I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 473 Construction of the Ancient Earth

Chapter 473 Construction of the Ancient Earth
The two of them couldn't imagine that if human beings learned that all the disasters over the years were all caused by themselves.

All because of my ignorance.

That human would really turn into a joke.

It's not just that the beliefs of so many years have been impacted, it is really wanting to die.

In the end, there was a long silence, and Qing Zhou asked in a hoarse voice.

"Why have we never heard of what Miss Ye said?"

"The inheritance of the ancient country, the ancient country is gone, so you naturally never knew about it."

It wasn't for Ye Qianxing, if there was a person from the ancient country in the whole interstellar world, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

"How did Miss Ye know about it?"

"I got the inheritance of the ancient country on the ancient earth."

"There are some materials and things left by my ancestors, which I got by chance, and because of this, I have developed a treatment for gene collapse disease."

You Kong reacted: "How can Ms. Ye prove that everything she said is true?"

"Even if we plant the plants back, the wood has been missing in the interstellar for too many years. Even if it is transplanted back, it won't get better in a while, right?"

Plants have been missing from humans for thousands of years.

If it is transplanted back now, it will never be possible to wait another few hundred years to take effect.

Ye Qianxing ordered his own empty water glass: "Please, pour me another glass of water."

You Kong hurriedly stepped forward to pour Ye Qianxing a glass of water.

Ye Qianxing moistened his throat, and then continued: "In fact, as long as the plants are transplanted back, human beings will be affected for many years. After the newborn is born, the current five-element defects of human beings will gradually be reversed."

"As long as the five elements around human beings are balanced and gradually affect themselves, the genetic collapse disease can also be cured without medicine."

"It's just that it takes a long time."

You Kong thumped in his heart: "How long?"

"At least 200 years."

Ye Qianxing spat out a number.

Qing Zhou quickly shook his head, a hundred years is too long, what can I do, the day lily is cold.

"Miss Ye, that's not acceptable. What we were talking about at the beginning was the treatment of gene collapse disease. Although this is also a treatment, who can wait 200 years, and we can't wait 200 years before giving you the ancient earth."

"And Miss Ye, I don't think it will take 200 years for the method you used to treat Qin Jue to heal."

So this is to remind Ye Qianxing that the treatment method they agreed on at the beginning is not just as simple as planting the plants back.

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Naturally."

"People who have already suffered from genetic collapse disease also need treatment. Their treatment method is actually very simple, and it takes about two months."

"And after they are cured, they will not damage their strength. They only need to recover properly to return to their peak state."

"However, to cure them, plants are still indispensable."

"I used plants to treat them, and the subsequent planting and collection of these medicinal materials needs to be done by the Federation itself."

"Of course, in order to dispel your doubts, I will also give you an experiment, so that you can clearly understand that what I said is true."

Ye Qianxing took out an instrument from the space with a wave of his hand.

"This is a research instrument that I have improved over the past few years."

"This was originally an energy tester."

"But I added a little function, and you all feel that the five elements are too illusory to see."

"You can't even see or touch the five elements in the human body."

What Ye Qianxing said was all the reason why the cultivation method of immortality was questioned, and the reason why the traditional Chinese medicine of his ancestors were questioned.

because it cannot be quantified.

It cannot be seen directly, so no one can see it.

In the world of cultivating immortals, everyone knows that this is common sense, so no one doubts it.

But in Interstellar, many people would not believe this statement.

What cannot be seen or touched is illusory.

If it was before, Ye Qianxing would have no choice but now, not only does she have the knowledge of the world of cultivating immortals in her mind, but she has also learned a lot of interstellar high technology.

Combining the two, it is very easy to visualize the five elements.

Ye Qianxing changed the original energy detector.

But it's a pity that she can't see it now.

Ye Qianxing put the instrument on the table, pointed it at himself, and turned on the switch.

"Look at this display."

Even if Ye Qianxing couldn't see it, she could still know the reaction of the instrument, after all, this thing came from her hands.

On the display screen of the instrument, gold, khaki, red, blue, and green, five silk lines quickly appeared.

In Ye Qianxing's body, there are regular interweaving.


"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth correspond to the five colors, which are energy waves."

"Take a look."

"The power of the five elements can also be released."

Ye Qianxing showed respectively, the power of metal, with a metal sword condensed in his hand.

Wood can make wounds heal quickly.

The stream of water flows from the fingertips and into the cup.

Fire can burn everything.

And soil.

As Ye Qianxing called out the ability of the five elements, gradually on the energy meter, a certain color of her would instantly deepen.

"There are five elements in the human body, but each person has more or less of the five elements."

"Not everyone can release the five elements." Ye Qianxing may be because she has all spiritual roots.

But everyone on the side was shocked to the point of numbness.

All this turned out to be true.

Youkong thought that for so many years, human beings have done nothing.

Can't help but want to sigh.

Numb, destroy it, tired.

Emotions are human beings who kill themselves.

Now the facts are in front of you, and you can't even refute them.

Ye Qianxing touched a button on the instrument and pressed it.

"Look at it again. Because of the wood attribute in my body, after it lingers, there are three places where energy is stored. Through the energy meter, you can see the shape of three lucky light clusters."

In fact, Ye Qianxing could not have said these words, but she still said them.

She is also a human being, so she naturally hopes that humans can be better.

"This is the upper, middle and lower dantian. I don't need to explain to you the specific function, but now you point the instrument at yourself and test it again to see if it is different from mine."

Qing Zhou and You Kong were dubious.

But then the two people really saw in the instrument that the green attributes in the two people's bodies were extremely small.

And there are only two nebulae.

"I'm missing a nebula!"

"I'm missing a Nebula too!"

"Why are there some soldiers, there are some green light spots in their bodies, which are wood attributes."

"Because they come into contact with plants, they will store some."

"In addition, you are missing a nebula, which means you are missing a dantian, which is the most fundamental cause of your genetic collapse."

Ye Qianxing said that his throat was dry, and he drank water one cup after another.

All are the most basic things that everyone in the world of cultivating immortals knows.

It's totally a science class.

Everyone talks from morning to night.

After everyone was fine, Ye Qianxing finally took out an ammunition and a prescription.

"This prescription is the way to treat gene collapse disease."

"In fact, you only need to eat certain specific plants and eat them in a neutral way."

"This kind of treatment is called diet therapy."

The treatment of genetic collapse disease is not so easy. This is also the result of Ye Qianxing's improvement over the past few years. Thousands of herbs were used, and finally changed into a diet therapy method for nearly two months.

"In addition, this elixir was made by me exhausting my mind in the past few years. This elixir took me 3 years, and I only got this one, which can instantly cure the genetic collapse disease. I know what you brought. There is an experimental subject, you can give it to him."

"And at the same time, you can look at it with a detector, and see the wood attribute in his body regenerate, and the nebula regenerate."

Ye Qianxing handed over both the elixir and the prescription.

"But this pill takes a long time and is troublesome. It's not as simple as the prescription. If I didn't want you to see the effect, there is no need to take it out. If you want to treat it in the future, you should follow the method of diet therapy. .”

Ye Qianxing especially emphasized words such as time-consuming and not worthwhile.

I just want them to give up this quick fix.

After all, only Ye Qianxing can do alchemy.

There is his own blood mixed in it, and these should not be known to the Federation.

"Understood, Miss Ye, wait a moment."

Ye Qianxing stood still at the spot, knowing that the two of them were going to experiment with the experimental subjects.

Then they used the energy meter to watch the green light gradually appear in the person's body, and then within a few breaths, a small nebula appeared in the lower abdomen.


"Really good!"

Not only this instrument for testing, but also a genetic testing instrument and a strength testing instrument beside it.

All are detecting the physical data of the test subject.

The doctor is also constantly recording data: "We saw that a soft energy gradually rushed into this patient's dry body, and the place where this energy passed was gradually filled with vitality."

"My God, his strength has begun to recover."

"It's starting to recover."

"His previous strength was A+"

"It's gone from an F to an E, and it's steadily going up."

"OMG, I've never seen such an amazing sight, my God!"

"It's good! It's really good! Humanity really has hope!"

"Am I okay? I feel that I am full of strength again. I have been disabled for so many years, and I finally feel the strength again." Even the patient cried with joy.

In his bottomless life, he is now full of strength again.

Filled with sunshine, he can straighten his back and grow again.

This is not only of great significance to him, but also a joy and encouragement to a family.

No one can understand how much contempt and injustice they have suffered, but now they have finally ushered in their hope.

Ye Qianxing wasn't surprised at all. If she dared to take out her things, they would all be useful.

"In addition, you can choose 20 patients, and there are 10 people who come to study first."

"I will teach them how to deal with the medicine, how to use it, and how to identify these medicines."

"Finally, we have to deal with the medicinal diet and retain the maximum medicinal properties. In these two months, 20 patients will also be cured."

This is the condition that was negotiated before, and Ye Qianxing will pass it on and teach him.

And these 20 patients with genetic collapse disease can also prove whether her experimental method works or not.

Besides, Ye Qianxing has other things waiting behind.

"it is good!"

"Miss Ye has worked hard."

"We'll quickly put what you need in place."

"Miss Ye, if it's just our treatment method, keep it a secret. Today's interview will not be known to ordinary citizens for the time being. We, the Federation, have to think about the wording before we can issue an announcement."

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Of course."

The Federation also needs to give itself a fig leaf. After all, it is human beings who are so stupid that cause the genetic collapse disease. If they don't discuss how to tell the truth, then human beings will be ridiculed by the whole star.

"If there is a need at that time, I also hope that Miss Ye can cooperate with us."


"It's just that from now on, can humans in our ancient country return to the ancient earth in advance?"

"In addition, I will send my men to build and manage the ancient earth."

A wild planet, there are still many things to do if you want to build it suitable for human habitation.

"Yes, of course."

"We'll make an announcement right away."

"It's troublesome."

"What Miss Ye said, we are mutually beneficial, and hope that the ancient earth can be carried forward in Miss Ye's hands."

"The next planetary rating assessment is not far away."

"Okay, I will work hard." Ye Qianxing responded with a smile.

Everyone dispersed from each other, and the star network was peaceful. Ye Qianxing asked Qin Jue to take Nan Nan to the ancient earth first, and began to prepare some infrastructure for the ancient earth.

"House, hospital, transportation."

"These things are necessary, at least a framework must be established first."

"In addition, the human settlement base camp was first built around Shennongjia."

The geographical location of Shennongjia is also very good, with fresh air, rivers and lakes, all of them.

"From today onwards, human beings in the ancient country will begin to return one after another. You must pay attention to registering and registering the number of people."

"Every human being who comes to the ancient country, let them have a physical examination first, and then if there is no problem, they can rest for two days. After two days, they will start working and pay them wages."

"In the early days of the construction of the ancient earth, there were a lot of projects waiting for them to do."

Water and electricity transportation facilities, hospital education, government personnel selection.

Building ten thousand feet high from the ground will not be completed in a short while.

And although everyone was from the ancient country, Ye Qianxing didn't want to keep them for nothing, but he didn't treat them as slaves either.

It's just getting paid for your labor.

"After a while, when the matter here is settled, I will go back and teach them how to practice."

"Here is a plan for the construction of the ancient earth that I have written, and I will send it to you."

The above mentioned various constructions such as people's livelihood, economy, education, weapons, and security.

It is preliminarily estimated that 3000 million human beings on the ancient earth will be able to come back. The initial expenses, life, and investment of these 3000 million people will all have to be paid by Ye Qianxing.

The initial construction is expected to require 1000 billion star coins.

Almost hollowed out Ye Qianxing.

(End of this chapter)

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