I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 453 Su Mobai Was Captive

Chapter 453 Su Mobai Was Captive

Ye Qianxing's style of play can be described as a life-threatening style of play.

Left however, she will not die.

"Thousands of red flames!"

"Five elements explode!"

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"


One arm for one snake head!

One leg for one wing!

The energy light waves of various colors turned hundreds of miles around into a barren appearance where not a single blade of grass could grow. Ye Qianxing's pupils were crimson red, as if he had fallen into a state of obsession.

There is only one word in her mind now, and that is to kill!

Kill these nasty bugs.

She feels no pain.

I can't feel my veins that are cracked inch by inch.

The aura was about to dry up, but she didn't care about it.



Kill these monsters!

Yinguang is still so young, and the children in the ancient country are also hopeful, how many people died in that year.

What should be remembered and what should not be remembered, now all come to my mind.

The black mist swallowed Ye Qianxing's sanity, making her gradually become bloodthirsty and insane.

Mengdie Sanchong never thought that this person would be so powerful in combat.

A pair of three, but also so brave and fearless.

And what makes them most aggrieved is.

It doesn't matter if they tear off Ye Qianxing's arms, legs, or other limbs.

It always grows back after a few seconds.

That vitality is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

And she seemed to feel pain too.

The head of the black snake directly pierced Ye Qianxing's abdomen, but she didn't avoid much, her face was covered with blood, leaving only her crazy and violent eyes.

She held the snake's head firmly, not pulling it out from the abdomen, but preventing it from leaving.

Regardless of the snake's head stirring in his abdomen, the black snake assured that at this time, he saw the human's intestines.

But there was no pain in her eyes, only endless coldness and killing intent towards herself.

The black snake wanted to retreat, but Ye Qianxing held the snake's head firmly.

The long sword in his hand instantly became bigger.

Ye Qianxing was forced to take a step forward just like that, the snake's head pierced through her abdomen in an instant and penetrated into her body.


One head was imprisoned, and the black snake couldn't move. Just like that, it was cut in half by Ye Qianxing.

Black Snake's head protruded from Ye Qianxing's back, and another cross pierced from behind on the right chest.

It was his last counterattack.

The black snake's body slid down, and the snake's head was pulled out from Ye Qianxing's body, leaving only two large holes where the internal organs could be seen clearly.

She turned her feet and looked at Qianmu.

"It's your turn……"

Mengdie was frightened by Ye Qianxing's cruelty to her.

People are injured like this, but they can still fight.

Mengdie waved one wing in fright, picked up Qianmu, and gave Ye Qianxing a last vicious look.


"You little human girl, wait for me, and I will kill you sooner or later."

Mengdie and Qianmu finally ran away, Ye Qianxing couldn't catch up anymore, she fell to her knees with a thud.

Just curled up on the ground, coughing up blood.

His eyes were so heavy that he no longer had the strength to hold them up. Before he fell into the darkness completely, he seemed to see a silver robe corner.

Appeared before my eyes.

By the time Ye Qianxing woke up again, no one knew how long it had passed.

Open your eyes and look at the rocks above, it should be in a cave.

Pain surged up all over my body, especially my abdomen and right chest, and every inch of my skin felt hot.

Ye Qianxing scanned the surrounding area, but there was no one there.

And it should be night.


Reluctantly sitting up, leaning against the rock wall, Ye Qianxing wondered if Mu Mu had been separated from his body, so his body hadn't recovered after so long.

"Cough cough..."

His face was as white as paper, and his lips were dry.

The pain made Ye Qianxing dare not even breathe hard.

As expected, Ye Qianxing did not get a response.

Mumu didn't make a sound at all.

Every time Ye Qianxing moves now, he can feel that even his bones are broken.

Not to mention the broken meridians, how to communicate with the aura.

My brain also suffered from bursts of pain, because my spiritual consciousness was also injured.

Now Mumu disappeared again?

Who saved himself and took Mumu by force?
I don't know if Mumu has been absorbed or not.

Ye Qianxing thought about it for a while, and his head hurt even worse.

After moving his fingertips for a long time, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead because of the pain, before finally moving it to his mouth.

The spiritual liquid was guided from the space to the lips and teeth along the fingertips, and the warm feeling instantly flowed all over the body, which made Ye Qianxing breathe a sigh of relief.

Turn on the optical computer and check the time.

Five days have passed since the day I fell into a coma.

five days...

The man didn't kill himself, presumably there was another purpose, or was it Su Mobai?Humanity?

But where are people now.

Ye Qianxing relied on the psychic liquid to make himself feel better, and then took the elixir to treat his internal injuries.

Unable to meditate, I had no choice but to lean against the mountain wall and recover.

After nearly two hours, Ye Qianxing felt a sound and opened his eyes.

I saw a silver-white, slender figure.

Looking up, the man has a symbol of flames on his forehead.

"You're awake." Yueyin's tone was as cool and excellent as the pine and bamboo after the rain.

He just stood there with his hands behind his back, giving him the feeling of a handsome young man.


"You brought me here?"

"It's me." Yueyin took out a little water and poured it on her slender fingers, the blood on her fingertips fell to the ground along with the clear water.

"Where's Mumu?" Ye Qianxing asked the question she wanted to know most now.

"If you are talking about the green dumpling, it is indeed with me now."

Yueyin spoke unhurriedly, but with a slight movement of his foot, the next moment, he actually crossed a short distance in one step, directly from the entrance of the cave to Ye Qianxing's side.

Distortion in space.

Ye Qianxing knew that this was the talent of their race.

Manipulate time and space.

The hairs on Ye Qianxing's body stood on end, and the person in front of him looked uncertain.

And it's not kind.

The strength is also first-class tough, and Mumu is in his hands.

"Did you kill it?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

But Yueyin didn't answer Ye Qianxing's question, but said indifferently: "Do you want to know the current situation outside?"

Ye Qianxing feels that Yueyin is very unpredictable, you can't guess what he is thinking.

"9 people, there are 7 left, three humans, two Zerg, and me, a big guy."

"The big guy died just yesterday."

"He died at the hands of that man in black from your human race."

"Nine left."

"However, the young man you met was the one who appeared last. His name is Su Mobai. He was arrested by Mengdie and Qianmu."

"They said, let you trade your life, or torture that child to death."

"In addition, the spirit of earth and the spirit of gold have fallen into the hands of two Zerg."

"In the past few days, I took you to hide in XZ, so I didn't get discovered by those two people, but as long as you go out, it will be a matter of time before you are discovered, and he will not let you go."

With a few simple words, Yue Yin described the current situation clearly.

"The five elements, earth and gold, have been taken by two Zerg races. The wood is with me, and there are water and fire. They are hiding, and we can't find them."

Ye Qianxing frowned, she didn't expect Su Mobai to be implicated by herself this time.

He was caught by those two, maybe he is still being tortured now.

Ye Qianxing bit her lower lip firmly.

She, Ye Qianxing, will never die with the Zerg in this life!
If they don't get rid of their whole clan, they will never give up!
Yin Guang died at their hands, if he didn't save Su Mobai again, if something happened to Su Mobai again, Ye Qianxing felt that he really wouldn't forgive himself.

This life will carry these two lives.

"Did you kill Mumu?" Ye Qianxing looked up at Yueyin.

"What if he was killed by me?"

"You have to know, it's just a secret treasure."

"If it is not absorbed by me, it will be absorbed by others sooner or later. Do you still expect it to stay safely in this secret realm for a lifetime?"

What Yueyin could say was extremely cruel and realistic.

Ye Qianxing raised his brows and eyes, in his heart he no longer had much hope for Mumu's survival.

"You saved me. I am very grateful. For your kindness, I promise to help you do three things in the future without violating your conscience."

"We must fight with our lives."

"After these three things are over, that will be the day of my revenge."

Yes yes yes.

Enmity is enmity.

It is Ye Qianxing's character to have a clear distinction between likes and hates.

Mumu helped herself a lot.

"Woooooo, Sister Xingxing, I'm not dead, I'm not dead."

"I'm still here."

"Woooooooo, you big villain, I just said, Sister Xingxing will definitely avenge me."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in the cave, and Ye Qianxing raised his head in disbelief, and as expected, he saw a green ball of light.

He plunged directly into Ye Qianxing's arms.

"Sister Xingxing, Sister Xingxing."

"Sister, let me heal you."

"It's all the fault of this big villain. I wanted to heal your wounds, but he pulled me out of your body."

"And then kept imprisoning me."


"Fortunately, you're fine." Ye Qianxing's tone was rare, and he looked at Mumu's gentle face.

The recent series of events have really hit Ye Qianxing too hard.

Now there is only one Mumu left, which makes Ye Qianxing feel very precious.

"Thank you."

Ye Qianxing said these two words to Yue Yin with incomparable sincerity.

The green dumpling got into Ye Qianxing's forehead and body, Ye Qianxing's complexion turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, internal injuries and external injuries all began to heal.

Within 5 minutes, the injury was completely healed, and Ye Qianxing changed from pale and weak to full of vigor.

Jiuyin watched this scene helplessly, and didn't make a sound until Ye Qianxing's injury healed.

He said: "I can get it out of your body once, and I can get it out of your body a second time."

Ye Qianxing felt that he somewhat understood what Jiuyin wanted to do.

"You... actually don't want Mumu."

"But you saved me again."

"Is there anything you need me to do?"

"You have helped me a lot, if anything, I am obliged."

Ye Qianxing doesn't like to owe favors.

Moon Yin snorted.

"It's not necessary."

"I'm just repaying someone's kindness."

"But this doesn't mean that I will show mercy to you in the future."

Yueyin got up from the ground.

"There are two roads in front of you now."

"You cooperate with me and help me get what I want together."

"I killed the second worm for you."

Yueyin herself didn't want to cooperate with anyone. After all, there is no comrade in arms who meets by chance. At that time, she still has to worry about being stabbed in the back.

It's better to fight alone than to work hard.

But now with Ye Qianxing's few words, it can be seen that she is the kind who values ​​love and righteousness and will not betray her teammates.

Yueyin thinks that her fighting ability is not bad, if she forms an alliance, she can do it.

"Who are you entrusted to take care of me? Is it convenient to say?"

"You will know later." This is what it means not to say.

"Then may I know what you want?"

Yueyin narrowed her eyes slightly: "I can't even use the five elements in this secret realm."

"But apart from the Five Elements Spirit, there is one more thing in this secret realm that is of great benefit to me."

"That's the mystery itself."

"This secret realm itself enters and exits all major spaces in the universe, like your own backyard, coming and going without a trace. If it's right as I expected, there must be a magic weapon of space inside."

"No matter how bad it is, it's not a magic weapon of space, but some mysteries of space. If I can penetrate it, or learn a thing or two, it will be endless."

When Yueyin said this, Ye Qianxing also understood.

And the Five Elements Primordial Spirit, the Five Elements Primordial Spirit is a treasure produced in the secret realm. It can be said that as long as this secret realm exists, after tens of thousands of years, or 10 years, the Five Elements Primordial Spirit will be produced.

But what Yueyin wants is the biggest secret in this secret realm, the secret realm itself.

Something must matter.

And it must be extremely dangerous, and it may also be a fierce battle.

"Are you scared?" Yueyin looked at Ye Qianxing's face.

"I'm afraid of this word, I still don't know how to write it."

Ye Qianxing stretched out his hand to Yueyin.

The corner of Yueyin's mouth curled up into a smile, and she clapped hands with Ye Qianxing: "This is still a bit like him."

Ye Qianxing noticed the other word.

Is it the one who asked Yueyin to save her?
"Is he a man?"

The moon did not respond.

Ye Qianxing thought, could it be Ji Hanxiao?

But seeing Yueyin didn't want to say anything, Ye Qianxing felt that it was not that simple.

Ye Qianxing swept his sleeves and stood up, but Mu Mu said to Ye Qianxing: "Sister, I want to go outside with you."

"Can you take me out?"

"I can fuse with you."

"I don't turn into energy, I can directly become your spiritual root and merge with your wood spiritual root."

"In this way, my mind will not disappear, and you can use my ability as you like in the future."

"I can also be nourished by your body."

"Can you, sister?"

Mumu's choice can be said to be very wise, because it knows that if it escaped the outsider this time, it may not be so lucky next time.

Sooner or later, it will be absorbed by people as energy.

Then it would be better to choose Ye Qianxing and save one life.

Complementing each other is better than eating it directly.

"No Mumu, if you want to go out, I'll take you out, you don't need..."

But Mumu acted without waiting for Ye Qianxing to finish speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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