I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 452 Silver light is dead...

Chapter 452 Silver light is dead...

Ye Qianxing coughed, watching Yinguang's attacks, wave after wave, even if he fell down, he didn't stop.

The word "fight to the death" he said was not casually said in order to allow himself to exert his full strength.

Nothing made Ye Qianxing understand more clearly than this moment that Yin Guang really wanted to kill him.

No reason.

All the friendship, at this moment, disappeared.

tear face.

will cease to exist in the future.

Ye Qianxing was knocked back dozens of steps again.

Right shoulder hurts.

If the way is different, then we have to stop here!

Ye Qianxing closed his eyes for a moment, discarding all the clutter in his mind, and opened his eyes again, Yin Guang was only labeled as an opponent.


There is only life and death, winning and losing.

Yin Guang didn't care about Ye Qianxing's current state at all, he only knew that if she didn't kill her.

The demons in my life can no longer be resolved.

So he urgently needs to use a winnable battle to rebuild his self-confidence.

The dragon shadow behind the silver light turned into two, attacking Ye Qianxing back and forth.

The sword in Ye Qianxing's hand also split into two, and a huge yin-yang fish appeared in mid-air, but did Ye Qianxing not use Annihilation against the silver light?

The reason she gave herself was that Destruction is not easy to control, so she gave up this big move that can control the enemy with one move.

Turn to a more secure way.

The aura of the five elements climbed up the black and white yin-yang fish, and gradually the pressure on the black and white yin-yang fish became more and more obvious.

The incandescent sky over there is squeezed by black and white.

The space is smaller.

The clouds rolled, Ye Qianxing's moves were finally fully charged, and the aura shield in front of him was completely broken with Long Ying's attack.


The sound of cracking.

Long Ying's screams.

The black and white colors suddenly turned into a big mountain, pressing heavily on Long Ying's body.


The dragon shadow instantly split into two pieces.

The light waves of the colliding force directly pushed the silver light far away.

Ye Qianxing stood still, but did not pursue.

Yin Guang lay on the ground, obviously seriously injured, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Ye Qianxing pointed: "You leave now, I won't kill you."

Yinguang's face was indifferent and did not fluctuate at all, but he took out a gun.

Ye Qianxing was approved.

If he couldn't fight, he used his weapon. He made up his mind to kill Ye Qianxing.

A trace of confusion flashed in Ye Qianxing's eyes: "Silver light..."

"I have never been sorry to you seriously."

"I also think that we came from a galaxy and supported each other with Sanaxe. Up to now, even if we have not reached the point of confidant, we can still be regarded as friends."

"I also know that you are not someone who can kill a friend just because of this wood spirit."

"But why do you want to stay with me forever?"

Ye Qianxing originally felt that his arrogance did not allow him to ask, after all, the moment Yin Guang wanted to kill him, he should treat him as an opponent.

But Ye Qianxing was unwilling.

She really didn't know what she did wrong.

If Yinguang really needs it, as a friend, it is not impossible to give him all the things Mumu gave him.

Ye Qianxing valued treasures, but valued friends more.

However, this shot will be put to death.

Ye Qianxing really didn't know what he did wrong.

Yin Guang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth viciously.

Looking at Ye Qianxing, he sneered.

"You think you're going to win, so you insult me ​​by saying these words?"

"Think I will definitely lose in your hands?"

Yinguang directly pressed the button of the gun, which is a particle corrosion gun.

Not only energy storage and extremely fast speed, but also hidden powerful attributes.

That is its particle light. During the cutting, it also contains a tube of the most powerful corrosive toxin.

This poison.

a drop.

It can take an S-level strong man, and there will be no bones left after being corroded in an instant.

If you stick to it, you will die.

Ye Qianxing was overwhelmed by endless anger the moment the gun appeared.

Slashed with a sword.

The particle light and toxin were shot down in mid-air by the white sword light.

"Silver light! From now on, we will be separated!"

Ye Qianxing's eyes were stained red by anger, she no longer held back her hand in her attack and didn't care whether Yin Guang was injured or not, she was only going to beat him until he couldn't fight back, and then threw him down.

Ye Qianxing couldn't kill him yet.

"Five Elements Sword Art!"





Fighting wave after wave, Yin Guang's face was pale, and Ye Qianxing pressed and beat him.

The more he fought, the more frightened he became. From the very beginning of the recruitment competition, among the three of her, Three Axes, and Yin Guang, the strongest should be Yin Guang.

It's only been a few months.

Ye Qianxing was already able to beat him down.

Lose yourself.

Completely lost.

The long sword pointed directly at Yinguang's heart, and Yinguang closed his eyes.

But at the last moment, Ye Qianxing's heart softened for a moment.

Withdrawing the sword, turning it to the outside, penetrated the clothes under Yinguang's armpit, and did not hurt him.


Warm blood spurted onto Ye Qianxing's face.

She bowed her head in disbelief.

Yinguang's heart is being pierced by a slender snake.

The black snake head spat out the letter ferociously.

The blood from the corner of Yinguang's mouth kept flowing out, and his whole body convulsed, as if he was enduring great pain.

Ye Qianxing's eyes turned red in an instant, her anger dissipated, and her flustered sword fell to the ground.

The voice was mixed with panic: "Silver light!"

Slashing the snake's head with a sword, he bent down to support Yin Guang's fallen body.

Yin Guang twitched twice, his eyes lightly passed over Ye Qianxing's sword that didn't hurt him.

The smile on the corner of his mouth looked a little miserable.

Two traces of regret flashed in his eyes.

He held Ye Qianxing's hand, opened and closed his lips without making a sound, but blood kept flowing down the corner of his mouth.

Ye Qianxing firmly grasped Yin Guang's hand, and frantically sent him spiritual energy: "No..."

"Don't talk."

"Don't say..."

"I don't listen now, I don't accept your apology, you live well."

"I'll save you, I have a way to save you."

Tears slid down the corners of his eyes and fell on Yinguang's face, Ye Qianxing took out the things Mu Mu gave to Space just now.

"I... I have... vitality..."

"These things..." can cure your...

In the middle of speaking, Yin Guang's hand hangs down.

Just now, he was full of vigor and fighting spirit, and a living life that was fighting with him just disappeared.

Ye Qianxing choked up, tears streaming down her face.

"Silver light..."

"Get up, didn't you say that you must beat me."

"You want to return home, do you want to be the pride of your planet?"

"If you don't get up, how will these wishes come true?"

Ye Qianxing shook Yin Guang's gradually stiff body, unwilling to believe it.

"stand up!!!"

The voice was much louder, with a feeble roar.

Thinking of Yinguang's words and deeds in the past, everyone came out of the Milky Way and played games together.

Eat, drink and have fun together.

Sit together and talk about the future.

At that time, Yinguang also said that his biggest dream was to become a heroic warrior, guarding the frontier and protecting mankind!

But now it's all impossible.

His young life came to an abrupt end.

"Human beings are just stupid, they are dead, and they are still farting."

"This is the genius of human beings, but it really disappears without a fight."

"Hee hee, little girl, just kneel down and kowtow, call out a few words to grandpa, and I will spare your life."

"However, hahaha, I like to eat superpowers like you who are full of abilities. Eating it once can help the empress produce a lot of high-quality eggs."


Ye Qianxing looked at the hole in Yinguang's heart, and it seemed that he had been guided by something, and it was gradually getting bigger. The flesh and blood seemed to be melted by something, and it was gradually expanding around.

Ye Qianxing took the sword beside him, and directly cut off the flesh around Yin Guang's heart.

Then put Yin Guang's corpse into the space.

Looking up again, when he looked at the three snake-headed king worms in front of him, his eyes were full of killing intent.



Ye Qianxing raised his hand and ate a piece of green leaf, and instantly the vigorous vitality spread throughout his limbs and bones. All the internal and external injuries were repaired at this moment, and even the aura was fully recovered in an instant.

The hair fell apart at some point, and Ye Qianxing's face was still covered with the blood spurted from Silver Light's chest just now.

With half of his face dyed red, he looked like a red demon climbing up from hell.

At this time, the other two king worms also stood beside the black snake king worm.

Of these three insects, the one in the shape of a snake is called the black snake, the one with wings is the dream butterfly, and the one with eyes is the thousand eyes.

"This little girl is not easy to deal with, you have to be careful." Mengdie explained to the other two coldly.

"This should be the strongest one among the many humans who came in."

"The stronger it is, the more delicious it tastes."

"Quack haha!!"


After watching the whole process, Mumu was also terribly angry. Suddenly, a ball of green light rushed out from the trees and rushed directly into Ye Qianxing's body.

"Sister! Let me help you!"

"Sister, just hit me, I will protect you!"

The spiritual energy of the wood spirit instantly protected every inch of Ye Qianxing's body.

From this moment on, as long as Ye Qianxing's brain doesn't split in two, as long as her heart doesn't shatter badly, she won't die.

One to three.

There was little hope for her.

But now, it is really uncertain who will win and who will lose.

"Thank you."

"Don't worry, I won't absorb you." Ye Qianxing also assured Mumu.

The sword swiped several times in the air, and the blade grazed the palm fiercely, and the red blood condensed into a circle in mid-air.

Ye Qianxing's every word and sentence almost formed a cold and substantive killing intent.

"Eternal swordsmanship - ancient autumn leaves!"

In an instant, the fallen leaves of all the flowers, plants and trees in the jungle were rolled up, and the red blood turned into extremely thin threads, rushing directly into the fallen leaves.

In an instant, the sword in his hand disappeared into nothingness.

The dense fallen leaves covered the sky without a trace of light, and the darkness was oppressive.

Ye Qianxing pushed hard with his hand.

The fallen leaves flashed a cold light in an instant, and those soft leaves instantly became as hard as steel, with sharp sword intent and endless rage like the master.

Killing intent!
The sky was densely packed, spinning crazily, aiming at the three bugs, wishing to kill them to pieces.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The colorful wings behind Mengdie flapped twice, and countless colored light spots floated up from above the wings, and those colored light spots fell on the fallen leaves one by one.

It's like a dreamy rain of colorful light spots.

But it quietly resolved the biggest danger.

The fallen leaves are gradually wrapped in colorful light spots, and finally disappear into the air as dreamlike bubbles.

"Little girl, if you have any tricks, just use them."

"Let us also see whether the title of genius you are worthy of."

Mengdie fluttered her wings and slowly fell from the air, her toes tapped lightly. The one on the other end was elegant and noble. If it wasn't for its ugly face, it would really look as noble as an elf.

"I haven't finished this move yet, still thinking about the next move?"

Ye Qianxing sneered disdainfully.

Mengdie was about to refute in astonishment, but Black Snake suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"


The sound of a sword piercing flesh.

Among the fallen leaves that were slowly disappearing, a long white sword suddenly appeared, just an inch away from Mengdie, and it was too late to hide, so it directly penetrated into his abdomen.

Ye Qianxing also rushed forward with a long black sword in his hand, the black snake retreated quickly, and with a wave of his hand, countless small black snakes spread around Ye Qianxing like a plague.

Just waiting for Ye Qianxing's random negligence to bite her.

Ye Qianxing didn't care at all.

With a sweep of her sword, she slashed across the sky and the earth, and directly slashed at Qianmu.

Qianmu chuckled: "The little guy seems to think that I'm easier to bully, doesn't he?"

While speaking, the densely packed eyes all around him suddenly opened, and the silver eyes seemed to be carrying a real knife.

Straight into Ye Qianxing's mind.

Her eyes lost their light for an instant.


Silver occupied all of her mind, and her consciousness was about to split. In Ye Qianxing's mind, there was only one huge eye, which was occupying all of her mind.

The huge eyes kept emitting silver light in his mind, cutting Ye Qianxing's consciousness like a knife, his soul!
"Everything is clear, and the consciousness returns to the original..."

Ye Qianxing's eyes were seeping blood, she quickly used her spiritual consciousness to defend herself, and when she finally drove the huge eye out of her mind, the huge tongue was in front of her eyes, about to swallow her own head.

The confrontation of spiritual consciousness was unknown to others, short and sharp.

It seems that the inside has stagnated for a long time, but in fact the outside world is just a flick of a finger.

Ye Qianxing quickly turned to the side, saved his head, but was directly torn off half of his shoulder.

The black snake's flesh was extremely delicious. It chewed Ye Qianxing's arm bit by bit, and the flesh and bones flew between the teeth.

"Hahaha, it's really delicious!"

The cold sweat on Ye Qianxing's forehead suddenly fell.

The wound on his side stopped bleeding instantly, scabbed over, and even began to heal and re-grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But it can heal, but the pain just now is real.

The pain pierces the heart and penetrates the bone marrow.

Ye Qianxing watched his arm gradually enter the insect's mouth, and the expression on his face gradually became ferocious and crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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