I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 472 Reasons for the Decline in the Birth Rate

Chapter 472 Reasons for the Decline in the Birth Rate
These people who wanted to kill her were not in the same group.

I don't know how many people.



Many more may be human.

Ye Qianxing sensed the atmosphere around him.

Qin Jue knew that her eyes were still not healed, so he comforted her: "It's okay, Nan Nan and I have been staying here, and no one can touch you."

Ye Qianxing smiled: "It's okay, these people won't be jumping around for long."

"When the people from the Federation come, they will come. When they come, you can go back to the ancient earth."

"According to the plans I said before, start to act first."

Ye Qianxing is going to let Qin Jue and Nan Nan go first.

Qin Jue nodded. After all, this was the condition that had already been agreed upon. Ye Qianxing would treat him, and he would work for Ye Qianxing.

Besides, human beings are in a state of chaos now, so it wouldn't be a bad thing for him to leave earlier and find a secluded corner.

"it is good."

"When they come, I'll go."

Nan Nan put the warm water in Ye Qianxing's hand, and shook her head: "I won't go."

"Ah Jue go first, I'm with Xing Xing, Xing Xing is so dangerous here now, I want to wait for her to finish the matter, and go back to the ancient earth with her."

Qin Jue disagreed: "Nan Nan, don't mess around."

Ye Qianxing is very dangerous here.

"She has the ability to protect herself. You will only hinder her here. If someone takes you as a hostage, wouldn't Ye Qianxing be harmed?"

What Qin Jue said was the truth.

Nan Nan pursed her lips, and looked at the good sister beside her, whose eyes were obviously out of focus.


"The stars can't be seen now, I..."

Ye Qianxing patted the back of Nan Nan's hand; "Qin Jue is right, you go with him, you must pay attention to your own safety."

"Later, I will let the people of the Federation leave me a team of people to protect me."

"no problem."

"My eyes will recover in another month, but it's not that exaggerated."

Besides, even if Ye Qianxing is blind, her combat power is much stronger than Nan Nan's. She still has room and can go in.

It's okay to protect yourself.

But Nan Nan might be taken hostage.

Nan Nan sighed, feeling a little depressed, it was her, she was too stupid, and her aptitude was not good.

The value of force is not high, and it can't protect the people you want to protect.

Qin Jue put Nan Nan in his arms: "You don't have to blame yourself, if you can protect yourself, what use is there for me?"

"I'll take care of you."

Ye Qianxing: ...

"Guys? Pay attention, is there a single dog next to you?"

"Just because I can't see, I can't take the dog's life as my life."

Nan Nan blushed and pushed Qin Jue away, and at this time, people from the Federation also came.

Qin Jue exchanged pleasantries with Qing Zhou, and then took Nan Nan away.

Ye Qianxing was led by Qingzhou and the others to the research room Ye Qianxing requested.

Put all kinds of things Ye Qianxing needs in it.

The real refining tools and the treatment methods given to Qin Jue are not suitable for interstellar people.

Because of the refining, they don't have pill fire, and the materials are extremely expensive, and it's not practical.

What she needs is to cure this disease for mankind.

But relying on blood exchange, Ye Qianxing couldn't make humans treat the people of the ancient country as mobile blood banks.

So Ye Qianxing improved the method, neutralizing it with medicine and plants.

It took five years to research the most suitable method.

Ye Qianxing opened his mouth slowly.

"Actually, the treatment of gene collapse disease starts with prevention."

"Actually, human beings themselves do not get this kind of disease. It is completely caused by human beings."

"You have also discovered that the genes of human ancestors are very stable, and this has never happened before."

"Even including humans, the birth rate of newborns is declining, and more and more embryos are bred in test-tube babies. Humans have lost even the most basic reproductive functions."

"Everyone thinks it is a problem with human genes. For example, when we first came to Interstellar, we negotiated too much with other races. Everyone thinks that our genes may be fused with too many genes of other races, causing our genes to be unstable. , will form genetic collapse disease."

Ye Qianxing's scorched eyes looked accurately at the Lieutenant Youkong beside him.

He is in charge of human scientific research.

"But this issue is not the case. I believe that the Ukrainian Alliance Master has more say than me."

"Human reproduction only depends on a few aspects. First, whether the mother has the conditions for reproduction, that is, whether it has eggs and a uterus."

"There is no doubt about this, most human females have it."

"Second, whether the male has mature rice|green seeds for reproduction."

"When you have both, there's the most important genetic aspect, which is the number of pairs of chromosomes we have."

"For example, in the ancestor period, there was a creature called a mule."

"The hybridization of a horse and a donkey produces a creature called a mule. Both the horse and the donkey have fertility, but the mule does not. The fundamental reason why it does not have is because the chromosomes in the mule's body are mutated."

"A horse has 64 chromosomes, a donkey has 62, and the mule they gave birth to has only 63 chromosomes."

"Chromosomes can't pair up, and it's hard for mules to have offspring."

"But the Ukrainian Alliance Master understands very well that this is not the case for us humans."

"Our human chromosomes are all 23 pairs. No matter which race we have bred with, our chromosomes have never changed and have not become singular."

"Am I right? Ukrainian lord?"

Youkong nodded.

Everyone thinks that human beings have too much interbreeding, which leads to genetic instability and fertility problems.

But he is a scientific researcher, and no one understands better than him that there is no problem in all aspects of human reproduction.

So no matter how much the Holy Master and the others forced him to quickly research a solution, he couldn't find a solution.



Nothing wrong!How to deal with it.

"It's like this, so our research institute has been unable to solve the problem of low fertility in humans."

Qing Zhou glanced at You Kong unexpectedly.

Why did Youkong never mention this question in the joint main council?

You Kong smiled wryly and shook his head.

How did he say?
It’s impossible to say, human beings can’t give birth to children, no matter whether it’s a fertility problem, he has to solve it, but he can’t solve it, so there is nothing to explain.Moreover, the other co-owners are not experts in this field, so it would take too much time to tell them.

I'm afraid that some of them think that they are incompetent and make excuses.

But now that Ye Qianxing talked about this issue, You Kong had a bold idea in his heart.

Ye Qianxing talked about this, didn't he?

You Kong looked at Ye Qianxing with fiery eyes: "Could it be that the gene collapse disease and the decline in human birth rate are all caused by the same reason?"

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Yes."

"And the science is done with you, let me tell you something that is not very scientific."

"According to the saying of our ancient country, Dao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things.

Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and the spirit is full of harmony. "

"Everything is derived from the five elements of yin and yang, and exists in every bit of our life, but we seem to feel that it is mysterious and mysterious, invisible and intangible."

"The basic kinetic energy of the five-point balance of up, down, left, right, and center in the universe is the rise, fall, diffusion, contraction, and stability of energy. The comprehensive functions are respectively represented by fire, water, wood, metal, and earth. The growth of energy is Yang. Consumption is yin, energy assists life, and resistance is restraint. Man is a small world, and the five elements of heaven and earth are the five elements of the human body. The five internal organs of the human body are the five elements of the lung metal, heart fire, liver wood, kidney water, and spleen soil. The five kinds of activity phenomena of energy."

These interstellar humans don't even understand the five elements, and they have to learn about yin and yang from scratch.

Even if Ye Qianxing couldn't see it, he could still feel that the people around him seemed to be surrounded by what he said.

Can't help but sigh.

"Do you understand?"

Whether it is Qingzhou or Youkong, neither of them have ever understood and had contact with this aspect of knowledge.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

"You can understand the literal meaning."


Are you sure this isn't your nonsense?

What Yin and Yang give birth to all things, according to the earliest origin of the universe, it came from a big explosion in a different space.

Ye Qianxing raised his hand to stop the rebuttals of the two people: "Listen to me first, and if you don't understand something, you can ask. Since I said it, there must be something to prove my logic."

"Whether it's me or you, we don't have that much time to talk nonsense here."

"At the beginning of human beings, the essence is first formed, the essence is then the brain is born, the bones are the trunk, the veins are the battalion, the tendons are the rigidity, the flesh is the wall, the skin is strong and the hair is long, the grain enters the stomach, the veins are connected, and the blood and qi flow. It also said: "The kidney governs the bones, and the bone governs the marrow." The kidney governs the bones. The kidneys are produced by water vapor, and the bones are the support for the connection of tendons and arteries "wood qi". The Yang in the kidney is strong, which can make the liver wood grow If the liver wood is strong, the energy of the heart fire can be supplied without any worries, and the vitality will be strong. If the yin water in the kidney is prosperous, it can reduce the energy consumed by the heart fire, and help the liver wood store blood. Fire is self-leveling, so it is called nourishing yin and reducing fire. "

"The rise, fall, expansion, contraction and stability of the five viscera's qi can ensure the health of our body."

"Once the five elements are out of balance, it will cause illness. Depending on the imbalance of the five elements, it will also cause different diseases."

"And the five elements in the human body will also increase or decrease according to the surrounding environment. The five words gold, wood, water, fire, and earth don't need me to tell you more?"

"Gold is a sharp weapon, wood is the life of vegetation, water is the necessity of all things, fire governs the dryness and heat of the world, and earth can carry things."

"Gold, water, fire, and earth are all prosperous in the interstellar world, but only wood is missing."

"I don't know, have you ever calculated a piece of data, that is, the places where there are no plants on planets above the main star level B-level, the prevalence of gene collapse disease in these places, and the birth rate of newborns are low, compared with those of wilderness planets, Or planets with plants are much bigger."

You Kong nodded hesitantly again: "We thought... it was a matter of strength."

"Generally, people who live on wilderness planets, or planets below B, their strength is naturally inferior to the main star."


Never thought it was because of the plants.

"Wood is peaceful, and it is the spirit of vegetation. In the ancient earth era, human beings could not live without vegetation."

"They wear clothes made of plants, food made of plants, houses made of plants, furniture, vehicles, and even plants have been studied by them for medicinal effects, which can be used to cure diseases and humans. gain energy from it.”

"But now humans have completely abandoned wood."

"Totally and thoroughly."

"The wooden master is peaceful, for vitality, and vitality is naturally related to reproduction. Without vitality, how can there be reproduction?"

"What you eat is the energy liquid extracted from energy stones, and what you wear are clothes made of high-tech materials such as silica gel, and metals used in transportation, etc. This in itself is already incompatible with yin and yang, and you have completely pulled out plants from the entire planet. .”

Ye Qianxing pointed out the biggest problem here.

It doesn't matter how surprised the people around are.

"If you think about it carefully, did the decline in the birth rate of human beings start when plants were driven out of the planet?"

"Is the gene collapse disease the first case since the plants disappeared?"

The more everyone listened, the more frightened they became.


It really is……

Grass, plants in their hearts, are the most useless things in the world, this is already understood by all interstellar people.

but now……

But there is such a person, tell them, extremely stupid!

Their self-indulgence and their so-called waste of resources are simply ridiculous.

"Zergs and alien races, they will occasionally eat grass, this grass is not simple."

"They will enter the secret realm to find many treasures from heaven and earth. Even in the secret realm before, alien races and Zerg races would exchange some grass that we discarded like weeds."

Youkong felt that the impact he received today was too great, he couldn't believe it reflexively, and he didn't want to believe it!

Because if what Ye Qianxing said was true, then human beings would really become a big joke.

So he hurriedly stopped Ye Qianxing from exposing their stupidity: "We have had people experiment with these grasses, and these grasses are useless."

"It's even poisonous. Humans have been clinically tested and found that after they eat it, they will explode and die instantly."

"Some even make people bleed."

The scientific basis for Youkong came out.

Although those medicinal herbs have energy, they are not enough for humans to consume.

Ye Qianxing sneered: "These are all treasures of heaven and earth, and the energy contained in them is extremely huge."

"If you take it directly, the human physique itself is not strong enough, so it will naturally explode and die."

"But for Zerg and alien races with rough skin and thick flesh, it is a great tonic."

"Even a gem to help them raise a level is not necessary."

"Looking at the level of the spirit grass, the consequences are naturally different."

"In the ancient earth era, humans in ancient countries would use herbs to neutralize each other."

"There is also alchemy. The energy in these herbs is assisted by other herbs, and finally turned into the mildest and most suitable for humans to take various pills to help humans improve their cultivation."

"But at that time, the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that were fought for, you abandoned like nothing, and handed them over to others."

Ye Qianxing sighed and stopped talking, but Youkong and Qingzhou's faces were burning hot, and at the same time they were sweating coldly, they didn't know what to say.


 I feel like I'm dying recently, it's just my back hurts, woo woo woo.

  When I went to the hospital, the doctor said that the sciatica caused me not to sit or stand for a long time, and to rest in bed more often.

  They also prescribed a lot of medicine for me, wanting to die.

  I am in so much pain now that I can't even walk, because the nerve is involved in one left leg, and the pain radiates.

  Want to curse, it's too miserable, woo woo woo.

  I said so much not because I want to ask for leave, if I don’t ask for leave, don’t think too much, I just want to complain, everyone must sit upright, stand upright, don’t be like me, the waist is not good at a young age.

  Oh, by the way, the above chapters are purely made up after I checked the information, so don't take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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