I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 449 Opening of the Secret Realm of 9 Corners of Starlight

Chapter 449 Opening of the Secret Realm of Nine Corners of Starlight

Si Yuan is still immersed in Su Mobai's life experience, he and Su Mobai have not known each other for too long.

It was only one year, when Su Mobai escaped that year, he happened to meet him.

Ask him for help, willing to give anything.

He saved it, but he never thought that he would fall into it like this and fell in love with this little guy.

Si Yuan helped Su Mobai avoid the Chi family's pursuit, but until now, Su Mobai had never seriously explained to him what the so-called big secret was.

In the past, if Su Mobai didn't say anything, Si Yuan didn't ask.

He can protect Su Mobai alone.

You have to know who Si Yuan is, he is the highest researcher of federal weapons, and countless mech warships have been born under his command, and the Imperial Federation has to protect him.

His brain is his greatest asset.

As long as he brings Su Mobai by his side, no one will dare to do anything. Unless the other party is treasonous, the importance of a Si Yuan to a country is beyond words.

But if you want to deal with the Chi family, you need to plan well. No matter how powerful Si Yuan is, there is only one person, and the Federation can protect him, but it will not destroy a big family under his orders.

What's more, he also has a well-established nutrient solution company under his command.

What is nutrient solution.

The entire interstellar human race, the biggest lifeline.

Even the star network has to be in the back row, because the interstellar people do not have the star network, and their strength is regressed, but they will not die, but without the nutrient solution, the entire human race will have to die.

what to eat?What to drink?
While comforting Su Mobai, Si Yuan asked in a low voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Do you want to leave the Chi family, or do you want to take revenge, let everyone surnamed Chi die without a burial place, or make the entire Chi family subvert?"

Si Yuan doesn't fight uncertain battles, he can satisfy all the wishes of the child, but it may take some time for him to plan for some difficult ones.

Su Mobai looked up at Si Yuan, his big eyes blinked twice, and he said, "Think about it all."

Want to leave Chi's house.

The Chi family is going to die, it's a dirty and corrupt family.

And the Chi family will be overthrown sooner or later.

"Okay." Si Yuan pecked at Su Mobai's eyes, full of pampering.

"Then I will make this prosperous world as my children wish."

Su Mobai hugged Si Yuan tightly, he actually wanted to say, I want all of these, but you are what I want most.

After I want you, I will only like me.

Never have anyone else.

But he dare not...

Su Mobai has lived in that family since she was a child. She has low self-esteem and is sensitive. She and Si Yuan started as a deal.

A deal to sell himself, he still remembers what Si Yuan said at that time, he said, if one day, I get tired of you, you will leave with some understanding, I don't like pestering people.

Su Mobai has never dared to let himself sink completely.

The ever-increasing feeling of uneasiness weighed on his heart, the better Si Yuan treated him, the more he panicked, for fear that these were just bubbles, and one day, Si Yuan would suddenly get bored.

He also became homeless again.

Feeling Su Mobai's unusual strength in hugging his waist, Si Yuan was a little strange: "What's wrong? Are there other things?"

Su Mobai took a deep breath before pretending to ask casually, "Where did you go this time?"

Si Yuan was silent for a while before replying: "Academic exchange meeting."

In Si Yuan's arms, Su Mo's eyes were red, and the corners of his mouth puckered unconsciously.


They are all liars!

It's obviously a blind date at home.

Si Yuan keenly sensed that something was wrong with Su Mobai, so he wanted to pull Su Mobai out of his arms and take a look at his face.

But Su Mobai didn't allow it, like an octopus with octopus, tightly restrained Si Yuan's waist, and leaned his head on his chest.

"Mo Bai?"

Su Mobai's voice was trembling and nasal: "Don't pull me."

"I cried just now, but it's ugly, and I don't want to show it to you."

The shoes fell off at some point, and the white and tender little feet kicked Si Yuan, throwing a willful temper.

Si Yuan couldn't help but laugh: "It's not like I haven't seen a time when I'm crying even uglier."

"Besides, my Mobai is not ugly."

"My family's Mobai cried, which made me like it very much."

When Si Yuan said the last two sentences, Lisu Mobai's ears got closer and closer.

Su Mobai attributed all these to Si Yuan's fascination with his body.

He is indeed like this, and he wants it at every turn.

He also has no room for rejection.

"A Yuan..."

Su Mobai's voice was dull.


Will you not want me?

Will marry someone else?
But these words rolled on the tip of his tongue for several times, but he couldn't say them out. Su Mobai didn't know what capacity he was speaking in.

I didn't have the courage to ask.

"Huh?" Si Yuan couldn't wait for Su Mobai's next words for a long time.

So another question came up.

Su Mobai shifted a similar question: "Can I go to your house? I want to meet Dr. Si Kai, he is so powerful."

"I liked Dr. Skye when I was young."

High IQ is hereditary, and Si Yuan's family are all scientific researchers, and they all have a lot of weight in their respective fields.

Su Mo waited eagerly for the answer, but Si Yuan refused very simply.

"They are in the laboratory all year round, and they are not free."

"He has nothing to see. Isn't it enough that you like me alone?"

Si Yuan lifted Su Mobai's chin, and pressed it directly, with a bit of force.

As if angry.

Su Mobai blinked twice, swallowing back tears.

He refused so simply that he didn't even have the intention of taking her home.

Also, how could she deserve to meet these noble people.

Su Mobai seemed to be drained of all vitality for a moment: "A Yuan, I'm a little tired."

"I want to rest for a while."

Si Yuan let go of Su Mobai, what he tasted in Su Mobai's mouth just now was either bitter or salty.

His child is sad after all.

The child has already suffered too much, so I will let myself protect her from now on.

"it is good."

"Then you sleep here."

"I'll watch over you."

"it is good."

Su Mobai slowly closed his eyes.


Time flies, and then passed, several days.

Ye Qianxing's injuries have also healed.

Classes, exercises, practice, trials every day, never fall behind.

And after class that day, Ji Hanxiao asked Ye Qianxing to stay.

Ye Qianxing was detained among the classmates in the class, amidst the teasing and vomit laughing.


"Is something wrong?"

"Well, pack up your things and ask for leave. I'll see you off later. The Starlight Nine Corners Secret Realm will open soon."

"I can't enter that secret realm. It will automatically repel people with too high strength to enter. After you enter, be careful."

"Don't worry about others, take care of yourself is the most important thing."

"Besides humans, there are many other races, so don't trust others easily."

Although Ji Hanxiao knew that the cub was smart and not weak in combat, he would definitely protect himself.

But he just couldn't help nagging.

Finally, he handed Ji Hanxiao a bracelet: "Here are some weapons I prepared for you, and there are instructions for using them. You can use them when the time comes, and there are also some daily necessities."

Carefully handing everything to Ye Qianxing.

"Even if you don't get anything, it's okay to go in and learn a lot. Be sure to pay attention to safety."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao and nodded his head.

No matter what, Ji Hanxiao is really kind to herself.

It's just that Ye Qianxing didn't notice her own transformation. She seemed to no longer resist Ji Hanxiao's kindness to her, and she also accepted the other's things, and she was no longer alienated.

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao, wanting to tell him.

When she comes out of the secret realm, if after this period of separation, she can thoroughly sort out her heart.

Then maybe I have something to say to Ji Hanxiao.

But after thinking about it, Ye Qianxing still didn't say this.

Forget it.

Let's talk about it when the time comes out. If he doesn't think about it when the time comes, it won't make him happy again.

Ji Hanxiao was unaware of all the cub's mental activities.

But if he knew that this secret realm would break him and the cub, he would never let the cub enter.

But no one can see foreknowledge.

Ji Hanxiao just watched the boy standing at the door of the secret realm, and suddenly his heart beat very fast, and he had a particularly bad premonition.

Made him feel a little sad.

He licked his dry lips and pulled Ye Qianxing's sleeve.

Ye Qianxing turned around: "What's wrong?"

"What else?"

Ji Hanxiao suddenly opened his mouth, wanting to ask Ye Qianxing if he doesn't go this time?
He will find a better secret place for her in the future.

better resources.

don't go.

But he didn't know how to speak, because it seemed that there was nothing abnormal in this secret realm.

Ji Hanxiao rubbed his eyebrows.

Let yourself put aside these complicated thoughts, is it because you miss the cub too much, and you are not willing to leave the cub.

Is it sad?
Ji Hanxiao let go of his hand and shook his head.


"Be sure to pay attention to safety."

"Don't forget, you still have tasks, and Jiujiu, they are all waiting for you at home."

Ye Qianxing felt that Ji Hanxiao was a little strange today, but he didn't think too much about it.

"okay, I get it."

Ji Hanxiao exited the secret realm and stood outside looking at Ye Qianxing.

The Jiujiao Secret Realm is a loess color as a whole, and even the buildings seem to be made of mud embryos. In some places, it seems that they have been in disrepair for a long time, and some yellow sand is scattered.

This is like a castle that suddenly appeared in the desert, a yellow sand castle, a mirage.

The endless yellow ruins and broken walls, the style of the building is also showing its teeth and claws, just like a beast with its mouth wide open, and Ye Qianxing and the others are standing by the mouth of the giant beast now.

Ye Qianxing looked at the people around him. The Starlight Nine Corners Secret Realm has a limited time to open it. If it cannot be opened within the stipulated time, then it will not know how long it will take to open it again.

To open this, you need 9 keys to open at the same time.

Now, there are only eight people on their field.

A tall and strong man, probably a giant, nearly 5 meters tall, carrying two heavy meteor hammers with barbs in his hands.

Next to him is a thin man with cold white skin and an air of repelling others thousands of miles away.

On his forehead, there is a clear flame mark.

That's the sign of the Time Race.

They can manipulate time and space.

And life is eternal.

Further to the side, there are three Zerg races, all of whom should be of the king insect class. One has overlapping wings on the back, shining colorful streamers under the light, like elves, with no expression on their faces, they all need mothers controlled by the emperor.

There are also two Zerg races, one looks like the Maitreya Buddha in the ancient history of mankind.

Fat and fat, with fat accumulated on the stomach, and a spider head with sharp fangs.

It looked ordinary, but he seemed to be aware of Ye Qianxing's scrutinizing eyes, and opened his closed eyes, and suddenly dense eyes appeared on his stomach and body, all opened, looking With Ye Qianxing.

It made Ye Qianxing's scalp tingle, not because of fear, but because of trypophobia, it was really disgusting.

In contrast, the other Zerg next to him was also ferocious and terrifying, but it was much more normal.

Three snake heads, six sharp claws, and a pair of upright legs.

There are some tiny snakes on the body.

Just looking at the appearance alone, you can already perceive the power of these three bugs.

The other two were human beings, one turned out to be Yinguang, and the other was a strong man from the outside world.

Yinguang was an old acquaintance, and that one didn't look at anyone from the beginning to the end, just folded his arms and leaned against the pillar behind him.

He didn't say anything, and his whole body exuded an aura that no strangers should enter.

Now, there are one giant race, one space-time race, three Zerg races, and three human races. There are only eight of them, and the last one has never come.

But none of them made a sound, they just waited quietly.

Wait for the last person to come.

Seeing that the secret realm has become turbulent, it should be floating if it is not opened, and the deadline is almost here.

But the last one still didn't come.

Some of us frowned, looking at the position of the door.

Suddenly Ye Qianxing saw a familiar figure.

It turned out to be Su Mobai. She rushed over in her mech and landed directly in front of Ye Qianxing.

He took out the golden key.

When the other 8 people saw that the last one had finally arrived, they all took out the keys. In an instant, the keys flew into the air together, flashing with light, and finally spun in mid-air.

In the end, it turned out to be a scepter.

The scepter flashed a noble streamer, pointing directly at the gate of the secret realm.

There was a gap in the gate that had been motionless under the siege of many strong men before, and the Zerg rushed in.

But Ye Qianxing pulled Su Mobai, his face was not very good-looking: "You want to enter this secret realm?"

Ye Qianxing was not worried about competing for resources.

She was worried about Su Mobai's life.

Going to maybe everyone dispersed, the secret realm is so big, you may not be able to find the other party at the time of opening.

Even if she can find it, in this secret realm, she can only take care of herself.

How to afford Su Mobai.

But if the other party has something to do, and the two of them are considered friends, she can't just sit idly by.

Su Mobai only got slaughtered when he went in.

So Ye Qianxing held him back, afraid that he would be impulsive.

"Do you want something? Tell me. I'll try my best to find it for you. If you go in, you will die." Ye Qianxing used the word "try my best."

(End of this chapter)

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