The spirit of the secret realm
Su Mobai's eyes were particularly red, obviously he had cried, and he was not in a good mood.

"I have to go."

Su Mobai pushed Ye Qianxing's hand away.

"Go in and protect yourself, don't care about my life or death, I don't want to drag you down."

Su Mobai had his own reasons for going in, and at the same time he didn't want to drag Ye Qianxing down.

Su Mobai rushed into the secret realm first, and Ye Qianxing didn't stop her anymore. Everyone has their own decisions and their own lives, so she can't stop them either.

A group of people entered the secret realm, the gate of the secret realm was directly closed, and the noble scepter gradually disappeared into the air. The ancient city of yellow sand seemed to fade in an instant, and finally disappeared.

As if it had never appeared before.

Ye Qianxing only felt that he had stepped into a space-time tunnel.

After shaking in front of his eyes for a moment, he came to a dense jungle.

I looked around and saw that I was the only one. It seemed that the teleportation came in at random, and everyone got separated.

Ye Qianxing felt the extremely active wood attribute aura here, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This secret place has aura.

That's good.

It's just that the wood attribute is really active, and it's very pure, the aura is very pure.

It seems that here, taking a breath of air, you can be full of vitality.

Ye Qianxing looked at the back of his hand. When he fell just now, he was cut by a branch next to him. Now he is standing still, with that thin cut.

It was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wood itself is peaceful and represents vitality.

This is why there are no planets with plants in the interstellar world, and there is no aura.

Because there is no wood.

But the vitality here is too terrifying.

Just the air has the function of allowing wounds to heal.

"Is there a secret treasure here?"

Ye Qianxing looked sideways at the surrounding trees. With such a huge wood spirit energy, the trees next to them must have become fine.

At least it has the power to attack.

I don't know how long they have lived in the secret realm, Ye Qianxing dare not underestimate them.

After she fought against the king worm in the Zerg trial field last time, she upgraded again.

Now it is the middle of the out-of-body period, and once it reaches the out-of-body period, she will have an additional important life-saving ability, that is, the Nascent Soul will go out of the body at any time.

If there is a huge damage to her body, as long as her Nascent Soul is still there, she can practice again and cultivate her real body.

It's like a second life.

Ye Qianxing took out his sword, looked at the surrounding vegetation vigilantly, and continued to walk forward.

She could vaguely feel the richness of the wood aura in this certain direction.

Presumably the baby should be in that place.

Ye Qianxing walked all the way forward, just feeling like being peeped.

The breeze blew through these plants and trees, and the fresh breath rushed into Ye Qianxing's nasal cavity, making her feel relaxed and refreshed.

"I just borrowed it, and I didn't want to hurt everyone. If all the fairy grasses have spiritual wisdom, they can coexist peacefully. It's convenient."

Ye Qianxing is used to courtesy first and soldiers later.

If there is something that can be resolved without fighting, then that is naturally good. If there is really something like fairy grass that opens the mind, they may not do it.


After Ye Qianxing finished speaking, a female voice was suddenly heard.

Mixed with disdain.

"You outsiders are used to deceiving people and playing tricks."

"Killed countless small animals in the jungle."

"Greedy and disgusting."



Quite a few chattering voices fit the female voice.

All are the voices of children, they are full of dislike for outsiders.

"Get out of the jungle now, or we'll kill you!"

A male voice sounded, threatening.

Ye Qianxing secretly used spiritual energy to protect her whole body.

"I need to go in this direction. If you are sensible, let me go there. I will not hurt you."

Ye Qianxing could vaguely guess what this treasure was, and this treasure would not affect the growth of these plants in the secret realm.

So she wants to take treasures, and it will not affect or harm these flowers and trees.

Peaceful past is the best.

If you really want to fight, it will definitely be another hard fight.

"It's another one running for the spirit, kill!"

Everyone got excited.

In an instant, the heavy and long branches pointed towards Ye Qianxing's face, and they were drawn fiercely.

Countless trees, flowers and plants began to grow wildly at this moment, covering the sky above Ye Qianxing's dome, forming a cage.

Ye Qianxing pulled a sword flower and swept across with the sword, cutting off all the plants within a few meters of her by the roots.

Then Ye Qianxing picked up the long sword in his hand and raised it upwards. His whole body spun quickly in an instant, heading straight for the top of the green cage formed by the vines on the top.

Ye Qianxing's body was sprinkled with green juice, and the sky burst into light. The sunlight that had been blocked by the green vines poured out directly from the cracks.

Ye Qianxing rushed out from the gap, directly flew into the air with Yujian, flying higher and higher.

Fly to your destination.

But the vines below were hot on their heels, twisting ferociously in mid-air like vine tentacles as thick as three or four people.



In the end, there are more and more, covering the sky and the sun.

They rushed towards Ye Qianxing with claws and claws, trying to tear him down from the sky.

Ye Qianxing stood firmly on the sword, and shuttled among these densely intertwined vine tentacles.

She was extremely fast, and these tentacles were barely ready to hit her.

The vines were also aware of it, and it didn't seem to work for Ye Qianxing.

So they began to change their methods, and if the speed couldn't keep up, they would form barriers one after another.

The barrier intertwined with green vines made Ye Qianxing violently break the barrier every time he walked.

Every time there was a delay, the surrounding vines would swarm up again, and the barbs on those vines rushed to the position of Ye Qianxing's shoulders, and stabbed them fiercely.

When the spikes on it touched Ye Qianxing's flesh, they sucked blood violently.

The originally green vines instantly turned bloody, and Ye Qianxing quickly cut off the vines.

"Outsiders, get out immediately!"

"Otherwise, I will directly turn you into fertilizer!"

"Get out!"


The plants below kept shouting, they wanted to drive Ye Qianxing away.

Ye Qianxing divided the sword into two, black and white, one was placed under his feet, and the other was struggling to chop the surrounding vines.

But these vines are really tough.

Moreover, the regeneration speed of the plant system is very fast, Ye Qianxing is almost a little weak.

And the tougher the plant, the harder it is to cut the vines.

Some need one sword, some need several swords.

Ye Qianxing tore apart a barrier intertwined with vines again, feeling that the wood aura around him had become much stronger, as if he was almost at the place.

Ye Qianxing's face was a little joyful, and he felt that he could still hold on.

"If you want to fight, you can fight, you talk a lot of nonsense."

"Usually it's the people who can't be beaten that speak to scare others."

Ye Qianxing dodged to the left to avoid the attack of the vines, but a huge flower suddenly protruded from below.


There are sharp teeth on the flowers, and there are green slime inside the stamens, and there are some animal bones inside.

It stretched out violently and directly bit Ye Qianxing's ankle, tearing off a large piece of flesh from his calf.

Ye Qianxing dodged quickly, sweat dripping down his forehead.

Fortunately, I hid in time.

Otherwise, this leg is unnecessary.

But before he just stood still, there were more than a dozen of those piranhas around him.

And there was also a sharp bird song from the side and rear.

The sharp voice rushed to Ye Qianxing's ears in an instant, causing the movement to stop for a moment.

Turning around, a huge golden eagle appeared in the pupil.

He was rushing towards himself.

"Oops, I forgot that there are birds in the sky."

And as the golden eagle found Ye Qianxing, many birds gradually came to encircle and suppress Ye Qianxing.

"Another hateful outsider."

"I hate you outsiders the most."

"Today, uncle, I must tear you up and eat you."

There are vines in front of Ye Qianxing, and birds behind.

Had to make an emergency landing quickly.

The height of the landing, landing in the jungle again, may make walking more difficult, but it is much better than facing the hatchback attack.

But the danger below did not decrease at all. As soon as Ye Qianxing landed on the ground, all the plants rushed over densely.

Ye Qianxing quickly mobilized the fire roots in his body.

"Red Flame Technique!"

"The catastrophe starts a prairie fire!"

A huge fireball fell from the sky and landed directly in this huge forest, Huo Kemu.

Even the air turned into scorching waves in an instant, and the high temperature made the surrounding air seem to be distorted.

Use the ice root to form an ice layer on your body, and go towards the sea of ​​fire.

Many trees are struggling, Huo Kemu.

What is most feared in the forest is fire.

This trick is really too bamboo shoots.

Some trees with relatively high cultivation levels directly pulled themselves up from the ground and fled frantically.

Ye Qianxing was so high-spirited, it hurt, he didn't think of it at the first moment, it was really a mistake.

After rushing out of this sea of ​​flames, Ye Qianxing replaced the ice on his body with sparks.

Look at the eager plants around you.

Ye Qianxing smiled viciously and threateningly: "Do you want to try too?"

"Then go ahead, I promise, I can burn you clean."

A vine was almost stretching out in front of Ye Qianxing's face, Ye Qianxing didn't hide, but stretched out his burning hand slightly forward.


The miserable cry, and the tentacles retracted instantly, but this star fire is different from the fire spirit root, the fire spirit root fire is easy to extinguish, this spark is stained with a trace, but in an instant...

The tree was reduced to ashes, and all the surrounding trees were frightened into quails.

This woman has the magic weapon to restrain them.

Ye Qianxing snorted twice: "Don't mess with me, I'll take the fire back."

"Or I'll burn you all up."

This is a jungle after all, if Ye Qianxing doesn't take back the fire, it will be reduced to ashes in a few days.

Ye Qianxing didn't mean that either, he just wanted to get the baby.

"That thing is not very useful to you, but it may make you grow a little faster."

"However, this secret realm is full of aura, even without it, you can still grow up."

Whoever has the biggest fist will own the treasure, which itself is a thing without an owner.

This secret realm is full of aura, capable of giving birth to such a baby.

Ye Qianxing walked forward while communicating with the plants, but this time, no plants dared to stop her.

"it is good!"

"You take back your fire, we won't stop you."

Ye Qianxing scanned the surrounding trees.

All those who were seen pulled up the roots and retreated.

They are really afraid of this living Hades.

In the sea of ​​flames behind him, there were countless miserable cries.

"Hurry up and put out the fire, we really won't hurt you."

"You can take that thing if you want it."

"If you don't put out the fire, we're all going to die."

This fire can really turn the entire forest into ashes.

Ye Qianxing suddenly remembered something, she pointed directly, and the gravel on the ground automatically formed a chair.

She sat down with her legs crossed.

Noble blew on his nails casually.

"Don't worry."


"Let me think."

"The baby you are guarding is the Wood Spirit, right?"

"The wood spirits produced by so many trees here, are there any other four spirits in this secret realm?"

"Golden wood, water and fire?"

The plants were simply driven mad by Ye Qianxing's shamelessness.


"You human being is simply greedy!"


Ye Qianxing's smiling tongue circled her fingertips: "What is a face? Can that thing increase your cultivation or fill your stomach?"

"You kill us, even if we are burned to ashes, we will not help you snatch other spirits."

"Grass can be killed but not humiliated!"

"You kill us!"

"You burn it!"


"Hey? Don't get excited. I didn't say that I asked you to help me grab the spirit. You just need to tell me where the other spirits are."

"My fire just hits your wood, but metal and earth are not afraid of me."

"Maybe I can't subdue them, and I have to be killed by them."

"Don't you want to see me die?"

Ye Qianxing blinked his eyes twice, casually fooling these little plants.

These small plants have never been to the outside world, so they are relatively simple in themselves, and the intelligence of plants is not high in themselves.

Therefore, Ye Qianxing flickered around without any pressure.

"Don't you want to?"

Ye Qianxing tempted them.

Sure enough, those plants began to vine to vine, and began to whisper, as if they were communicating and discussing.

"That's right, that's right, this human being is really disgusting, Brother Jin, Uncle Tu and the others are amazing, let's let her go there."

"When the time comes, let Brother Jin and Uncle Tu kill her."

"Doesn't she think she can play with fire? Or send her to Sister Huo and kill her."

"Tell her! Just tell her! Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for her to get a good deal under their hands."

Among the five elements of Yuanling, wood has the lowest combat effectiveness.

The other four elements are not easy to mess with.

"Okay! Let's tell her then."

Ye Qianxing wasn't in a hurry, he just sat there with a smile on his face, waiting for the plants to finish their discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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