I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 483 23 things I have to say to plants

Chapter 483 Things I Have To Say With Plants
After another two days, Ye Qianxing sorted out the cultivation methods suitable for each spiritual root.

Some of them are Wuji sect's exercises.

They are not the top ones, but Ye Qianxing has also asked the elders and suzerain of the sect.

With their consent, Ye Qianxing taught it to humans in the ancient country.

A classroom that doesn't look big, but accommodates nearly 200 million students, and Ye Qianxing used formations to change the capacity of the space.

This is also Ye Qianxing's biggest teaching activity since he became an adult.

In the world of cultivating immortals, Jindan can accept disciples, establish sects, and occupy mountains.

Ye Qianxing has already broken through the out-of-body Dzogchen after the last Centennial Summit, and is now in the middle of the fusion.

Even if she is placed in the world of cultivating immortals, she can already be called a great power.

Accepting apprentices is naturally possible, but few people teach so many students at once.

This is undoubtedly very tiring and requires a lot of energy.

But Ye Qianxing had no other choice but to grit his teeth and persist.

All the students formed a circle and wrapped Ye Qianxing in it. The moment Ye Qianxing stood on the podium.

A sense of mission that has never been felt arises spontaneously.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing felt that the future of the ancient country was really in his hands.

And the faces in the audience are the future.

Ye Qianxing took a deep breath and stood up straight.

All the students stood up at this moment: "Good morning, teacher."

Ye Qianxing turned on the holographic projection transmission. At this moment, a projection of Ye Qianxing appeared beside all the students. The illusory body was right in front of them. Every word Ye Qianxing said was in their ears. Edge, very clear.

"Hi everyone, I am your teacher, Ye Qianxing."

"From now on, I will teach you the method of cultivation. Please give me your advice."

Ye Qianxing bowed: "Everyone can call me Teacher Ye from now on."

"Sit down."

Everyone sat down, there were so many people, no one was distracted, they cherished the opportunity to learn, they eagerly looked at the projection in front of them, and cherished every minute and every second in the ocean of knowledge.

Because this opportunity is too hard-won for them.

The students who are working are all distributed according to the orientation of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and their respective spiritual roots.

Ye Qianxing naturally also taught in a differentiated way.

"First of all, before our class starts, I want everyone to understand that my cultivation method comes from a sect called Wuji Sect."

"They trained me, and I trained you."

"Your exercises are only taught by them if they agree to teach them, so I can teach them to you."

'I hope that when you go out in the future, you can understand that you not only represent the ancient country, the ancient earth, Tai Chi Academy, but also the Wuji sect. '

"Now we start teaching. Before the class starts today, I want to ask everyone a question."

"Why do you want to practice?"

Before imparting strength, let them understand the meaning of cultivation, which is more important than cultivation.

Following Ye Qianxing's question, someone answered.

"Become stronger."

"Let us become stronger and not be bullied."

"It can make others dare not bully us."

"Cultivation can become a strong person."

Ye Qianxing's body was surrounded by various characters, and these words surrounded Ye Qianxing, all of which were the answers entered by the students.

Ye Qianxing looked at everyone's answers, without exception, they wanted to become stronger.

More powerful.

"Everyone is right."

"Cultivation is to make yourself strong, to make yourself stronger."

"Then here comes my second question. Let me ask you again, what is a strong man? What is your definition of a strong man?"

"The strong are the ones with strong force."

"A strong man is a strong man."


"A strong person is a person whose expression is superior ability in a certain field, usually a person with superior talent and intelligence."

"A man with a strong heart!"

Everyone's various answers appeared before Ye Qianxing's eyes again.

"Actually, everyone is right."

"But there seems to be something missing."

"In my opinion, a strong person is a person who is generally recognized by the society to have the ability to surpass ordinary people in a certain aspect."

"He, she, may be a scientist, a mechanical master, a person in medical research, a strong person on the battlefield, or an officer commanding the battle behind the scenes."

"Even if there is a classmate who is super good at studying, we will give a compliment, you are really good."

"You are too powerful, too strong."

"The strong don't just refer to the strength of force, but refer to certain characteristics of them."

"In my opinion, no matter when a strong person is, he can not rely on the support of others, he can be calm in an unfamiliar environment, he can meet his most basic needs anytime and anywhere, and he can actively adapt to the new environment and improve quickly. Recreate your own glory!"

"He has to be assertive, adaptable, able to communicate, be good at learning and reflecting, have certain foresight and willpower, and have his own learning ability and flexibility!"

"He who knows others is wise, and he who conquers himself is strong."

"A strong person is humble on the outside, but very strong on the inside! A strong person is conquering himself! Forbearance but not fear, self-knowledge but not arrogance, self-examination and self-discipline without underestimating oneself, tolerance of others' ignorance, wisdom but not pride, intelligence but not frivolity , fraternity but not lack of specificity."

"More importantly, truly powerful people never let those who care about them feel concerned and worried."

"The strong exist to protect the weak, not to bully the weak..."



"Five elements include metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Let's talk about gold first. Even students who don't have metal spiritual roots should understand it well, because the five elements are mutually generated and restrained. Just because you don't have spiritual roots doesn't mean you don't have gold in your body."



This class lasted for two full days, except for the students who went to the bathroom, no one left early.

As students, they are undoubtedly the most qualified class.

This class made their receipts extremely huge.

Until Ye Qianxing spit out the word "end of get out of class", they were still not satisfied.

In good spirits.

"Goodbye teacher, teacher has worked hard."

Ye Qianxing responded with a smile: "Students have worked hard."

"Students form a group of ten according to their own spiritual roots, ten groups form a large group, and ten large groups form a class."

"All volunteered to form a class. Each group first digests the knowledge points that the group does not understand. If they don't know it, they can discuss it with each other in the large group. If they don't know it, they will summarize it in the class and discuss it with other classes."

"In the end, the class will sort out and send to my optical brain. I will explain it to you once a day in the next week."

"But after this week, it will become an explanation every three days."

"In the end, it became a weekly explanation."

The main consideration is that the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual.

According to their basis, Ye Qianxing should give preferential treatment.

But they can't always protect the cubs and help them grow.

"Do you understand everything?"


Ye Qianxing dismissed get out of class.

In the following week, countless questions really came to Ye Qianxing. After all, the base of these students was too large.

Ye Qianxing was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat and drink, and he basically relied on Bigu Dan for his living.

Ji Hanxiao came several times, but Ye Qianxing didn't even let him in.

Until a week later, the number of questions slowed down and the number of questions gradually decreased.

Ye Qianxing fell asleep for two days at a time before waking up.

Just after waking up, I received You Kong's series of life-threatening calls.

Ye Qianxing splashed a handful of water on his face, regained his energy, and quickly picked up the phone: "Master Youkong."

"Miss Ye, are you busy recently?"

Ye Qianxing said the truth: "Busy, so busy, I haven't slept in a week, just slept for two days."

You Kong didn't expect Ye Qianxing to be so honest and say he was busy, so he really didn't know how to answer the next sentence.

After coughing, Youkong said, "That's it, Miss Ye should also pay attention to her body."

"Other words." Youkong still bite the bullet and said.

"The conditions we agreed on before, Ms. Ye, don't forget, those lunatics in the research institute have been urging me all day long."

"It's terrible, the plants they planted are all dead."

"Miss Ye, you have to put this matter on the right track as soon as you're done. There are still many people waiting. You know, we humans are all looking forward to it now."

Ye Qianxing's brows were not in danger, on the contrary, he smiled very gently.

"I'm sorry, Master Youkong, I'm too busy here and delayed the business."

"No more than three days at the latest, I will definitely start a live broadcast."

"At that time, I will trouble the official side to help me promote my account."

"I'll start as soon as possible."

Seeing that Ye Qianxing agreed, Youkong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, then you should hurry up."


The two of them exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

Ye Qianxing dealt with the affairs of the past two days again, and it was finally over, and he was not so busy anymore.

Ye Qianxing then ran to the planting area and communicated non-stop with Qin Jue about the plants to be planted next.

It's summer now, and it should be time to plant autumn crops after the summer harvest.

You can grow corn, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and various vegetables, beans, eggplants, and cucumbers, all of which are vegetables in this season.

Ye Qianxing chose sweet potatoes and corn, two crops with higher yields and faster maturation, and cucumber, a refreshing vegetable with a short maturity period.

Ye Qianxing searched for a long time, and found those wild seeds that they planted and sprinkled casually on the ancient earth before, and they really grew very well.

Cucumbers are deliciously green and almost smelt.

Ye Qianxing picked one directly, and a stream of water swept it through, washing it clean, and the thorns on it were still a bit prickly.

But when you take a bite, it's crispy and juicy.

After eating two in a row, I comforted my stomach that was abused by Bigu Dan recently.

Then he sent his account information to You Kong: "The live broadcast will start tomorrow, this is the content of the live broadcast."

Ye Qianxing took pictures of the cucumbers and corn and peanuts again.

They were all shot clearly.

"Corn, peanuts, cucumbers."

You Kong replied with an OK gesture, indicating that he understood.

Ye Qianxing took a full night's rest, and before going to bed, she posted on her Starnet homepage: 【See you tomorrow, babies. 】

[Tomorrow's live broadcast content, the cultivation of cucumbers, corn, and peanuts. 】

Ye Qianxing fell asleep, but he didn't know that there was another uproar on the Internet.

Because the federal officials issued a statement: [Open tomorrow, with Chenxing anchor, to popularize plant planting knowledge and guide to edible plants. @晨星. 】

[God, what did I see?The savior is here! 】

[Since the Federation said that plants can be planted, I have been thinking about planting some plants. I have transplanted several flowers from other planets, but the ones that bloomed well before I brought them back died within a few days. 】

[Upstairs, fellow daoist, mine, I also soaked it in nutrient solution and energy solution, and it died. 】

[Your flowers are dead, so be content, my God, I raised a pot of flowers, and our whole family went to the hospital. 】

[It was as if the whole person had been injected with drugs that day, and the sky was turned upside down in an instant. 】

[Upstairs, it’s okay for your family to enter the hospital. I brought back an edible fruit. I saw that the birds were fine, so I ate it, and it was fine that day. Later, because it tasted good, I distributed it to the whole building. My neighbor, now we are both lying in the hospital and haven't been discharged yet. 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

[Due to unknown plant causes, death toll: XXX. 】

[Hahaha, wow, you guys are really going to kill me laughing. 】

[What are you guys, I am a certain big boss of the research institute, as for which big boss I am, I won’t say, we carefully obtained the small seedlings of medicinal materials. 】

[In our laboratory, the nutrient solution, nutrient soil, and fertilization all took turns, and it was impossible for it to survive for a week. 】

[! ! !It's really embarrassing to say it. 】

[I heard before that plants grow from seeds, but after my seeds were buried, I dug them out every hour to see that they still hadn't germinated, and it had been more than 100 hours. 】

[I secretly lost some spiritual power to the plants!Then the plant grew so big with a splash, it became a spirit, and attacked me, blah blah, forget it, my house was destroyed. 】

[The federation listed me as a key investigation target, saying that I might be the spy of the enemy country, sent to destroy human finances, woo woo woo, woo woo woo~]

【That's totally unnecessary, hahaha laughing to death. 】

[Upstairs, I can prove that you are not a spy, haha, what country would send such a good spy, this is an insult to people's IQ, haha. 】

[I thought that this flower is yellow, this flower is red, if they stir their roots together, they should be able to bloom red and yellow flowers, but, I don't know why, they bear fruit. 】

【The result? ?Amazing! 】

[This is what is said in the legend, is there me in you, and you in me?Hahaha! 】

【It's fruited, but... after I ate the fruit, I got diarrhea. 】

【Warning! !Ha ha! 】

[Hospital warning! 】

[Nutrition warehouse warning! 】

[Cherish life, stay away from plants, hahaha! 】

(End of this chapter)

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