I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 480 Master, Jiujiu Knows It's Wrong

Chapter 480 Master, Jiujiu Knows It's Wrong
In the end, there was no doubt that the Federation agreed to all of Ye Qianxing's requests.

Because Ye Qianxing's asking price is not high this time, and the things she wants are not sensitive, but the things she contributed are the most urgently needed things for human beings.

Finally, after signing the contract, Ye Qianxing transferred the extremely remote herb planting planet he bought to the Federation.

You Kong was in charge of signing the contract, and finally got up to shake hands with Ye Qianxing: "Miss Ye, it's a happy cooperation."

"Pleasant to work with."

"Miss Ye is probably going to return to the ancient earth?"

"Yes, after all, it's been a long time since I left."

"I sincerely hope that Ms. Ye can develop the ancient earth well."

Ye Qianxing nodded again: "That is necessary."

"Other co-hosts are asking Ms. Ye when will she start the live broadcast?"

"Probably when I return to the ancient earth to make arrangements, it won't be too late."

"I hope Ms. Ye will come as soon as possible."

"it is good."

The two broke up and left. Ye Qianxing didn't even attend the star academy's graduation party, and directly embarked on the journey back to the ancient earth.

It was actually Qin Jue's phone calls, one after another.

It's just that when Ye Qianxing arrived on the ancient earth, he was shocked by a person.

Qin Jue was waiting for Ye Qianxing at the door, and there was another figure beside him.

Ji Hanxiao!
Ye Qianxing had an expression of eating shit on his clothes in an instant.

"Why is he here?"

Qin Jue collapsed: "You still say?"

"If he doesn't come to help, you can meet me at the crematorium now."

"And Master Ji Lian also brought a lot of capable men, these people are very useful."

Qin Jue pulled Ye Qianxing aside: "And Ji Hanxiao is of the blood of the ancient country. Didn't you say that the blood of the ancient country can come?"

"Why do I reject people?"

"Such a general, such a good tool man, why don't you use it? Ye Qianxing, are you out of your mind?"

"You!" Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth at Qin Jue.

"Don't think I dare not hit you!"

Qin Jue nodded: "That's right, you dare to fight anyone, anyway, I can't beat you, so hurry up and fight, I will go to recuperate after the fight."

"..." Ye Qianxing's fist was neither good nor bad.

"You little lovers are quarreling, it's quarreling, but don't use your feelings for business, okay?"

"Yu Li, Ji Hanxiao is of the blood of the ancient country. If he wants to come to the ancient earth, this rule is set by you."

"Yu Zi, he has such a good working ability, and a bunch of teams under him, you know how many problems he can help solve."

"And it seems that your purpose is the same, don't you all want to make the ancient earth grow stronger, and the people of the ancient country grow stronger?"

"Can't we abandon other things first and cooperate first, even if it's a quarrel or break up? Then it's not okay to be a partner?"

"People's enemies can cooperate as long as they have common interests. Look at you, look at your stupid look."

Ye Qianxing couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Qin Jue's leg directly.

"Who the hell has something to do with him? Who is so awkward! Quarreling and breaking up?"

"Is this what he told you?"

Qin Jue sucked in pain.

"No, no, I have to go to recuperate."


"You can do it yourself."

Ye Qianxing sneered: "You go."

"It just so happens that I haven't caught up with Nannan for a long time, so I decided to sleep with her for ten days and a half months."

"The saving will also affect your recovery."

Qin Jue turned around instantly, his eyes wished he could eat Ye Qianxing raw.

"Ye Qianxing! You really are a dog!"

"Can you figure it out, that's my girlfriend, don't mind your business!"

"You are short of women, and a lot of people are looking for you. Why do you hug and sleep with my girlfriend every day? With your behavior, you are a mistress, do you understand?"


Qin Jue scolded Ye Qianxing.

But Ye Qianxing smiled innocently: "Sorry, my ears are hard of hearing, I don't know what you said, I didn't hear it."

Qin Jue: "I @%@¥%#...&¥##&!!"

"Ye Qianxing, I call you immortal!"

Ye Qianxing stood there rascally, as if I couldn't hear or see.

Qin Jue was so angry that he smoked.

This shameless woman, he believed that as long as he dared to ask for leave, she would be able to drag Nan Nan away to sleep tonight.

"I said! I'll go back to work!" Qin Jue gritted his teeth.

"Hey~~ I heard you, Mr. Qin, you have worked hard, go quickly, I will help you right away." Ye Qianxing answered loudly with eyebrows curved.

Qin Jue's fist beside him clenched suddenly.

Your mother, I am so angry that my ghost is cold!

Qin Jue turned around angrily and left, never looking at Ye Qianxing again, and Ji Hanxiao didn't care.

How is love.

He wants to go back to his wife and complain about the crimes of her best friend.

Woo hoo, wife.

Ye Qianxing felt extremely relaxed, returning to the land under her feet gave her a feeling of coming home, joy and happiness from the inside out.

Ye Qianxing turned his gaze to Ji Hanxiao who was some distance away, his face slowly turned cold.

Ye Qianxing raised his eyebrows and thought.

She didn't doubt Ji Hanxiao's desire to make the ancient earth and the ancient country strong.

Therefore, his coming to the ancient earth is definitely only good, and there is no harm.

As for Ye Qianxing, her goal is not to control the ancient country, or to turn the ancient earth into her own.

She will leave sooner or later, as long as the ancient country becomes stronger, in fact, she can be a hand-off shopkeeper.

So Ji Hanxiao stays, there is no harm in all benefits.

And Qin Jue is right, the enemy can cooperate if they have the right interests.

What's more, Ji Hanxiao?
Ye Qianxing raised his head again, and nodded to Ji Hanxiao: "Hello."

There is no objection to Ji Hanxiao being on the ancient earth.

Ji Hanxiao looked at the smiling face that was still bright just now, and when he turned to himself, the smile suddenly disappeared.

Ji Hanxiao felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

When she looked at Qin Jue, her smile was sincere.



It made his heart beat.

But now, she doesn't even have a smile on her face, not even an official one.

"Miss Ye, hello."

Ji Hanxiao was even more sure that something had happened between him and Ye Qianxing before, because if the two of them had never met, Ye Qianxing would not look at him like this.

"I've offended you before, I'm very sorry."

"Would it still make Ms. Ye uncomfortable at my distance?"

Ji Hanxiao asked very politely.

Ye Qianxing stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling man, so he could only shake his head: "No."

"Miss Ye doesn't seem to like me very much."

Ye Qianxing shook his head: "No, it's just that I'm not familiar with Mr. Ji."

"That's it..." Ji Hanxiao nodded, as if agreeing: "That's okay, we will get to know each other soon after we work together."

Ye Qianxing glanced at his mouth and couldn't deny it.

"From now on, I will be a part of the ancient family. If Miss Ye needs help, she can ask at any time."

"As a member of the ancient country, I naturally don't hesitate to contribute to the ancient earth."

Ye Qianxing nodded casually.

"I'll go back first, there are still people waiting at home."

Ye Qianxing left directly.

Ji Hanxiao was left alone and stood there watching Ye Qianxing's receding figure for a long time.

"Ham, give up, she obviously doesn't want to see you, and I don't think you two are suitable."

"There are so many who like you, you find a cute and docile little guy, you fight in the front, and she helps you take care of the house in the rear, isn't it good to be a husband and a parent?"

"How nice."

"This girl doesn't look easy to deal with, and you look at her, she is born with an unyielding character. She must be another female general on the battlefield."

"The tempers of the two of you are getting tougher than the other, and it will definitely hurt both of you."

Xuan Wu was still babbling about Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao's inappropriate personalities.

Ji Hanxiao smiled: "I'm not angry in front of her."

Not even angry, how can you be stubborn?


Ji Hanxiao felt that the more times he saw Ye Qianxing, the more intense feelings grew in his chest.

That feeling...

It's as if...

We haven't been together yet, but we are more familiar than we have been together for a long time.

At first he just fell in love with this girl at first sight.

Heart pounding.

I feel that this girl's face seems to grow on my heart, which makes me feel comfortable wherever I look.

like it all.

I want to hold her in the palm of my hand and treasure it.

However, when we met for the second time, this thought of wanting to treasure it turned into, she is really handsome.

The way she fights is so charming.

Her ruthless look made his heart burn.

He wants to be with this girl forever.

Then the third time, and the fourth time.

Ji Hanxiao wanted to be by this girl's side desperately.

want to pursue her.

protect her.

fulfill all her wishes.

He can afford what she wants, even if it's his own life.

This feeling is both familiar and strange.

But he didn't want to refuse.

Ye Qianxing returned to his home, where his previous magic weapon was still here.

Both Shuangshuang and Jiujiu were waiting for him at the door.

It's just that Jiujiu drooped his head, obviously not daring to look at Ye Qianxing.

However, Shuangshuang is much more lively than before, and even the aura on her body is much stronger.

Ye Qianxing patted Shuangshuang on the shoulder: "Very good, it's almost forming a pill."

When they left before, Shuangshuang was only in the late stage of Qi refining.

The foundation has now been completely completed.

It will be able to form a pill immediately.

"It's all the senior sister who taught well, senior sister, I'm stuck here at Jie Dan, mainly because I have some doubts."

"I'll give you some pointers later when I have time."

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Don't be afraid of the Heavenly Tribulation of Pill Formation when the time comes, I will help you protect the Dharma."

"it is good!"

Shuangshuang glanced at Jiujiu next to her with some sympathy. The senior sister hadn't looked at Jiujiu since she came back.

Jiujiu didn't dare to speak.

But Shuangshuang didn't dare to intercede for Jiujiu, because even Shuangshuang felt that Jiujiu had gone too far.

His master is Ye Qianxing.

But he helped outsiders to lie to his master.

Such an unfaithful person, even Shuang Shuang felt that it was him who was going to be very angry.

Let alone Ye Qianxing himself.

But Jiujiu lowered his head, his eyes were red, tears were about to fall.

Shuangshuang felt unbearable again.

In the end, he is a good partner who depends on each other.

"Senior Sister, Jiujiu..."

As soon as Shuangshuang opened her mouth, Ye Qianxing stopped her by raising her hand.

The smile that was originally smiling like a flower disappeared in an instant, and the eyes she looked at Jiujiu were all calm.

"Shuangshuang, go and sort out the questions you don't understand first, and come back later."

This is what it means to let Shuangshuang leave and talk to Jiujiu alone.

Shuang Shuang glanced at Jiujiu, gave him an air of taking care of yourself, and left.

Jiujiu was really about to cry, he really knew he was wrong.

He knew that he had done something wrong, and he shouldn't have lied to the master with Ji Hanxiao just because Ji Hanxiao threatened with his life and added benefits.

Chirping, whining, tears fell directly.

As soon as he bent his knees, he was about to kneel down and admit his mistake.

"Master, I know I was wrong."

Unexpectedly, Ye Qianxing raised his hand directly and grabbed Jiujiu's arm.

"It's not necessary."

"I'm not your master either, am I?"

"Your master is the Immortal Venerable, but he was sent to me temporarily by the Immortal Venerable."

"So no matter what you did is right or wrong, I'm not qualified to punish you. When you go back, you can go and plead guilty to the immortal."

The reason why Jiujiu obeyed an ordinary person so easily without considering his own thoughts was not because he didn't regard himself as the master.

So Ye Qianxing didn't care about anything with Jiujiu.

But Ye Qianxing has always been unfaithful to the people around him once, not a hundred times.

For example, Ji Hanxiao.

Like chirping.

Jiujiu's face flushed instantly: "Master! You are my master!"

"I admit that I was wrong, and I know I was wrong."

"But I absolutely didn't intend to harm the master. It was Ji Hanxiao who swore the heavenly oath that he would never hurt you, and then I agreed to him."

"And the matter is the master's preconceived idea, thinking that he was sent by the immortal, I..."

Ye Qianxing just listened to Jiujiu's explanation quietly without saying a word.

In fact, she really had nothing to say.

"Master, I really know I was wrong, woo woo woo..."

Jiujiu cried out of breath.

"Master, please forgive Jiujiu, I won't dare again after Jiujiu, please master don't leave Jiujiu, woo woo woo..."

Ye Qianxing sighed, and didn't say forgiveness, nor did he say no: "I still have things to do, you go down first."

Jiujiu cried until he hiccupped, and wanted to beg again, but Ye Qianxing's eyes turned cold, and he didn't dare to speak.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooo, master, Jiujiu is gone."

When Jiujiu came out, Ye Qianxing put the matter behind him and called Qin Jue over, and the two discussed the current development of the ancient earth.

"I want to know how far the ancient earth has been built."

"At present, the basic facilities have been constructed, including schools, hospitals, government departments..."

Qin Jue introduced Ye Qianxing carefully.

In the end, he concluded: "But now, we lack two things the most."



Because a large sum of money was invested in public facilities, the money came from Ye Qianxing and Qin Jue, and the two of them had already emptied it out, and even Si Yuan contributed part of it.

Because now the entire ancient earth is in a state of zero income, but crazily spending.

In Interstellar, which is already extremely convenient, there is no need for manpower to build various facilities. You only need to draw a picture, find a company that makes mobile homes, and quickly make various styles and pull them in for installation.

If you don't have a picture, it doesn't matter, they also have templates for you to choose from, or you can design them for you.

(End of this chapter)

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