I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 436 Mentor Defense Battle

Chapter 436 Mentor Defense Battle

Ye Qianxing didn't understand why he suddenly challenged himself, but just asked if he didn't understand.

"Senior, I don't know why the senior suddenly challenged me?"

Lin Che glanced at Ye Qianxing in surprise, she didn't even know.

However, he still answered seriously: "Every tutor in the Star Academy can choose their own exclusive students."

"But there is a three-month defense period."

"During these three months, those who are capable will live there. No matter who is a student of the Star Academy, they can challenge this student."

"If you lose, the mentor's student will automatically be replaced by the winner."

'These three months have been called the Mentor Defense War. '

Only then did Ye Qianxing understand, no wonder everyone looked at him with eager eyes.

After all, the name of Ji Hanxiao's student is too attractive.

You know, as long as these star academy students are from the combat department, 99% of them will go to the battlefield in the future.

You have to start from the bottom to fight for the military industry. If you have such a relationship with a high-ranking member of the legion, you must catch it. Maybe you will be able to advance three levels faster than others on the battlefield in the future.

That's the convenience of the background.

And Ji Hanxiao, as the supreme ruler of the legion, commanded the top ten corps.

Becoming his apprentice, everyone thinks about it, it is frightening.

Want to fight.

Ye Qianxing understood.

She is neither afraid nor apprehensive.

Since we want to enjoy resources, we naturally have to bear risks.

"So that's the case, Senior Xie answered."

"Sisters take part in the challenge, seniors please."

The two walked onto the ring together. This senior was the second-year student at the bottom of the crane, but he felt that he was comparable to the freshman students.

He is the first.

Maybe, you can come out on top.

Maintaining his own demeanor, Lin Che's fighting spirit was high: "Sister, please first."

Ye Qianxing drew his long sword out of its sheath, not at all polite.

There are only enemies on the battlefield and nothing else.

Ye Qianxing didn't have the word comity, only life and death.

"Senior, be careful."

Lin Che pressed the sensor of his mecha, and in an instant there was a black mecha on the ring.

The mech's face was ferocious, and its whole body was glowing with cold metal.

With a powerful impact.

He raised his arm to block Ye Qianxing's long sword.


Metals meet and sparks fly.

There were quite a few people standing in the audience, and everyone was watching.

I want to see how Ye Qianxing's strength is.

"Huh!! Lin Che takes a step back!"

"This rookie is very fierce. Lin Che was forced to take a step back with the first blow."

"Lin Che became angry from embarrassment, and he became ruthless."

"Lin Che's mecha is very sensitive, and his famous skill is to use his own unique control ability to make his mecha."

"Maintains the highest performance strength in the most difficult movement situations."

"It's easy to say, but it's really not that difficult to do."

"Look, he's out, flat sand and wild geese!"

Lin Che instantly connected the two joints of his mecha with a special posture, and the force collided.

Let him borrow the energy core of the mech to jump twice instantly within 0 milliseconds.

Also performed a space transformation.

In other words, within this second.

Lin Che launched a total of three attacks.

Railguns from three directions aimed at Ye Qianxing and fired at him.

"Tut tut,"

"I don't know if this elementary school girl can handle it."

"Lin Che's move has a considerable wear rate on his mecha, so he usually doesn't use it."

"This time it really cost money."

"That's not a bloody thing. The way he uses it is completely hurting the enemy by a thousand and hurting himself by eight hundred."

"Every time this mech uses this move, at least the maintenance price will be [-] contribution points or more."

"This price can only be used in the Star Academy. If you leave the Star Academy, at least it will be doubled."

Many senior students commented on the battle scene between Lin Che and the two of them.

Almost none of them thought that Ye Qianxing could escape this blow.

But Ye Qianxing just stood there and didn't move.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the rail gun in front of her, which is the most common type of electromagnetic gun.

Consists of two parallel rails between which the projectile is sandwiched.The two rails are connected to the power supply, and the current flows through one guide rail to the projectile and then to the other guide rail to generate a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field interacts with the current to generate a strong Lorentz force to push the projectile.

So as to achieve the explosive power you want.

And here, the most important thing is the current.

Electricity is created from the energy core that powers the railgun.

If Ye Qianxing had never studied interstellar technology, he would not understand the principles.

For this kind of cannon attack, she can only resist it. The simplest way is to prop up the barrier, and then life and death are at stake.

But Ye Qianxing is a child who keeps pace with the times, and she is better at integrating the advantages of this world into her own exercises.

So for this kind of rail gun, Ye Qianxing has a better way to deal with it.

As soon as he raised his hand, the sword in Ye Qianxing's hand disappeared into nothingness.

"Fuck! What is she doing? At this point, throw away the sword? You won't give up, will you?"

"I do."

"It's not really about admitting defeat."

"What kind of showmanship? You can't even beat Lin Che, and the co-owner wants to take her as his apprentice?"

"It's ridiculous."

"Sure enough, a hero is saddened by a beauty."

At some point, Ji Hanxiao also stood outside the arena, quietly watching Ye Qianxing fight inside.

He wasn't nervous, he wasn't in a hurry.

Someone saw him and asked boldly: "Master, the apprentice you chose is a soft-legged shrimp."

"It's so useless, you should change your apprentice."

Ji Hanxiao curled his lips into a smile.

"Whether it's useful or not, don't jump to conclusions."

Everyone still wants to refute.

In the end, they saw several icy blue water lines rising from Ye Qianxing's hands on the ring.

Weaving and climbing in the air, in the end, the rail gun counterattacked back, directly blowing Lin Che upside down.

Crowd: ...

"what happened?"

"Who saw clearly just now?"

"Do you dare to stop and put it upside down?"

"What kind of black technology is this?"

Everyone was astonished.

The expression on his face was almost out of frame.

If Ye Qianxing had carried it by force, everyone would have accepted it, but now the orbital gun actually counterattacked, and it seemed to be guided off course.



Ji Hanxiao raised his lips.

The staff of the college had already pulled Lin Che off the stage, and Ye Qianxing walked down the stage.

Ji Hanxiao waved his hand at Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing hurried to his side and said respectfully: "Mentor."

Ji Hanxiao praised Ye Qianxing: "You did a good job just now."

Ye Qianxing turned to look at everyone.

"I've confirmed the position of Master Jilian's apprentice."

"Whoever you want to challenge, just come."

"But I only had three days. After three days, I applied to go to the Zerg trial camp."

"I don't know how long it will be. If it's three months before I come back, don't say I'm hiding and not daring to show up."

Ye Qianxing's words were not arrogant, but everyone stopped going to school three days after hearing what she said.

Immediately became a little anxious.

If three months had passed, wouldn't this matter be unchangeable?

These second-level students are not good, and there are still third-level students.

Level [-], level [-], it's impossible to beat her.

Many people are eager to try.

"Sister Lin, a fifth-level student, Xu Qing, please enlighten me."

A tall girl stood directly in front of Ye Qianxing, as cold as ice.

"Senior, please."

This kind of challenge cannot be avoided, and everyone has to go through it.

Ye Qianxing didn't want to hide either.

She just wants to do her best and win every battle.

You can't lose, and you're not allowed to lose.

Ji Hanxiao grabbed Ye Qianxing's sleeve: "Wait a minute."

Ye Qianxing turned around because she didn't understand.

Ji Hanxiao said gently, "Come on."

Ye Qianxing: ...

Ji Hanxiao seemed to be possessed by a ghost, and his words were disgusting.

In fact, Ji Hanxiao just felt like Ye Qianxing was fighting for him, as if he was protecting his most precious thing.

It made Ji Hanxiao feel a little overwhelmed.

Ye Qianxing was shaking with goosebumps, and followed Xu Qing directly into the ring.

This child Xu Qing doesn't talk harshly much.

As soon as the two stood still, they were whipped.

The weapon in her hand is an attribute weapon, and she doesn't use a mecha.

But no one dared to underestimate her.

With a shake of his hand, the whip rushed straight at Ye Qianxing's face like a swimming dragon with power.

This is to give her a blow.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly raised his head to avoid it, lowered his waist slightly, and the whip passed across Ye Qianxing's face.

Suddenly, before the whip passed, there was a clang, and several ferocious spikes protruded from the tip of the whip.

The sharp thorns shone with a cold light, and directly pierced Ye Qianxing's eyes.

The light reflected for a while, and Ye Qianxing quickly closed his eyes, rolling on the ground in almost embarrassment, before avoiding the blow.

But Xu Qing didn't give her a chance to breathe.

A fierce whip, with the breath of flames.

This is a fire attribute whip.

Draw it directly to Ye Qianxing's side.

Another roll and dodge.

The gravel beside him was all smashed by the whip and shot towards Ye Qianxing's face.

With the burning sensation of the flames, Ye Qianxing could smell the smell of his hair being scorched.

Everyone screamed excitedly below.

The sound of whistling.

"As expected of a fifth-level student."

"It turns out that this is a fifth-level student."

"This speed, this strength, and the tricky angle of this attack."

"If I were Ye Qianxing, I guess I would have gone blind just now."

"Ye Qianxing probably won't be able to beat this time, it's too bad."

"She can still abuse the second-level students, but the fifth-level students are really daunting."

"Besides, Xu Qing is not a shrimp at the end of a five-level crane. Her strength is enough to rank in the middle."

"There are really not many people who can defeat her."

"Damn! Ye Qianxing is miserable."

"I think so."

"But I'm the only one who thinks that Xu Qing didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, did she use her killer move right away?"

"In her eyes, Ye Qianxing is also a strong enough opponent."

Everyone guessed so, but Ye Qianxing's situation on stage was indeed not very good.


Since she came to power, she has always been passively beaten. Xu Qing's attacks were swift and violent.

Ye Qianxing was not given the slightest chance to breathe.

Ye Qianxing had been dodging in embarrassment the whole time, and he didn't even have a chance to draw out his sword.

Ye Qianxing hid in a more and more embarrassing situation, even his whole body was burned black and ashes by Xu Qing.

The people below laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, my God."

"Ye Qianxing, you can't beat me, so come down."

"Please, don't be funny, hahaha, this scene reminds me of her dish, roast suckling pig, hahaha."

"Come down quickly, it's not ashamed to lose to Senior Sister Xu Qing."

"Really, I died laughing."

"I feel like I've seen this scene. The cat catches the mouse, senior sister Xu Qing is the cat, and Ye Qianxing is that embarrassed little mouse."

How should Xu Qing put it? At the beginning, she really paid more attention to Ye Qianxing, so when she came up, she didn't give Ye Qianxing a chance to breathe.

But as Ye Qianxing kept dodging, the two counterattack moves were not as embarrassing as they had ever been.

Xu Qing was somewhat impatient.

It seems that I am too suspicious, this is a rookie at all, not much different from before.

Xu Qing said coldly: "Sister, you should admit defeat, just admit defeat, it's somewhat respectable."

"How much ability a person has, he can sit at a high position."

"You won't be able to keep the position of the co-lead student after all, so why be persistent."

Xu Qing almost didn't tell Ye Qianxing directly that you are not worthy of these three words.

Ye Qianxing seemed to be hit by Xu Qing's words, and Xu Qing was directly knocked down by a flaw.

The ice blade at the tip of the whip directly cut Ye Qianxing's clothes.

A trace of blood leaked out.

Xu Qing paused.

Ye Qianxing seemed to be tough and said: "Sister."

"Teacher, I can't give up."

Xu Qing was listening to Ye Qianxing, but Ye Qianxing was waiting for this moment.

"Five elements!"

"Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong"

The long sword rushed out of his hand, and the five-color attribute light, with an unrivaled coercive aura, rushed directly towards Xu Qing with a destructive aura.

Xu Qing reacted and quickly took out the protective cover to resist.

But he was still thrown into the corner by this huge sword move.

He coughed twice and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xu Qing raised her head again, and in front of her was Ye Qianxing, who was holding a sword and standing upright. Her face did not show the embarrassment of running away just now.

"Sister, teach me a lesson. On the battlefield, no matter when, don't underestimate the enemy."

Even if the enemy is dead, he needs to make up again, let alone if the enemy is just knocked down.

After all, Xu Qing underestimated the enemy.

But Xu Qing is not a coward.

In her eyes, there was fighting spirit and anger.

"it is good!"

"It's true that the waves from the back push the waves from the front, the school girl is a good planner."

"But the senior sister also taught the junior sister a lesson. Under the powerful force, all schemes are vulnerable to paper tigers!"

"It's good that the younger sister can bear it. The younger sister gave you a trick just now, and it won't happen again."

Xu Qing stood up, activated the fire attribute in the weapon, and instantly the flames shot out, and the red flames spread.

Xu Qing's whole body was bathed in the fire.

After Ye Qianxing took a breather, she also had a chance to confront the enemy. When it comes to playing with fire, her spark is her ancestor.

Eyebrows narrowed, Ye Qianxing also began to make tricks in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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