Chapter 437 Star List!
The crimson flames on one side are boundless, even if you don't get close, you can feel the scorching temperature of the crimson flames.

It almost made people take two steps back.

I can feel that even my breathing seems to be infected with heat.

The posture of destroying the sky and destroying the earth is really not to be underestimated. Even the surrounding air has waves of ripples, as if burned to the point of being distorted by the scorching heat.

Xu Qing's eyes were fixed on Ye Qianxing, she must have wanted to impress her.

As for Ye Qianxing, she has a solemn face, and she is very agile in making tactics in her hands, and she also has the energy to communicate with the world.


What lingers around her is not flames, but dots of starlight.

In front of the overwhelming red, this starlight is like fluorescent light competing with the sun and the moon.

It's not worth mentioning, and it's pitifully weak. Even those who are suppressed by the red color can hardly see the flickering.

Everyone frowned: "What the hell is she doing? Singing a big show?"

"It's this time, are you still playing? Don't make big moves, just do some little things."

"I'm really convinced."

"I won't be beaten to death by Xu Qing later, will I?"

Everyone waited disdainfully for Ye Qianxing to be dismissed, and some people were already waiting for Xu Qing to step down, and then they would stand up again.

Red dyed half of the sky red, and that dazzling color made people panic in the bottom of their hearts.

Xu Qing's strength is really too powerful.

After accumulating energy, he went straight to Ye Qianxing.

The ends of Ye Qianxing's hair blown up by the wind were swept up by the flames at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into charred black powder and disappeared into the air.

The pressure made it difficult for Ye Qianxing to breathe.

Looking at the overwhelming flames in front of him.

Ye Qianxing's crossed wrists rose from his chest and stopped in front of him.

Suddenly, the dots of starlight around him gathered in front of Ye Qianxing's face.

And there are more and more stars, more and more.

From the light of the fireflies, a dazzling light cluster gradually formed, and the light cluster became bigger and bigger, and everyone realized that this is not starlight, and this combination is clearly a flame composed of stars.





Xu Qing propped up the protective cover and backed away quickly, but her heart was terrified. This new student actually had such strength.

Really great.

She didn't dare to underestimate the enemy any more, and decided to pursue Chen Sheng, but she never thought that Ye Qianxing's phantom suddenly appeared behind her.

Xu Qing lashed the whip, and it shattered immediately.

The next moment, hundreds of Ye Qianxing were spinning crazily in front of her.

Cold sweat dripped from Xu Qing's forehead, and she could only dance wildly with her whip, trying to kill all these images.

There must always be a real person.

Xu Qing thought so.

But one to one hundred is always not enough.

Gradually, Xu Qing's physical strength was exhausted, but she seemed to have found Ye Qianxing's hiding place, her eyes were surprisingly bright.

With a cold blade on the whip, it aimed straight at Ye Qianxing's pupils, and Ye Qianxing was also very pessimistic.

Seriously injured.

Internal injuries are also more serious.


Ye Qianxing suddenly called out, and Xu Qing raised her head.

Just this moment.

If Xu Qing hadn't dodged in time, the sword would have cut her throat.

And now it's just a mess of hair.

Ye Qianxing's sword turned to provoke Xu Qing's whip, and threw it hard.

this moment.

Sword and whip flew out of hand together.

From fighting with attribute weapons to the current melee combat.

With one punch and one kick, the two stepped on a hole in the ring.


Xu Qing punched Ye Qianxing on the shoulder blade, and Ye Qianxing also kicked Xu Qing's abdomen.

A touch point.

"Nine Heavens Profound Needle!"


Covering her weakly drooping arm, Ye Qianxing raised her hand and pressed it hard, the last trace of spiritual energy in her dantian was squeezed out, and the needles formed by the metal condensed like a rainstorm pointed at Xu Qing's whole body, which was bound to kill her. Tie into a hedgehog.

Gang Feng brought Xu Qing up with a wind blade.

By this time, both of them were already powerful.

The fight is endurance.

Xu Qing used an energy shield and took out a laser gun.

The two moves melted into each other, and the two fought together again.

You punch, I kick, the level of ferocity, the people below were speechless for a long time.

"I have always known that the girls in our Star Academy are made of reinforced concrete, but I have never seen such a tragic scene."

"I... I'm thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend. It's too scary. I'm afraid I won't be able to beat her."

"Oh my God."

"This battle was so exciting to watch."

"Amazing, really."

"I look at their current situation, and it is estimated that they can be tied."

"I think Xu Qing is probably better."

"Otherwise it would be too embarrassing, after all, he is a fifth-level student."

"I don't think it's safe to say this. Ye Qianxing was born to break the rules."

Everyone went from chattering at the beginning to being silent later.

This game was so exciting that they couldn't believe it.

But Ye Qianxing and Xu Qing were already in the ring, exhausted.

The two of them locked each other's legs tightly, and their hands checked and balanced each other.

They stared fiercely at each other, like the most ferocious hungry wolves, refusing to give in to each other.

Suddenly, a stabbing blade appeared in Xu Qing's hand!
This is Xu Qing's last trump card.

The target, Ye Qianxing's chest.

Ye Qianxing only dodged slightly, and took it with his shoulder.

The right hand pressed hard on the ground: "Soil thorn!"

"Gold kill!"


Ye Qianxing's arm was cut off in half by the bayonet blade, and the whole arm was about to fall off.

Blood spurted.

And Xu Qing's leg was pierced by Ye Qianxing's soil thorn.

At the same time, he was kicked down by her and never got up again.

Ye Qianxing's face was pale and painful, and cold sweat covered his entire face in an instant.

Looking at the drooping arms, Ye Qianxing took two deep breaths and leaned against the protective cover of the ring.

Pale lips moved twice, Ye Qianxing looked at Xu Qing who was in a miserable state on the ground: "I won."

The voice was too low to be heard, but Xu Qing heard it.

She didn't feel angry after losing, nor was she unhappy because of Ye Qianxing's ruthless shot.

Instead, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth.

With appreciation, with happiness.

Weakly replied: "Sister, you really deserve your name."

After the two looked at each other, they actually laughed at the same time.

One was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, his legs were useless, and the other was standing, but half of his body was disabled.

But he smiled vigorously, and he fought this battle to the fullest.

By now everyone could see the result, Ye Qianxing won.


"She won!"


"I'm done!"

There was overwhelming applause.

For this battle.

The blood on Ye Qianxing's body was all over his clothes, winding like a stream on the ground.

Most of the shoulder blades were cut off, and the main artery was indeed injured, and my head felt dizzy for a while due to the massive blood loss.

But at this moment, she doesn't have any spiritual power, so she can't heal her wounds.

Two, she struggles even to stand now.

Not to mention other movements, trying to keep my body from sliding down is already using all my strength.

It was simply that the school's rescuers were standing by, announcing the result of the match immediately, and then carried the two of them to the ring.

Ji Hanxiao stepped forward and hugged Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing tugged at Ji Hanxiao's sleeve: "No..."

"No, restorative."

He has never spared his hands to study the repair agent, so Ye Qianxing will not use this thing on himself.

"Take me back."

Ji Hanxiao nodded, with a touch of spiritual power overflowing from his fingertips, he slid on Ye Qianxing's wound, and the wound stopped bleeding.

Seeing that Ji Hanxiao responded to what he said, Ye Qianxing fainted in relief.

But Ji Hanxiao did not leave in a hurry.

Instead, stand directly in place.

Looking at many students who were still expressing their feelings about the battle, their voice was serious and coercive: "I will only accept Ye Qianxing as an apprentice in my whole life."

"Just admit her as an apprentice."

"Martial arts contests are possible, but apprentices, it's impossible!"

"I also hope everyone has self-knowledge. If you don't have Su Qing's strength, you don't need to look for abuse."

Ji Hanxiao left after saying this.

But everyone exploded.

"What does the lord mean?"

"What does he mean, even if he wins against Ye Qianxing, he won't accept others as disciples?"

"...Ye Qianxing is a big brother, I am really convinced. Obviously, he can rely on pampering, why should he rely on strength?"



"Then why didn't the co-owner talk about this before?"

"Isn't Su Qing's beating for nothing?"

"I think of a possibility. The co-owner doesn't want to be told by you that Ye Qianxing came to power by pampering her, so she said this after she made an example of others."

"After all, now, you are all convinced. Even if he said it, you still think it is Ye Qianxing's strength."

"Yes! It's really possible..."

But everyone feels sad when they think about it.

"How can she... get such a favor from the Lianzhu?"

Everyone looked at Ye Qianxing with envy and hatred, but to be honest, those who challenged him really disappeared.

To be honest, when teachers select students, they also select those who are talented and intelligent, and among them, there are very few who do not have a mentor.

Those who are not selected by the mentor need a mentor, and among this group of people, there are almost none who are stronger than Xu Qing.

And those who are less powerful than Xu Qing...

Then there is no need to challenge at all, anyway, you can't beat it.

So this matter comes and goes, and it goes.

It just calmed down like that.

However, Ye Qianxing suddenly received a notice from the school saying that the Zerg Proving Ground was not very peaceful recently, and that her entry into the Proving Ground was postponed by five days.

Ye Qianxing sighed, but Yinguang and Sanfu had already gone in, so I don't know how they are doing.

Ye Qianxing thought about it, and simply called Qin Jue.

Tell him to come over quickly and heal his legs.

Simply move the time forward, finish these recent things, and go to the battlefield with peace of mind.

Holding the leave note, Ye Qianxing is going to treat Qin Jue's leg today.

Zhileg couldn't be in Star Academy, so Ye Qianxing was waiting for Qin Jue at the school gate.

Standing at the gate of the school, the gate of Star Academy is really big.

And it hides a lot of mysteries, and Ye Qianxing discovered that there is this spirit gathering array at the gate of the star academy when he got close.

And it's huge.

It's a pity that there is no spiritual energy here at all, and the spirit gathering array is wasted.

And I don't know who wrote the words "Star Academy", these words actually faintly reveal the light of law.

Looking carefully, it seems that the entire spiritual consciousness has been sucked into these big characters, and turned into a vast starry sky and universe.

There is infinite vitality and murderous intent inside.

Ye Qianxing's expression paled, and he quickly backed out.

Looking to the left and right of the school gate, there are two pillars erected on each side. The two pillars also exude a powerful aura, and the pillars look soaring into the sky.

It has red writing on it.

Star list!
Score list, ranking of students at all levels.

First-level student leaderboard: blank ()

Level [-] student: First: Ling Hao...

Third grade students.

Fourth grade students.

Fifth grade students.

The rankings are all above.

Ye Qianxing glanced at the note on the side, and obtained the ranking based on the contribution points in the Star Academy, which was refreshed every month.

There is also a bonus, how to obtain Star Academy contribution points.

Gravity room, Zerg proving ground, group arena, official competition, normal coursework settlement.

The first-level students haven't had a month yet, so the list is blank.

On the left is the score list, and on the right there is a general list, which is the sum of the points for each month.

Ranking regardless of grade.

This in disguise also represents strength, and the top ten in the sub-list and the top ten in the overall list all seem to have privileges.

Ye Qianxing didn't ask what it was, but it was mostly related to resources.

Ye Qianxing checked and found that Xu Qing's strength is really strong, but she is not ranked in the top 5000 among the fifth-level students.
The ranking is more than 8000.

Ye Qianxing took a breath.

It really is.

Interstellar is also as strong as a cloud.

The names of the top ten are all in gold font, and they are all one size larger than the ones in the back.

And at the school gate, Ye Qianxing was not the only one looking at this list, but no matter where they came from, as long as they passed by this list, they could see the names on it.

Home and galaxy are also appended to the name.

The most obvious occurrence is the main star.

super star.

In the Milky Way, Ye Qianxing did not see a single one in the top ten.

Ye Qianxing's eyes were stung by the glittering golden font. For the first time, she had the idea that she also wanted to engrave her own name on it.

Not only did she want to be famous in the stars, but she also wanted to see the name of her hometown appear on the most conspicuous place of this stele.

Qin Jue didn't know when the wheelchair turned around Ye Qianxing.

"Which place do you think you can get?"

"There are still 20 days, the first time the list is released."

Ye Qianxing stroked the stele twice with her fingertips.


He answered these two words without hesitation, as if he didn't need to think about it, it was a belief engraved in his mind.

"So sure?" Qin Jue asked.

"From now on, the Milky Way galaxy and the ancient Earth will resound across the stars."

"Starting from me, within a hundred years, one-third of this stele will be occupied by the words "My Milky Way."

Ye Qianxing described his super ambition in a flat manner.

(End of this chapter)

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