I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 484 Sister Xing's Arrangement

Chapter 484 Sister Xing's Arrangement

The word "plant" quickly became a hot topic on StarNet.

Even phrases such as "alert warning" and "hospital warning, don't need it" have become buzzwords.

It almost makes people laugh their heads off.

Many people have started sharing what they have to say about themselves and their plants online.

Throughout the night, everyone was very jubilant, and Ye Qianxing's star network homepage actually exploded.

Miss Taozi: 【Ahhh!Congratulations to Sister Xing for her return. 】

Qingzao: [Sister Xing! !Sister Xing, I finally waited for you, but luckily I didn't give up. 】

123: [I haven't seen Sister Xing for a while, and now Sister Xing has become so powerful. There were already many people competing with me for Sister Xing, and now there are more people. Sister Xing belongs to me alone. . 】

There is no ditch that hurts your body: [Newcomers, you must know that you come first, you must respect your seniors, you must worship the top of the mountain, and most importantly, Sister Xing can't grab it, and I can give you everything else. 】

My father and his son are so handsome: [I saw all the familiar IDs at a glance, my God, I felt nostalgic for an instant, big brothers, it’s great that you are all still alive. 】

Teacher, I have a bad waist: [To be honest, I'm dead. 】

Number one in the universe: [Actually, I am also dead. 】

Miss Taozi: [Aw, oh, the gold master's father has appeared, the gold master's father, I am also dead, I love you to death. 】

I'm Ultraman: [Bosses still like to joke so much, you are dead, are you still talking to us now? 】

Teacher, I have a bad waist: [I am indeed a soul talking to you. 】

Number one in the universe: [I am dead, and I am alive again. 】

I'm dad's dad: [Hahaha, wow, you guys are so funny, but it's been a while since everyone. 】

I'm Ultraman: [I'm back from fighting monsters, and I'm going to marry Sister Xing. 】

Number one in the universe: [Dream and eat farts faster. 】

Miss Taozi: [The most full meal, salty golden dates in the mouth, dogtail grass in the nose, eyes like light bulbs, and snot like urine soaking, you think you are a silkworm baby, but in fact you are a big idiot!Want to marry Sister Xing, have you lined up yet? 】

[God, haha, seeing this sentence, I feel that Xingdangdang has come out of the arena again. 】

[By the way, what do you think?There will definitely be a bunch of sunspots tomorrow. 】

[That's for sure, maybe, there are more than before. 】

[I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's live broadcast, haha, I can see the scene where the anchor ends up tearing people up again. 】

[Laughing to death, you are all a bunch of fans, you are poisonous. 】

[Their fans are all helping the host to tear up black fans, you wait for Xingdang to end by himself and tear them up, and you are going to sit and watch the show, it is really poisonous. 】

[Xing Xing, you can fly, if you have an accident, you will bear it yourself. 】

【Xingxing, you are strong yourself, and we will always be your strong backing. 】

[I don't think it's a strong backing, but a little padded jacket that leaks air. It's the first time I've seen such a poisonous fan. 】

A group of familiar people stayed together and made jokes, and everyone was full of expectations for seeing Xingdangdao again tomorrow.

The next day, Ye Qianxing got ready and just opened the live broadcast room.

Seeing a familiar ID at first glance.

【The largest in the universe, sending galaxy X100.】

【Miss Peach, send Galaxy X10.】

【Teacher, I have a bad waist, I will give away Galaxy X10】

123:: [Fuck, isn't it, brothers are playing so big? 】

[I don't have so much money, I've tried my best, anchor. 】

[123, send galaxy X1]

[Qingzao, send Galaxy X10]

[My father and his son are so handsome, he sent Galaxy X1 away]

【I'm Ultraman, sending Galaxy X1】

【I am Daddy's Daddy, sending out Galaxy X1】

【………, send mecha X100】

【………, send out nutrient solution X1000】

【………, send…】


Ye Qianxing didn't even say anything, and the entire live broadcast room was already flooded by various rewarding special effects.

No chance to speak at all.

Ye Qianxing was dumbfounded, and when she realized it, it had been scrolling for nearly a minute.

And one world news after another, one special effect after another, shocked many newcomers to their senses.

Ye Qianxing quickly turned off the tipping function.

Miss Taozi: [That bastard took my first place? 】

I haven't seen you for many years. Miss Taozi seems to be a lot hotter.

Number one in the universe: [I, do you have an opinion? 】''

Miss Taozi: 【...Yes... I also held back. 】

123: [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dollars 】

Qingzao: [It's okay, it's okay, fortunately, the start is not too high. I heard that there is a new plant gift in the live broadcast room, and that one is called expensive. 】

[I just thought that the first big one would tip that one, but if I use that one, I won't be able to connect. 】

Number one in the universe: [I didn't see any updated gifts, but it's not too late. 】

As soon as he said these few words, Ye Qianxing's entire live broadcast room had another special effect, and this time the special effect was actually made of plants.

Beautiful flowers bloomed on the public screen in the live broadcast room, one after another, looking like a dreamlike dream.

Ye Qianxing was absolutely crushed.

Ji Hanxiao is really sick.

My father and his son are so handsome: [How can you still give a reward?I can’t even tip, it reminds the anchor that the tipping function has been turned off. 】

I'm Ultraman: [Me too. 】

[I can't reward you. 】

Number one in the universe: [No way, high authority, unrestricted. 】

Miss Taozi: [... I want to hit someone. 】

[Old Versailles. 】

Wugou squeezed hard and hurt her body: 【Add me, beat him up! 】

Ye Qianxing looked at the many old IDs who were active in these live broadcast rooms, and immediately smiled happily.

【Hi, big guy, long time no see. 】

[Sister Xing, long time no see. 】

[Xing Ruan, you are back. 】

[Sister Xing, long time no see. 】

[Xing Ruan, I miss you. 】

Everyone talked to Ye Qianxing about what they missed before.

[Xingxing, do you like the face-to-face we gave you? 】

[Sister Xing's meeting. 】

[Hahaha, you will have new fans in the future, don't forget us old fans. 】

[It's not in vain that we have waited for you for so many years. 】

[My sister Xing came home and arranged for noodles, that must be given enough, by the way, sister Xing, why did you turn off the reward, I am waiting to take care of you,]

Ye Qianxing watched everyone making jokes and was amused.

"Take care of me?"

"Are you sure? Do you have enough money?"

[Can you really support Sister Xing?Sister Xing, you can make a price, no matter how much it is, I can accept it. 】

123: [Bah! ! i you don't deserve it! 】

My father and his son are so handsome: [It's not your turn to take care of him. 】

Number one in the universe: [You say the number, I also want to keep it. 】

The topic gradually became so skewed that Ye Qianxing was still powerless to stop it.

This confuses many newcomers.

No. 1 leader of the research institute: [I didn't go to the wrong place, did I? 】

No. 2 boss of the research institute: [I followed the link on the official website, it should be right, but why is this not a live broadcast room for teaching plants, but a live broadcast room for nurturing? 】

The No. 3 leader of the research institute: [The world is going down, harm. 】

No. 4 boss of the research institute: [You Kong, you are unreliable in doing anything. For such a big matter, even a link can be wrong. 】

[This girl is only average in appearance, is there anyone willing to keep her? 】

The No. 1 boss of the research institute: [Yes, yes, I think so too, little girl, if you have time, read more books and study more, so that you can serve the country in the future, don't waste your precious time on such things. 】

[Ham, forget it, let's go, and find You Kong to live broadcast. 】

【gone. 】

These people spoke so fast that before Ye Qianxing could respond to them or even explain, these people had already retreated.

There are also some ignorant new fans: [What the hell, were all the local tyrants crazy just now?Send so many gifts? 】

I'm a new fan and I reported: [Which big guy's live broadcast room is this, why have I never heard of it before? 】

I am crazy about plants: [What does this mean?Do I have to pay first to learn knowledge?Pay tuition?Does it mean this? 】

I'm a prodigy, and I'm proud: [I thought the plant guide created by the Federation was serious.In the end, I sent a little girl here to collect money, and I want to complain to the Federation! 】

Gang Jing No. 1: [Add me! 】

Gang Jing No. 2: [I don't know why, but I always feel that this live broadcast room is very familiar. 】

Ye Qianxing looked at all kinds of information, scrolled frantically from the public screen, and hurriedly prepared to explain.

It just so happened that those big guys turned back again.

No. 1 leader of the research institute: [What's going on?Is my brain poisoned?Why is this again? 】

The No. 2 leader of the research institute: [I'm really convinced, I'm going to beat You Kong up! 】

No. 3 leader of the research institute: [Ink for a while, people have broadcasted it live, maybe we will miss a lot of knowledge, this unreliable space. 】

Number 4: [I want to hit someone! 】

Seeing everyone's anger, Ye Qianxing quickly opened his mouth to explain.

"Gentlemen, don't leave. I am Ye Qianxing. This live broadcast room is right."

"This live broadcast room is free of charge, and everyone does not need to tip. Now the live broadcast will start immediately, let's get to the point."

"It was just some old fans of mine before. I was so excited to see me. I was just joking. Don't mind."

"In order to ensure that our live broadcast can go on smoothly, even I can have the opportunity to answer some of your questions. I hope everyone can minimize useless speeches, so that I can also avoid valid questions from being washed out."

The No. 1 leader of the research institute: [That's right! 】

The No. 2 leader of the research institute: [I was wrong about you Kong boy. 】

No. 3 boss of the research institute: [Little girl, it's you, so let me just say, the first time I saw you, I thought you were a talent. 】

No. 4 boss of the research institute: [Yes, yes, you are also good-looking, dignified and virtuous, with grandeur between your brows, and you look very good-looking. 】

Institute No. 1 Boss: [Yes, yes, I think so too! 】

The No. 2 leader of the research institute: [Yes, yes, it looks good! 】

Ye Qianxing saw the sudden change of tone of several big bosses, and couldn't help pursing his lips with a smile.


These old men are kind of cute.

[Laughing to death, the tone of the big guys has changed really fast. 】

[Boss, I took a screenshot of the above words, do you know? 】

Even though many people stopped joking around, the pop-up screen was still scrolling crazily before Ye Qianxing's eyes.

Because there are too many people watching online.

When the live broadcast was first started, the number of people had already exceeded one million.

Now it is easy to break through [-] million.

Billions, tens of billions.

Still going on.

Ye Qianxing had no choice but to ignore the pop-up screen, and she first pointed the camera at the three plants that she transplanted back.

"Let's take a look, this is our live broadcast today."

"It's corn, peanuts, and cucumbers."

Ye Qianxing found mature plants.

"Corn and peanuts are two kinds of food that can be used as staple food. Let's take a look first, this is corn."

While showing it to everyone, Ye Qianxing introduced: "Corn is a crop with a relatively high yield, and it tastes good."

"Corn, which belongs to the angiosperm phylum and monocot class, is an annual monoecious cross-pollinated plant with tall plants and strong stems. It is an important food crop and feed crop. It was also the world's highest yield during the ancient earth period. Its planting area and total output are second only to rice and wheat. Corn has always been known as a longevity food, rich in protein, fat, vitamins, trace elements, cellulose, etc., and has high nutritional and biological functions Great potential for food."

"It's actually not that difficult to grow."

"Just before we start learning how to plant, I have some things I want to explain to you first."

"The growth of a plant will vary depending on where it grows, the climate, temperature, and even soil conditions."

"For plants, the most important thing is sunlight, rain and dew, and soil. These three major aspects, the failure of people to grow plants on weekdays is mostly due to insufficient care of these three aspects."

"The corn, its seed, is here in its fruit."

Ye Qianxing peeled off the corn and dunked the corn kernels.

"Every kernel of corn has the opportunity to become a plant."

"But before that, what I want to tell you is that due to the complex heredity of corn and the rich variety of variations, there are shortcomings in the conventional breeding process, such as too long cycle, too large coefficient of variation, and affecting the growth and development of offspring. .”

"So its seeds, generally, I don't recommend using them directly, and the seeds need to be improved."

"I've also prepared improved seeds."

"Now I will plant the two kinds of seeds together, and everyone will see the difference after a while."

"Corn is a temperature-loving crop, and the whole growth period requires a higher temperature. Seed germination requires 6-10°C, below 10°C germinates slowly, 16-21°C germinates vigorously, and the optimum temperature for germination is 28-35°C, 40°C The above stops sprouting."

"So everyone should decide whether it is suitable to grow corn according to the temperature of their own planet."

(End of this chapter)

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