I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 448 The reason why Su Mobai was hunted down

Chapter 448 The reason why Su Mobai was hunted down

Everyone was betting that Ye Qianxing would never come back against the wind.

As the time to clear the list is getting closer, many people are already squatting in front of the star list and waiting.

Wait for the first refresh result.

Yinguang and Sanfu obviously did not give up their efforts.

For some reason, Yinguang's increase was not very obvious, and it became 16.

But the three axes surpassed Yinguang and became 16.

And Ye Qianxing also pursued closely, and the gap with the two of them gradually narrowed.

16 million.

Now there are still 10 minutes to clear the rankings.

How the top three rankings are sorted depends on the 10 minutes later.

"I think what I said before may have been slapped in the face. Now that Ye Qianxing is running so fast, she really has the possibility to compete for the first place."

"No! I don't believe it!"

"Only three minutes left."

"It's still a few thousand."

"how is this possible?"

"I still don't believe that she will be the first, but the second is possible."

Everyone sticks to their ideas.

"Move, move, move again!"

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, and many people breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out that the three axes have moved again."

16, everyone took a breath: "Three Axe has worked hard enough, he must be the number one, and his strength is really strong."

"I said that it is impossible for Ye Qianxing to come back. There are still 8 minutes."

"She hasn't moved at all."

"I guess I gave up, but the third place is still very powerful. Didn't you realize that the top three this year are all from the Milky Way, and the house prices in the Milky Way will definitely rise after a while."

"This could all be part of the glorious history of the Milky Way."

"5 minutes left!"

Everyone looked at the time, eagerly waiting to see through.

The silver light score in the middle jumped again, and the gap with the three axes was already very close.

It can be seen that the two are also fighting.

But Ye Qianxing's side here has been silent.

"Is there a problem or not?"

"Ye Qianxing must have given up."

"She definitely didn't give up, because someone was staying in the Valley of Illusion, and she didn't come out."

"She must have been trapped by the illusion."

"There are still 3 minutes!! 3 minutes!"

"1 minutes!"

Everyone held their breath.

This is the last minute.

Everyone stared at the names on the star list, and they were all dazzled by those names.

At this time, apart from the students of the Star Academy staring at it, there are also all forces in the universe, all eagerly waiting for the list to be refreshed.

Especially the rookie list.

Because the old students are basically recruited by the major forces, only the list of newcomers, most of the backs are clean, and they must obtain the information as soon as possible.

The first time to start to grab people.

Quite a few people looked at the live broadcast and said, "Check now! Check the contact information of Ye Qianxing, San Fu, and Yin Guang, hurry up!"

"These few good seedlings, these few, quickly check!"

The forces of all parties are moving, and San Fu is also staring at Guangnao closely at this time, and he is also looking to see if he can keep his number one position.

30 seconds left.

29,, 28...

Yinguang also stood against the wall, looked at Guangnao, and stopped fighting.

It's just that there is some unwillingness in his eyes, he has never won second place, but this is already the second time.

The first time was the selection contest of Starlight Academy, and the first time was now.

This frustrates Yinguang, who is both a genius and a first-generation pronoun.

Really frustrating.

He tightly clenched his fists and stared at the screen. It's fine if the first one is gone, and Ye Qianxing is absolutely not allowed to counterattack the second one, otherwise.

He couldn't even forgive himself.

Ten seconds left.



But for some reason, Yinguang's heart beat a little faster, and he always felt that something bad would happen.

next second.

The top three moved quickly.

Ye Qianxing's name jumped to the first place in an instant, stabilizing San Fu and Yin Guang.

The fist beside Yin Guang's side clenched suddenly, looking at the string of numbers behind Ye Qianxing's name, 17!
No.2 Three axes, 16.

No.3 is him.

The countdown was also over, and finally Ye Qianxing's name was firmly fixed in the first position.

It was magnified and shone with golden light.

The words No.3 hurt Yinguang's eyes, and he hit the stone beside him with a palm, and the stone shattered into slag.

On the other side, Sanxue was a little disappointed.

"Damn it, I knew this grandson would definitely come back."

If you ask Mitsuhae why he knows, he can only tell you, a hunch.

His hunch told him that Ye Qianxing's name must be number one.

as predicted.

San Fu called Ye Qianxing, and was going to spray her well. He had to spray her to the point of embarrassment, and finally treat himself to a meal to comfort his wounded heart.

But the optical brain rang for a long time, but no one answered.

San Fu had no choice but to give up: "Don't think that if you don't answer the phone, you can run away after this meal, hum!"

Clap your ass and prepare to go back to school to catch someone.

But here Ye Qianxing knelt on the ground in some embarrassment, covered in cold sweat. She really almost couldn't get out of the illusion just now.

It was the day before she was picked up by the Immortal Venerable again.

It was on that day that he lost both eyes, his cultivation base was crippled, and he was thrown into the alley like a dead dog.

That was Ye Qianxing's lingering nightmare.

But luckily she came out in the end.

Ye Qianxing wiped off his cold sweat, adjusted his breathing, and looked at the room ahead.

Here, one illusion is one room, and Ye Qianxing has broken into 6 rooms, which is the sixth floor of the illusion valley.

What about the seventh floor?going or not?

Ye Qianxing hesitated for a moment, but still stepped in.

She wondered a little, besides being afraid of memories, what else was she afraid of.

There is something that scares her more than these memories.

As soon as she entered, Ye Qianxing closed her eyes, and she suddenly appeared in her own room in the Promise Sect.

This familiar environment immediately let her know where she was.

She opened the door and went out.

But his breath was stagnant.

I saw the original palace mountain surrounded by mountains, surrounded by disciples laughing and laughing, and the bustling sect is now full of blood.

The eyes were piercing red, and there was silence.

Ye Qianxing's eye sockets turned red instantly.

Her hands and feet were cold for a moment, and she trembled for a long time before she lifted her feet and ran to the main hall of the Wuji Sect.

As a result, everyone was dressed in red, and the words "Happiness" were pasted on the wall.

A couple of newlyweds fell in the middle.

Ye Qianxing looked at the familiar figure, stretched out his hand and turned him over, and was stimulated to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

The Illusion Valley system directly detected Ye Qianxing's mental instability: "It was found that the student was seriously injured, and the forced sending mechanism was activated."

Ye Qianxing was directly teleported outside, and he was unconscious.

The whole person was confused as if something had happened to him, Ji Hanxiao brought him back, and while taking care of him, he listened carefully to Ye Qianxing's frowning brows in pain.

Ji Hanxiao knew that Ye Qianxing was going to the Valley of Illusion, where people can find the things they fear most.

He wondered what Ye Qianxing was afraid of.

So he put his head down and listened.

Just listening, Ye Qianxing shouted in fear and anxiety: "Immortal Venerable..."

That broken voice was obviously flustered and uneasy.

Ji Hanxiao's face turned pale, and he suddenly clenched the towel in his hand.

In fact, he probably guessed it, but as if he didn't hear that he was unwilling to give up, there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

What should I do, the jealousy in my heart is overwhelming, the pain is no less than that of Ye Qianxing, but I still dare not wave my sleeves and leave.

I'm afraid that she will feel uncomfortable after waiting, and the injury is still not healed.

Ji Hanxiao took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress the pain in his chest, and fell into licking his wounds alone, but he never heard Ye Qianxing shouting in horror behind the immortal, Ji Hanxiao...

Ji Hanxiao, don't die...

But Ji Hanxiao couldn't hear it.

At the same time, Su Mobai also returned to Si Yuan's room, he opened the door, and Si Yuan was standing inside the door.

Seeing Su Mobai coming in, he held him in his arms.

Firmly, tightly, leaving no gaps.

Su Mobai held back the tears for a long time, and then fell down all of a sudden.

Like a little beast meeting the closest person, it sobbed and complained about its grievances.


"I almost died, I thought I'd never see you again."


"I will never have the chance to see you again, woo woo, hiccup..."

While crying, he talked about his fear, until he hiccupped.

Si Yuan's eyes were also red, he stroked Su Mobai's hair, and kissed softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well."

"Don't be afraid..."

He lifted the little guy's chin and printed it.

I want to appease the other party's tension, panic, and previous remaining fear.

Si Yuan is very indifferent, he can watch a planet disappear quietly, but he can't see even the slightest harm to Su Mobai.

He was so indifferent that he gave all his enthusiasm to the person in front of him.

Su Mobai was gradually soothed, and stopped hiccupping, with red eyes nestled in Si Yuan's arms, unwilling to come out.

Si Yuan comforted his back: "You have disappeared for so many days, I have not been able to contact you, where are you going?"

"Who rescued you?"

Su Mobai told Si Yuan what happened to him in detail.

Biting her lower lip slightly: "Those people came looking for me, they said..."

"My mother had an accident. Before she died, she wanted to see me one last time. I knew what they said might be false, but they showed me the video."

"I also showed me the test report of the medical robot. It is indeed irreparable."

"I just want to go back and see her."

"Although it is possible that it is fake, I dare not bet on it."

Si Yuan looked at the little guy with eyes full of grief, and couldn't help patting him on the back: "It's okay."

Su Mobai cried and lay in Si Yuan's arms.

"and after?"

"They lied to you?"

Su Mobai shook his head, sobbing and unable to speak: "It's not that they lied to me, it's..."

Su Mobai didn't know how to say the last sentence.

Si Yuan instantly guessed a possibility: "It's your mother?"

Su Mobai nodded.

Su Mobai bit her lip firmly: "I never thought that one day she would stand with those people."

Si Yuan spread all his heartache, his child was already suffering enough, why did he want to deprive even the last person standing by his side.

How uncomfortable she must be.

Si Yuan held Su Mobai's waist tightly: "You still have me."

Su Mobai took a deep breath in Si Yuan's arms, as if drawing a sense of security from Si Yuan.

"I don't hate her, and I don't blame her."

"She gave birth to me and protected me from growing up safely, which is already a great kindness."

"In the past two years, I was forced to run out by the family, and her life in the family was not easy. The family members wanted her to trick me back, but she never compromised."

"Subject to a lot of inhuman abuse."

"Even if she wants to take my life, she should, let alone just can't hold on."

Su Mobai tugged at Si Yuan's sleeve: "I escaped from home at that time, and I begged her to come with me, but she refused, she committed suicide..."

Su Mobai's fingertips trembled, as if recalling the bloody scene.

"She told me she was sorry, she told me to go far away."

Su Mobai burst into tears.

"I really want to kill those people, but I can't, and I'm still chased by them like a lost dog."

Su Mobai's words are full of disgust for his own weakness.

"When I came back, I ran into Ye Qianxing, and she saved me."

"Those people also colluded with the Zerg."

Su Mobai told Si Yuan how he was doing recently, and Si Yuan listened carefully while thinking about Su Mobai's life experience.

In fact, Su Mobai's surname is not Su, Su is just his mother's surname.

He didn't want to recognize his father, so he changed his surname after he escaped.

Her surname is Chi, Chi Mobai, her father is extremely powerful, and single-handedly controls the nutrient solution giant company.

And Mo Bai's mother and father are young couples, they love each other, but father cheated, and when mother knew about it, she was still pregnant.

Originally, Mo Bai's mother was planning to divorce the scumbag, but she found out that the mistress wanted to kill her.

In order to protect the due rights and interests of herself and her children, Mo Bai's mother did not mention divorce, but tried to get back what she and Su Mobai deserved.

She can be considered calm, and even raised Mo Bai as a boy since childhood.

She had concealed her gender since she was born, and became the only young son of the Chi family.

Xiaosan provoked her many times, Su Mobai's mother loved that man after all, after all these years, she was also stimulated more by Xiaosan.

He even showed some signs of nerves and madness, and often quarreled and quarreled with his father.

But Su Mobai's father tolerated Su Mobai's mother many times because of a contract.

It is said that this contract was left by Su Mobai's father when he was chasing his wife, saying that if he cheated one day, he would leave the house completely.

This is also the reason why Su Mobai's father dare not divorce.

But once, Su Mobai found out that this was not the case at all.

He inadvertently discovered a big secret.

It also became the reason why he was hunted down.

(End of this chapter)

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