I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 438 The Secret Was Discovered

Chapter 438 The Secret Was Discovered

Qin Jue didn't speak anymore, because someone said this before, and Qin Jue must have felt that the other party was farting.

But Ye Qianxing said.

In the current situation where the situation is unclear, Qin Jue thinks it might be possible.

Some people are born to break the rules.

Qin Jue didn't know the result, so he didn't dare to ask questions.

Instead, he asked about Nan Nan.

"How is Nan Nan at school?"

What Qin Jue wanted to ask more was, did anyone bully her?
Ye Qianxing nodded: "Very good."

"Eat well, sleep well, study hard, and usually train actively by myself."

"That's good."

The two walked while talking, and when they got to Qin Jue's suspension car, Ye Qianxing suddenly said another sentence.

"I can help you erase some of your memories."

"The part you don't want."

Qin Jue was mentally ill, even though Nan Nan didn't mention it, Ye Qianxing knew about it.

And mental illnesses.

It is nothing more than two situations, one is genetic.

The second is caused by the acquired environment, especially when encountering some major events, leaving an indelible impact on the heart, thus affecting the character.

Qin Jue, it should be the day after tomorrow.

Ye Qianxing felt distressed seeing Nan Nan being injured, but if Nan Nan didn't leave, she couldn't forcefully interfere, so she could only find a way to make it easier for both of them.

She can't cure mental illness.

But erase memory.

she will.

Qin Jue paused while drinking tea, as if he was thinking.

The fingertips holding the quilt turned white from exertion.

It is conceivable that those memories are embarrassing and painful for him.

But there are also some memories that he doesn't want to forget, and he wants to nail those shames to his shame pillar.

So he hesitated.

Ye Qianxing didn't try to persuade Nannan, because she respected Nannan's decision, but there was no pressure to persuade Qin Jue.

"I don't want to see Nannan covered in blood again, calling me like a rag doll."

The cup in Qin Jue's hand shattered into several pieces, and he pinched his palm fiercely, the tender skin of his palm was instantly pierced, and the blood reddened.

Ye Qianxing turned a blind eye, and she also had the weak blood of an immortal cultivator flowing in her bones.

And those temperatures only work for our own people.

There is no extra luxury for strangers.

"If her pain is not enough to make you give up this memory, what about her tears?"

"Her freedom?"

"Everything she got, she got hurt."

Ye Qianxing's sentence pierced Qin Jue's heart. Qin Jue never spoke, but his lips were as red as blood, and his face was as white as paper.

If all these words still make Qin Jue unable to make up his mind, then the last sentence is to directly chop Qin Jue to pieces.

Completely admit it.

Ye Qianxing's mouth curled into a smile: "Guess..."

"If so, what choice will Nannan make in your position today."

If it was Nan Nan who was sitting in front of Ye Qianxing today, she would rather not have her leg healed.

She would rather pay any price than ask Ye Qianxing to erase her memory.

Let her be a normal person.

Let yourself not hurt Qin Jue again.

"In her eyes, you are her whole world."

"In your eyes?"

Qin Jue closed his eyes, covering his bloodshot eyeballs, leaning on the chair behind him as if he had lost all his strength.

His broad body sank into it, his wrists slumped on the wheelchair.

The blood on the fingertips dripped down.

"do not talk."

"I do."

Those two words seemed to take all his strength.

Light and low, inaudible.

Ye Qianxing didn't say another word.

The entire floating car was eerily quiet, Ye Qianxing turned around and walked to the innermost side, and sat in meditation on the seat.

Don't care about Qin Jue.

Qin Jue's face became paler and paler, and he didn't know what thoughts he was caught in.

When he got out of the planet and came to a wild planet, where the trees were lush and full of aura, Qin Jue was sitting in a wheelchair, and Ye Qianxing started to get busy.

First, he used the spirit stones in stock in the space to set up a spirit gathering array.

Few people absorb the aura of the entire planet, so the aura is relatively rich, and with the effect of the spirit gathering array, the aura is as rich as it is real.

But Ye Qianxing waved his hand in front of Qin Jue, a transparent barrier wrapped Qin Jue, and isolated the aura from his body.

Qin Jue has recovered some emotions at this time.

He looked at the busy Ye Qianxing and made a request: "Is your method to directly erase that memory from my mind, or to block that memory."

Ye Qianxing: "Erase."

"Can it be replaced by a pump?"

"Can you take it away and store it first, if one day I need it...it won't exist anymore."

Qin Jue made a request.

Ye Qianxing nodded: "I don't know how to read it, take it out, and I will hand it to Nannan."

Qin Jue nodded: "OK."

"Thank you."

"Do you have any other questions?"

Qin Jue shook his head silently.

He just asked a little anxiously: "When I wake up, everything will be over, right?"

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Why don't you make another video for Nan Nan?"

I am an outsider, and I can't soothe the uneasiness in the other party's heart.

"No, she should be in class now."

"If something happens to me, you can give Nannan my optical brain."

Ye Qianxing rolled his eyes.

"Brother, I'm treating your leg, not killing you, okay?"

"If you die, I will leave now."

Ye Qianxing said that he had never seen such a mother-in-law man.

Qin Jue simply lay on the ground. Fortunately, there was grass in the jungle, and Ye Qianxing didn't even bother to put a blanket for Qin Jue.

Before Qin Jue could speak again, Ye Qianxing slapped Qin Jue on the back of the neck with a knife, knocking him unconscious.

He took out a few pills and gave them to Qin Jue.

Some are to make him sleep more soundly, and some are to temporarily improve his body and maintain his physical functions.

Qin Jue fell asleep, but Ye Qianxing was still busy.

At the same time, he took out the half-finished dantian that he had made, put it in the alchemy furnace, and continued to make it.

The spirit-gathering formation here is outside, and a protective formation is reinforced.

When everything was ready, Ye Qianxing's eyes were solemn, looking at the Dantian Zifu refined in the alchemy furnace, on which he had injected a lot of talismans, so it looked extremely mysterious.

He slapped the alchemy furnace fiercely with his hand, and the Zifu inside instantly shot up into the sky.

Ye Qianxing directly pulled out a strand of Qin Jue's soul thread and merged it into the Purple Mansion. The originally lavender light gradually turned into a more noble and mysterious deep purple.

At the same time, there was a sound of thunder in the sky, mixed with thunder and lightning, and it struck directly.

He was carried down by Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing held his dantian slightly above Qin Jue's abdomen, and the distance between his hand and Qin Jue's abdomen was about ten centimeters.

Following Ye Qianxing's pinch, the dantian began to sink inch by inch.

Ye Qianxing beat this technique more than 90 times, cold sweat broke out on his face, and his complexion was a little pale, and the last trace of his dantian gradually disappeared in Qin Jue's body.

Ye Qianxing bit his finger again, and made a quick stroke above Qin Jue's abdomen.

The blood-colored talisman firmly sealed the dantian in Qin Jue's abdomen.

Then Ye Qianxing collapsed and sat cross-legged on the ground.

A little tired.

But we can't stop yet.

Ye Qianxing flipped his hand, and unexpectedly, a glazed bottle appeared from the space.

It was filled with a red liquid, and the liquid was slowly surging in the bottle, and against Ye Qianxing's fingertips, it looked strangely beautiful.

"With my soul, the bestowed spirit..."

Ye Qianxing's lips moved slightly, and the stopper on the glass bottle slowly fell to the ground, and the red liquid instantly melted into strands.

Intertwined in mid-air.

Suddenly the long sword placed by Ye Qianxing's side moved, and it rushed over, directly cutting a deep bone-deep gash in Qin Jue's wrist.

The blood inside trickled out.

It was drawn directly by the long sword again, entered into the body of the sword, and finally disappeared.

The sword was actually drawing Qin Jue's blood.

Not far away was a figure who was poking his head and looking at the scene furtively. When he saw such a frightening scene, his breath stagnated and became disordered, and Ye Qianxing spotted him.

A cold light flashed in her eyes, but she was pale now, and she wanted to change Qin Jue's blood again.

To suppress his temporary dantian again.

Still need to maintain his life.

Don't dare to stop at all.

It never occurred to me that someone would dare to peep.

While Ye Qianxing was shaking in deep thought, the sword suddenly sucked more blood, Qin Jue's complexion became paler, and his breathing was faint.

Ye Qianxing didn't dare to think anymore, so she snapped her fingers, and she forced a drop out of her heart, rushing into Qin Jue's heart.

To exchange blood and transform the blood of the ancient country, one needs the blood of an ancient countryman, and Ye Qianxing used his own.

Changing blood is not as easy as imagined. Ye Qianxing also needs to protect Qin Jue while changing, to avoid rejection and let him die.

The process must be meticulous and precise, and no mistakes can be made.

Ye Qianxing had no choice but to ignore that person and take care of Qin Jue for the time being.

The body of the sword turned red because of sucking blood, and the weird feeling made it look like a sword was drunk.

Until there was no more blood on the wrist, Ye Qianxing scolded Jian: "Come back!"

The sword seemed to hiccup, and flew back to Ye Qianxing's side unsteadily.

"The vein of the blood spirit, loyal to my bloodline..."

"The bestowed light will change the world forever!"

Ye Qianxing increased the output of spiritual power in her hand, and directly slapped all her blood into Qin Jue's body.

A burst of red light flashed, whether it was the blood or the dantian, they all stayed quietly in Qin Jue's body.

A mark slowly appeared under his body.

This is for people who have changed their bloodlines. From now on, there will be unpredictable changes in their lives, and this mark is the imprint of the law.

The moving hand paused slightly, she now needs to tidy up for Qin Jue as soon as possible.

If the person behind is trying to startle the snake, it's not easy to chase.

It's better to let him watch it for a while, and wait until he has dealt with everything.

Go catch him again.

After deciding on a way, Ye Qianxing quickly walked to Qin Jue's leg while the blood was flowing.

With a flick of the sword, the clothes on his calf were torn, and Qin Jue's shrunken calf appeared in Ye Qianxing's eyes.

Countless gold needles appeared in Ye Qianxing's hand, and with a flick of his hand, none of them penetrated into Qin Jue's legs.

Started repairing its broken veins, vitality, and activity in its legs.

As soon as these things were done, Qin Jue frowned and became slightly conscious. Ye Qianxing walked up to Qin Jue's injured hand.

Kneel down and bandage him.

A look of healing.

In fact, Ye Qianxing blocked Qin Jue's waking eyes, and whispered, "When we came here just now, we brought Little Tail."

"Someone is peeping. It saw the whole process of my treatment just now."

"You pretend to be in a coma, I have a plan."

Qin Jue heard such news as soon as he woke up, and a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes.

He closed his eyes again, and nodded his head invisibly, expressing his understanding.

Ye Qianxing also took advantage of the opportunity to let go of Qin Jue's wound. At this time, some black robbery clouds gathered in the entire sky.

To help someone change their bloodline, firstly, they need aura, and secondly, they need to be struck by lightning. That's why Ye Qianxing brought Qin Jue to the wild planet, but he never expected to be peeped.

Of course, that person did not expect that there would be a thunder disaster, until he realized that it was not good.When he was about to run, he unexpectedly encountered a long sword when he turned around.

The point of the sword was facing him.

The person who was wrapped in black clothes from head to toe knew that he had been spotted and was about to continue running in another direction.

Turning around, Ye Qianxing appeared behind him.

"Where to go?"

The man paused.

"I was just passing by, why did you stop me?"

The man is still quibbling.

Ye Qianxing chuckled lightly: "Then what did you see?"

"I did not see anything."

"I do not believe."


"Anyway, I didn't see anything. Are you going to kill people to silence them?"

"Kill! So what?"

Ye Qianxing directly picked up the long sword, and just slashed down, but the next moment, the man in black suddenly distorted the space, and after becoming stable again, he was more than ten meters away from Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing was a little dazed.

Space spirit root!

Space jump?


Before Ye Qianxing had time to seal off this area, he only had time to swing his sword twice, and the opponent staggered, covering his wound and tearing open the space one after another, and fled.

Looking at the figure that disappeared before her eyes, Ye Qianxing's face became extremely dark.

Interstellar people don't know how to space jump, what's going on?

Why did this person do it just now?

Can control space attributes?

Before Ye Qianxing could think of the answer, thunder and lightning flashed, and the thunder calamity had arrived.

It fell directly on Qin Jue, causing Qin Jue to roll twice on the ground.

Ye Qianxing went back to help with the sword in his hand: "The needle on your leg cannot move."

"Don't move your position."

"Lie down, don't move."

Qin Jue turned his head and looked with difficulty at the place where someone was peeping just now.

"The man ran away?"

"Well, do you know someone who can jump through space? He just tore through space and left."

Ye Qianxing pursed her lips, feeling troublesome.

The other party just watched it, and didn't know if there was a video or something else.

"We must find out the identity of this person as soon as possible."

The crackling thunder and lightning illuminated half of the sky, Ye Qianxing swung his sword to block it.

 The new book is coming~~ I ask my darlings to continue to accompany me to fight for the new book~~
  It’s up to you guys to arrange for Bobo~ Let’s put all the recommendation tickets over there~
  Book title: "I overturned my car after flirting with five big bosses" by Three Thousand Little Ancestors [Bobo trumpet, don't doubt it. 】

  [1V1, the soft, glutinous and delicate eighteenth-line cat demon heroine X clone sliced ​​boss male protagonist. 】

  By chance, five bigwigs gathered together.

  The taciturn gold-medal demon hunter: "My girlfriend is very timid and squeamish, she cries when she touches her."

  A deserted scientific research genius, a paranoid and perverted film star, a rich second-generation wolf dog, a beautiful and miserable vampire, several people looked at each other and said in unison: "Coincidentally, my girlfriend is too."

  The deserted medical genius: "But my girlfriend loves me very much, and only loves me."

  Everyone nodded: "My girlfriend is too!"

  The little wolf dog's rich second generation showed off: "My girlfriend even made a bracelet for me, and said she would tie me down for the rest of my life."

  Everyone looks at me, I look at you: "My girlfriend is too."

  The paranoid actor said a little annoyed: "My girlfriend's name is Ruan Nuonuo, she's soft and waxy!"

  Everyone stood up from their chairs: "My girlfriend is too!!"

  Ruan Nuonuo bit her lip, and retreated into the corner in horror: "No, no, no!! I can explain..."

  The fit person picked up Ruan Nuonuo: "It's late!"

  Ruan Nuonuo: [Woooooh, life is not easy, Nuonuo is crying. 】


(End of this chapter)

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