Chapter 481
And you can also choose what material to use for the building.

It's all very fast and very convenient.

But the price is not cheap, not to mention that Ye Qianxing and the others need a huge amount, even if they choose similar materials, it will be a huge expense.

After all, she can let the people of the ancient country exchange labor for food, but she can't let others sleep in the open.

If you use the oldest way to build a house, you don't need money, but it's too difficult for them.

One is that they have no experience and no one to guide them.

There are various other issues.

"Because our planet does not have any military power, I spent a lot of money on planetary defense weapons."

"The weapon designed by Si Yuan was handed over to a research institute he was familiar with before to help us make it."

"Even if someone gave a friendship price, it cost tens of billions of star coins, and it was emptied all at once. Now there is really no money in the account."

"This planetary defense includes detectors, anti-detection devices, shielding devices, warship reflectors, weapon missile counter-attackers..." Qin Jue said a lot in bits and pieces.

These are still based on the premise that Si Yuan did not ask them for design fees.

Thinking about these sums of expenditure, even Ye Qianxing's brain got big.

Ye Qianxing was very fortunate that he came back after he had settled the business, otherwise he would really be at a loss what to do.

"In terms of money, don't worry too much. Soon, a large sum of money will come in."

"I have a remote planet, all of which are medicinal herbs. Before I came back, I sold it to the Federation, and the Federation agreed to pay for everything."

"I even transferred the planet to them once, and soon..."

"It's a week at most slow, and three days soon, and the account will be credited."

This amount of funds is at least tens of billions.

Enough for a while longer.

Qin Jue nodded: "So you still have a back hand."

"Originally, I was going to tell you that if there is really no other way, I can ask your ex-boyfriend to borrow it."

"He has!"

Ye Qianxing didn't understand what the ex-boyfriend meant for a while, but later realized that Qin Jue was talking about Ji Hanxiao.

Immediately wished to slap Qin Jue on the face.

"I said, I have nothing to do with him!"

"Qin Jue, are you looking for a fight!"

"Do you believe that I turned you into Nannan's ex-boyfriend?"

Qin Jue quickly pointed his mouth and made a zipper look.

"Okay, stop talking."

"But it's true that he likes you."

"You don't know. Before you came, he kept asking me about you and Nan Nan."

"That posture, that's called humbleness, that humble appearance, you can't see the brilliance and martial arts of Ji Lianzhu before."

"If it weren't for the fact that he was the real person, I would have suspected that he was a fake."

"That's too unlike a person."

"I used to dare not even breathe in front of him, but now... Let me tell you, it's fine for me to call him brother and brother."

"He asked you what you like to eat, what you drink, what you like the most, and what you don't like the most. He can't wait to see what color underwear you are wearing today..."

Qin Jue shut up after saying this.

He said it was inappropriate.

Nodding, motioning to Ye Qianxing: "Anyway, you understand."

"I already care about you to a certain extent."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't think he was your ex-boyfriend."

"But, are you really?? Didn't have anything to do with him before? Doesn't it matter?"

Ye Qianxing really needs to take a deep breath, deep breath, in order to restrain his prehistoric power.

She thinks it's better to have Qin Jue who doesn't lose his memory, really.

Although that character is not pleasing, but there is no such desire to be beaten to death, and the other party will always know what to say and what not to say.

Unlike Qin Jue, who lacked a little memory, he didn't know what to say.

It seemed that there was something serious, and as he and Ye Qianxing became more and more familiar, he began to release his nature.

Often people can't help but want to kill him.


Ye Qianxing said two words coldly: "If you mention him in front of me again, I will..."

Qin Jue quickly raised his hand as a sign of surrender, with a boring look: "I understand, I understand, let Nan Nan take care of me, right?"

"I understand, I will never say it again."

Ye Qianxing: ...

I'm so angry!
made!Why is Qin Jue so cheap now!
"Speak the truth!"

Qin Jue switched states in a second: "OK."


"If the problem of money is solved, then the problem of personnel will be solved."

"People from the ancient country, in the past, most of them lived at the lowest level of the interstellar world. Not only do they have limited knowledge and culture, but not many of them have special skills."

"There is no need for any doctors in the hospital at present, and the robot will work first."

"But school robots just aren't up to the task."

'We need teachers, we need to teach them. '

"Not only teachers, but also various elites in society. Before humans in the ancient country can climb up, these positions need someone to fill them."

"Things have to be done step by step. We can't just sit and eat. We also need to think about the economic sources of society. We can't keep paying back."

"If you want to do business, you need talents in this field. In addition, the government encourages entrepreneurship, and the development of our planet. In any aspect, you need a clear positioning. It is a mining star, an entertainment star, a warrior star, or a star. Produce stars..."

"Only when we have official income, can we continue to continue to spend and train more talents."

Ye Qianxing put these questions into his mind one by one: "Didn't we let them fill out the specialty form before?"

"Is there nothing that can be used?"

Qin Jue shook his head: "You can pick one out of a thousand people."

Ye Qianxing pinched the space between his eyebrows.

"Then can we try to poach people from the outside world?"

"I don't say anything about elites, we should at least recruit some ordinary staff first."

Qin Jue glanced at Ye Qianxing: "Actually, there is a faster way."

"But you won't let me tell."

'He has a lot of people, and each one is an elite. '

After talking about it, Ji Hanxiao was involved again.

"He is also a member of the ancient country, so it's nothing to contribute."

"And I think that's what he meant by bringing so many people here."

"Think about it carefully."

"Using his people is definitely more reliable than using those recruited from outside."

Ye Qianxing sighed: "I see, then go and get in touch with him."

You have to use it when you need it, and you can't take up social resources.

"As for the positioning of our planet, our planet is positioned as an agricultural output planet."

Qin Jue immediately became serious: "Go on."

"After the nutrient solution giant company closed down, although humans still eat nutrient solution, it is because there is no substitute."

"And now the nutrient solution is also controlled in the hands of the federation. After the Chi family's incident, the federation will absolutely not allow anyone to pinch the lifeblood of human beings in the hands of a certain person."

"But we can find another way."

"Our ancestors ate all plants, plus meat."

"You should have heard of this, and my previous live broadcast, do you understand?"

"Our ancient earth will take this route next."

"You mean we start selling rice? Do business? Do you mean to open a restaurant?"

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Yes! But this is just one thread."

"I have also prepared the groundwork. This time, in addition to asking for money from the Federation, I also asked for shops on the main star and ten S-level planets. There are eleven in total. These are the capital for our future development."

"But I'm plotting much more than that."

"I promised the federation to broadcast planting knowledge to the whole people."

Qin Jue was stunned by Ye Qianxing.

"Wait, we have to rely on this to make money, but you teach this thing for free?"

"Isn't it true that everyone has the same starting point as us?"

Ye Qianxing pursed her lips and shook her head.

"You're wrong."

"Furthermore, after the incident with Chi's family, the Federation will never look at any other company's monopoly on food. We absolutely cannot make such an idea."

"But there is no monopoly. We are the first to eat crabs and the first to earn huge profits. That is still no problem."

"Teach them then it's fine, but we can grow before we teach them."

Qin Jue was even more confused.

"Then how?"

"For example, I first teach them a certain crop of peanuts, and then at this time, we will grow corn first."

"The next time I teach them about corn, I can sell them corn seeds."

"It goes on and on like this."

"We don't have a monopoly on this business, but we can temporarily rely on this to develop the ancient earth."

"In the future, if everyone knows everything, then our ancient earth has already developed."

"It's not just seeds, do you understand?"

"We can also cook after they all know how to grow things. This is what you call a food business."

"It doesn't matter if someone divides the business, but we can guarantee that we will always be at the forefront of them."

This is to first tell the interstellar people what is peanut and what is corn.

Then tell them how to grow peanuts and how to grow corn.

Finally, relying on the business of the ancient country, tell them how to eat peanuts, how to eat corn, and how to eat vegetables.

After everyone knows it, the ancient country's brand has already been launched. When every household is cooking, the ancient country can still sell vegetables.

It's all a lot of money.

After the evolution of these things is completed, it will take at least a few years. After so many years, the ancient earth has already developed to a certain extent, and the ancient country will also grow and establish its own position.

How could he be impacted by what came later.

And, don't forget about another more important thing that no one knows except Ye Qianxing.

The ancient earth had a great array of stars in the sky.

The main purpose of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation is to support, and this support is not just to support human beings.

And plants, everything that was on the ancient earth, will be supported.

So when the time comes, the ancient earth is destined to be a high-end brand, and it will be different from ordinary plants.

Qin Jue listened carefully to Ye Qianxing's introduction, and the more he listened, the more excited he became.

"it is good!"

"If this is the case, then why is the ancient earth not prosperous?"

"In fact, after this development, there are many more."

Ye Qianxing sighed.

"What the current interstellar humans lack the most is the wood element, the vitality of life."

"And the function of plants is not only food, but basic necessities of life. Do you understand, Qin Jue?"

"If these four words are used to the extreme, the ancient earth is not just a simple evaluation and upgrade. It has become a sacred place that everyone yearns for, and it is not just talking."

The more Qin Jue heard it, the more excited he became. He seemed to have seen a planet as powerful as an overlord through these descriptions.

"Of course, the cultivation of human beings in the ancient country can't be left behind. Being strong is the foundation. Everything else is nothing. If you can't become strong, then no matter how much wealth you have, it will be used as a wedding dress for others."

"The enrollment of the college is scheduled to be ten days later."

"I personally presided over it. Anyone under the age of 20 can participate in the academy assessment and enter the academy to study."

"Those who are over 20 years old have already passed the best age for cultivation, but that doesn't mean I have given up on them. I hope that those over 20 years old who are cultivating will set up a beginner class, and when the time comes, the teaching will be unified. In the future, an assessment channel will be set up to teach cultivation. It’s just me at the moment.”

"Besides that, we have to find teachers of various subjects first, and start teaching them from the lowest level of knowledge. We need to understand the knowledge of interstellar."

"Ordinary people with poor cultivation aptitude and old age, if they don't want to practice, let them learn some common knowledge, forget it."

"Young ones, if they are in their prime, they can be divided into classes and let them learn a skill."

"Business management training, human resources training..." Ye Qianxing said almost everything he could think of, and Qin Jue was also frantically sorting out and making records.

The two of them went through everything about the current status of the planet and the urgent need for development.

The most urgent thing right now is school, education.

And let the human beings in the ancient country settle down and develop.

The two of them sorted it out, starting directly from Ye Qianxing's return, until the next day when the lights came down and the sky was full of stars.

Only then are we satisfied to separate.

Ye Qianxing poured a large glass of water, ate a bigu pill, and left the room without even having time to sleep. She was going to incense the ancestors in Shennongjia first, and then went to the planting area to have a look. Qin Jue circled How about that place.

As soon as he left the door, there were human heads outside, and many humans gathered at Ye Qianxing's door.

At first, Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

But after a closer look, everyone's mental outlook is quite good, and they are mostly excited and grateful when they look at themselves, and they don't say riots.

Ye Qianxing probably guessed the reason for everyone's visit.

Taking a step forward, before Ye Qianxing could speak, the black crowd knelt down.

The head instantly became shorter.

Ye Qianxing was shocked.

She quickly reached out to help: "What are you doing, big guy, get up quickly."

"You don't have to kneel to me, I..."

Ye Qianxing was supporting an old woman who was over seventy years old.

She knelt on the ground tremblingly, looking at Ye Qianxing with red eyes.

"Don't help, don't help, just let us kneel."

(End of this chapter)

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