I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 451 Five Elements Spirit [Battle Silver Light]

Chapter 451 Five Elements Spirit [Battle Silver Light]

Ye Qianxing changed from the embarrassed attitude of being hunted down just now to being indifferent.

She looked at the well-behaved plants in front of her: "Can we discuss it?"

"We have discussed it!"

"So what if we tell you where the other 4 spirits are."

"If you dare to go, you will come back dead."

And even if they don't tell, these people can be found after all.

These Five Elements Spirits are the biggest treasures in this secret realm, everyone must snatch them, every time they can see the outsiders fighting for these spirits, killing each other, thinking of that scene, these plants, and an idea.

Ye Qianxing smiled: "Then you don't have to worry about it."

"Aren't you going to tell me? This half of the forest will be burnt down later."

Those plants were annoyed by Ye Qianxing's arrogant words, but they didn't dare to refute.

This man is holding their lifeline right now.

He had no choice but to confess on the surface, but in his heart, he silently cursed Ye Qianxing that he would die without a place to die.

"Just tell you..."

After the plants finished talking about the positions of the other four spirits, Ye Qianxing also retracted the flames as promised.

But despite this, many plants have been reduced to ashes.

Turned into a piece of scorched black, the originally vibrant woods seemed to have suffered some disaster.

The light in Ye Qianxing's eyes flickered for a moment, but she didn't regret it. She had already said at the beginning that she only wanted to take treasures and didn't want to fight.

But these plants want to leave treasures behind.

That can only be seen under the hands.

Winning or losing, life and death are common matters in military affairs.

Wave your sleeves and leave.

But Ye Qianxing didn't know that a conspiracy against her had already started.

All the plants looked at her leaving back with hatred, and the wind blew gently, blowing many trees and grass branches together.

They started whispering, spreading news.

Within half a day, the other eight participants in the secret realm all received a message.

In this secret realm, there are five element spirits.

Represents the five attributes in heaven and earth.

These five attributes are the purest power condensed by heaven and earth in this secret realm. If anyone can use it for their own use, they can take back the entire secret realm for their own use.

Can become the master of the secret realm.

The strength can also be multiplied several times in an instant.

And the wood spirit has already fallen into the hands of a human girl.



This target has already been locked, Ye Qianxing.

Before Ye Qianxing stepped out of this forest, he had already become the hunting target of all the participants.

This is the revenge of the plants. They want these participants to kill each other desperately.

Let them all die here.

Ye Qianxing was unaware of everything, she rushed towards the place where the aura was the strongest, and came to the very center of the forest, where there was an extremely huge tree.

Only then did Ye Qianxing see clearly that the flowers, plants and trees outside were all his roots, branches and branches.

The tree is so big that it can block the sky.

Can't even see the top at a glance.

And the place where the aura is the strongest is at the root of this tree.

The roots of the tree are so thick that it may not be possible for 20 people to hug them together.

Ye Qianxing took two steps forward, the tree had no intention of attacking her.

Ye Qianxing temporarily wrapped his other spiritual roots, releasing the breath of wood and earth.

native wood.

The wood attribute will make the wood spirit feel close.

The earth attribute will make it feel happy.

Both of these will be important factors to attract Wood Spirit.

It is said that it is a spirit, but it is just a group of high-level energy bodies. Whether it is born with spiritual wisdom or not is another matter.

Ye Qianxing approached slowly.

was never blocked.

Suddenly, a huge eye appeared on the big tree.

The eyes are very agile, and there seems to be infinite kindness and vitality in them.

Immediately, a soft male voice said, "Sister, are you looking for me?"

Ye Qianxing didn't expect that this wood spirit really gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

If you want to absorb something with intelligence, you must erase their intelligence.

Ye Qianxing retreated a little.

But it was impossible for her to return empty-handed, it took a lot of effort to get here.

However, the spirits of the five elements are all pure and good spirits in the world.

Ye Qianxing relaxed and sat in front of the tree.

"Yes, looking for you."

"What does sister want me for?" The little guy's words were even more curious.

Even though the other party was invisible, Ye Qianxing could still outline from the little guy's voice, a white and tender little boy doll, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, so cute as hell.

"Looking for you, I want to eat you and turn it into my cultivation energy."

Ye Qianxing smiled and frightened the little guy.

"Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid." The little guy shook his head, and the big tree shook its leaves twice, rustling.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help laughing, just as he was about to tease the little guy a few more words, pink petals floated leisurely in front of him.

It was as if a rain of flower petals had formed and fell on Ye Qianxing's neck.

at the shoulder.

Even the palms, the tip of the nose.

The little boy seemed to have discovered something interesting, so he shook his body a few times happily.

More petals fall, all colors.

The tip of her nose was completely overwhelmed by the rich aroma, and Ye Qianxing's eyes were full of colors, beautiful and bright.

"I'm not afraid of my sister, hehe, I don't feel any malice from my sister."

"My sister is a good person."

The little boy talked to Ye Qianxing happily, which made Ye Qianxing not know how to answer.

She couldn't bear to erase her pure mind.

But you still have to squeeze something out.


This little guy, this ass one after another.

Ye Qianxing was a little speechless.

People are always soft-hearted towards innocent children.

"Little sycophants."

Sighing, Ye Qianxing was going to rest here for a while, eat, refresh, and go to the place of the other four spirits tomorrow.

"Sister, my name is Mumu, do you come from outside? What's your name?"

"My name is Ye Qianxing, I come from Interstellar."

"Sister, what's it like outside?"


"Outside, there are many bad people, and there are also many good people."

"It's dangerous, but it's also beautiful."

The little guy seemed unable to understand Ye Qianxing's two words, so he said a little disappointed: "I want to go out and have a look, but I can't."

"Sister, I heard that people outside know many things and can sing. Some people sing better than larks."

"Can dance, more beautiful than a peacock."

"Sister, will you?"

"Sing me a song."

Ye Qianxing flatly refused: "I won't sing."

"Do not jump."

She hasn't learned these, so no.

"Please, sister."

Ye Qianxing still wanted to refuse.

But I never thought that the little guy acted like a baby even more.

"Please, sister."

"Sister, you are the most beautiful, sister, you are the cutest, sister~~"

The little boy's voice, with a soft and waxy feeling, can be sweet to the heart.

Ye Qianxing looked helplessly at the branches and vines above.

Brother, please, she is here to find the baby.

It's fine if you don't have the heart to do it.

Also sell and sing.

Partial, and some can not refuse.

"Sister~~little fairy sister~~"

Ye Qianxing searched in his head for a long time before clearing his throat and yelling at him fiercely: "Shut up."

The little boy thought she didn't want to.

Feeling a little lost, even the branches above the trees drooped.

But the next moment, a hoarse and sharp voice came from beside my ear.

Ye Qianxing also stood up, she was dancing with a sword in her hand.

"War smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north, the dragon rises, the horse rolls, and the sword is like frost."

"My heart is as vast as the water of the Yellow River, who can resist in 20 years!"

"Hate the direction of the long sword, how many loyal brothers and sisters buried their bones in other places, why do you regret a hundred deaths to serve your family and country, and you are speechless and tearful."

"Horseshoes go south and people look north, and people look north to see the green grass and yellow dust flying. I am willing to defend the land and open up the frontiers. The majestic China will let the Quartet, come and congratulate!"

The little boy's eyes lit up, that dance was not a dance, it might be better to say that she became a general.

One stands with a sword in hand, the other guards the gate, and ten thousand cannot open it.

Killed countless enemies, the first general to defend the country.

Her voice was loud and high-pitched, discarding all softness, and the hearts of those who listened were shocked.

The little boy recognized the demeanor and grandeur of a big country.

Crash, the leaves shook even more, Ye Qianxing also retracted his sword and stood up again.

"I can't sing, you just listen to it."

"Miss, you sing really well."

"It's really nice to hear, I like it so much."

"In order to thank my sister for singing and dancing swords for me, I will also give my sister a gift."

A small basket intertwined with vines was delivered to Ye Qianxing.

There are a few emerald green leaves inside, the leaves are not ordinary at first glance, they are full of vitality, and they have already turned into jade, crystal clear, not even a ten thousandth of the emperor green.

Next to it are two green beads, equally powerful.

There is also a mass of energy wrapped in a green liquid.

Ye Qianxing's pupils dilated instantly.

This liquid is the essence of vitality, and the beads are a small part of the energy stripped from the wood spirit, but this part is enough for Ye Qianxing to use for a long time.

Those few leaves are the spiritual leaves of the tree of life.

The tree of life is the first among the sacred trees, and even the bodhi tree has to be second.

It can pass through the four realms, reach Yin and Yang, and is the separation pillar of one realm.

The head of all things.

These few leaves are its spiritual leaves. Although the power is not as terrifying as the tree of life, it cannot cross borders casually, but with these few leaves, it is no problem to cross positions instantly in the future.

Ye Qianxing felt that this gift was a bit hot.

"Sister, take it. My sister hasn't hurt me until now. I should return something to my sister."

"Besides, it's nothing to me."

The little boy urged Ye Qianxing to put away his things.

Ye Qianxing really wanted it.

She stopped being pretentious, and put the things into the space with a wave of her hand.

"Thank you."

"In return, I'll help you set up another formation to protect your safety."

It is true that the attack power is not very strong, and if others attack him at that time, this little guy may be a little dangerous.

But before the little boy had time to answer, Ye Qianxing swung his sword awe-inspiringly and struck behind him: "Who is it!"

"get out!"

A young man in a silver robe came out from behind the tree, seeing that familiar face, Ye Qianxing heaved a sigh of relief.

"Silver light?"


Ye Qianxing stood in front of Mumu.

"Did you hear it all?"

Silver light hummed again.

Ye Qianxing didn't want to fight Yinguang.

"Whoever sees it has a share. I'll give you half of what Mumu gave me just now. You don't want to do anything, and hide Mumu's news, okay?"

Ye Qianxing felt that Yin Guang would definitely agree with him.

And the two can be called friends.

He took out half of the things himself to protect Mumu and Yinguang.

Ye Qianxing flipped her hand, and the object appeared in her hand again. She gave half of it and prepared to hand it to Yin Guang, showing great sincerity.

"This wood spirit already has sanity. If you want to forcibly absorb him, it's no different from killing a child. The things he gave are also very useful..."

Before Ye Qianxing finished speaking, Yin Guang pointed his spear at Ye Qianxing.


"You won, listen to you, I won, you have no right to interfere."

The little boy looked at Ye Qianxing worriedly: "Sister?"

Ye Qianxing took the things back with his backhand, and he was never angry because of Yin Guang's words of war.

Everyone has everyone's choices, and it's no surprise.

In fact, Ye Qianxing also knew that others saw him facing such a treasure of heaven and earth, and refused to accept it, and felt that he was a saint.

She just couldn't help it.

But everyone has their position.

This little guy gave things to himself so trustingly just now.

It's not my style if I just leave it alone.

"it is good!"

"Don't worry, you hide it well." Ye Qianxing patted the root of the tree lightly with his palm.

He stood up with his sword in his hand.

"Competition? Can you order?" Ye Qianxing felt that he and Yinguang were still friends.

"Fight to the death!" The silver light looked directly at Ye Qianxing, and there was some light in it that Ye Qianxing could not understand.


Ye Qianxing closed his eyes for a moment.

"I understand……"

"Then fight!"

Opening his eyes again, Ye Qianxing's pupils only had fighting spirit left.

"I wanted to fight you earlier, but I kept staggering by accident."

"It is also very good to end the wish today."


As soon as the words were pronounced, the spear in Yin Guang's hand shot out like a dragon, winding like a snake, and hit Ye Qianxing's heart directly.

This move is a killer move, a real life-and-death struggle.

The sword in Ye Qianxing's hand was split into two, and the sword energy flashed white light in the air, forming a network of swords, blocking all the attacks of the silver light.

"Gun Dragon!"

With a handsome pick, Yinguang activated the attribute in the long spear, and instantly the whole sky turned incandescent, the clouds surged, and many trees and plants around were blown off.

There was a loud dragon howl, and behind the silver light, a silver dragon with nine claws appeared.

The dragon's beard hangs down on both sides, and the dense scales on its body reflect a cold light.


A trace of astonishment flashed across Ye Qianxing's face, Yin Guang really wanted to kill himself.

I never offended him, and even regarded him as a friend.

One was distracted, and he hesitated to block.

He was directly sent several meters away by a flick of Long Ying's tail.

The sword slashed fiercely on the ground, and the ground was cut a big hole by the sharp blade.

With the help of this friction, Ye Qianxing slowly stopped his figure.

She swallowed the fishy sweetness in her throat.

The eyes looking at the silver light gradually became as cold as a cold pool.

(End of this chapter)

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