.

This is the battlefield.

It is a life-and-death battle between humans and alien races.

It is a serious battlefield, so every head can be exchanged for contribution points.

Ye Qianxing didn't forget what she came to Star Academy to earn contribution points.

The conditions mentioned by Ji Hanxiao include ways to improve strength and earn contribution points.

Ye Qianxing bit her lip, and she turned around.


"I will be your exclusive tutor."

"You are my apprentice."

"I took this day's class today to prove to you that you can't find a more suitable tutor than me."

Star Academy resident tutors, 508 students.

Each person has three opportunities to recruit apprentices each year, and can give these privileges to his three apprentices.

Ye Qianxing's first reaction was that Ji Hanxiao was playing tricks on himself again, binding the two of them together.

But Ji Hanxiao said: "No one is more qualified than me to be your mentor."

"You answer after you think it through. I only ask this once. If you refuse, there will be no next chance."

Ye Qianxing hesitated.

Really hesitated.

All students have to choose a mentor, which means taking up more resources, which is a kind of upward capital.

But change the teacher.

You must ask yourself about your cultivation system.I must say it, because I have to let the teacher understand myself in order to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

Also has its own secrets.

Letting a stranger know is never okay.

But if you are like an ordinary student, you can make appointments for those three opportunities every month.


I will definitely widen the gap with everyone soon, no matter how powerful a genius is, he still needs to grow.

But agree?
That means that he and Ji Hanxiao are completely tied together.

Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing's uncertainty: "You can go back and think about it before telling me."

But in fact, Ji Hanxiao already has the answer in his heart, and the boy will definitely agree.

"It's my business to chase you, but I'm also serious about teaching you. I hope you can become the second strong person who is not weaker than me."

"As for you always being influenced by some foreign objects, you gave up such a good opportunity because you were afraid of approaching me."

Ji Hanxiao suddenly approached Ye Qianxing, and the two breathed together, Ji Hanxiao's voice was a little lower: "What are you afraid of?"

The hand beside Ye Qianxing clenched suddenly.

Heart beating like a drum.

Ye Qianxing pushed Ji Hanxiao away: "I'm not afraid of anything, I just need to think about it."

"Goodbye, Director."

Ye Qianxing fled in despair.

But Ji Hanxiao's eyes flashed with a dangerous broken light, he finally understood.

This cat has claws, but is extremely arrogant.

The method he used before is already on fire.

If she doesn't force this little guy now, she won't be able to see her heart.

Ye Qianxing's refusal made him happy. Even though the so-called immortal has the upper hand in Ye Qianxing's heart, Ji Hanxiao is not without a place.

The other party has no shadow yet, and I still have a lot of time to spend with each other.

Ji Hanxiao's red lips curled slightly, with a hint of hunting.

"Sooner or later, I will replace you and become the most important person in her heart."

Ji Hanxiao left with his hands behind his back.

Ye Qianxing went back to wash up,
I thought I would not be able to fall asleep, but who knew, I fell asleep directly after lying down, it was really exhausting.

The next day, it was class and training as usual, Ji Hanxiao was still there, and today's class was different from yesterday's, but Ji Hanxiao still had no pressure in class.

It's breathtaking.

One named #万能创联主# quietly climbed onto the hotspot of Starnet.

And the same as yesterday, when Ye Qianxing rushed to the dining hall again, her meal was still taken away, but it was not the senior from yesterday.

Nan Nan tugged at Ye Qianxing: "Xing Xing, you'd better not prepare meals, you won't be able to eat anyway."

It can also save some trouble.

Ye Qianxing shook his head, looked at the senior, took a bite, and smashed the lunch box.


"What a strange smell."

"Those who watched her live broadcast before are all perverts."

"Such an unpalatable thing, can you eat it?"

"It's unpalatable."

Ye Qianxing smiled and said nothing until the senior who ate his own rice came over yesterday: "You deliberately made the rice salty, spicy, bitter, and weird?"

"Why bother?"

"You can't eat it either. Waste."

The senior knows that Ye Qianxing's food is delicious, but now it's unpalatable, she must have resorted to tricks.

Ye Qianxing continued to laugh: "I'm happy to waste it."

"Besides, if you can't eat it, it doesn't mean I can't eat it."

This situation continued for more than ten days, and finally one day, Ye Qianxing came to the cafeteria, and the food was still there.

Every time Ye Qianxing took the nutrient solution, she didn't drink it. She used it as a cover, but she fell into the space.

In the past few days, it was all made of bigu pills, and I didn't eat anything anyway.

Finally got something to eat today.

Ye Qianxing wept with joy.

Running over to pick up the lunch box, everyone stared at her with wide eyes.

"It's so unpalatable, can she eat it?"

"Senior Lan said that she did it on purpose."

"She cooked really delicious food before."

"What if she had a way to make the meal delicious again?"

"Also a possibility."

Ye Qianxing was not afraid of everyone watching, and gently placed her fair hand on the food box.

Soon the food box was steaming, and then a stream of clear water suddenly appeared on Ye Qianxing's other hand.

The water flowed over the food in the lunch box and began to vibrate at high speed.

In the end, a mass of black matter separated out.

Ye Qianxing threw away the black thing, and happily ate it.

Don't forget to give Nan Nan a piece of meat: "Tomorrow I will prepare a big lunch box, and you can eat it with me then."

 Let’s make up for today’s update, hee hee~
  I still love you~
  Brother Hu: Prying corners, I am a professional!

  Especially pry your own.Hahaha
(End of this chapter)

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