I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 485 Sister Xing, where is Xiaoxiao?

Chapter 485 Sister Xing, where is Xiaoxiao?

Research Institute No. 1 Boss: [Temperature control is not very difficult. If some planets want to plant, but the temperature is different, you can also use the simplest temperature control equipment at present. The price is not expensive, and you can circle a place to adjust it at will temperature. 】

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Yes, on the ancient earth, if the ancestors wanted to plant, they needed to plant different crops according to the four seasons. The main reason is that they couldn't change the temperature in large quantities."

"But we don't have this problem now. You can use high-tech means to change the temperature, achieve rainfall, and even simulate lighting."

"Everyone can find all kinds of equipment, and you can place orders on the star network."

Ye Qianxing didn't accept the advertisement, but just fulfilled his obligation to tell everyone that there is something that can be used.

"Plants must grow in the soil. I saw many people say on the Internet that their plants died in the energy solution and the nutrient solution."

"Unless it's certain hydroponic plants, plants need to grow in soil."

"Because the nutrient fluids and energy fluids we buy now are all purified with energy stones and the like, and mixed with a large amount of water to form them. The seeds and roots of some plants are soaked in water for a long time. Well soaked, it will go bad, so plants cannot grow in nutrient and energy fluids."

"Secondly, it is energy liquid and nutrient liquid, which are actually effective for plants, but we need the right amount."

"Everyone must have experienced countless times, the phenomenon that the energy liquid and nutrient liquid were poured in, and the plants died."

Ye Qianxing paused as he said this.

[Yes, yes, my plants just turned black after I poured a cup of advanced energy liquid. 】

【Me too. 】

【Are you all?I'm not, I poured some cheap nutrient solution for my flowers, and they are alive and well. 】

【Mine is also living very well, I pour some cheap nutrient solution into it every day, it grows emerald green and even bigger. 】

Everyone started arguing, and many people said that their plants were poured with nutrient solution, some died, and some were still alive.

"You don't need to argue. In fact, both situations are normal."

"Just as we humans have different appetites, plants need different energy, and the energy content in the cheap nutrient solution we usually buy is the least."

"So for ordinary plants, if you pour less energy liquid, you are fertilizing the plants."

"If you pour too much, the plants will be burned to death and cannot bear so much energy."

"It will explode and die."

"As for the 'food intake' of each plant, everyone needs to explore slowly. You can try it. At first, give one drop, then two drops."

"If your plants are showing yellowing leaves, or if they're sluggish, let's just stop."

"If the plants grow bigger and full of energy, it means that what you are doing is effective."

"Everyone should be good at observing the information that plants give us."

Ye Qianxing took out a red potion and stirred the corn seeds and peanut seeds.

"The seeds are buried in the ground, we need to use some potions to protect the seeds."

"Because their germination period is relatively long, there will be a lot of insects in the soil that will eat the seeds."

"So we need to apply medicine."

I'm a pro, I reported: [Heh, what are you talking about imparting knowledge for free, I'm sure, next, very soon!Advertisement is about to start, let us buy all kinds of plant-related things in the live broadcast room. 】

Gang Jing No. 1: [Yes!I feel the same way, isn't it just money's eyes, huh. 】

Gang Jing No. 2: [To put it bluntly, isn’t it just to make money, now the Federation treats us humans as leeks, and wants to cut us off. 】

Gang Jing No. 3: [I bet she will be a star soon, this is an old trick of the anchor, we all understand, haha.If I lose the bet, I'll call every one of you Daddy. 】

Ye Qianxing was instantly happy when he saw this news.

"I have met many people who like to recognize their grandchildren. I have never seen such a person who likes to be a son."

"I'm ashamed not to satisfy your wish."

Qingzao: [The gangsters are really getting braver as they fight. Gambling in Sister Xing's live broadcast room, have you ever won? 】

123: [The little brother Gang Jing No. 2 upstairs said in our live broadcast room that he would eat shit while standing on his head. I still remember it. When will he fulfill this promise? 】

Miss Taozi: [Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, you guys have lost so many bets, are you still not good? 】

My dad and his son are so handsome: [Hahaha, Xingdang has come out of the arena again, haha, I have met many people who want to be fathers, and this is the first time I see someone who likes to recognize his father. 】

I'm dad's dad: [If I don't answer your dad, I will feel sorry for my ID. 】

I'm Ultraman: [I'm ready, son, let's start screaming. 】

Ye Qianxing shook the red liquid bottle in his hand.

"This is really not for sale, I just prepared this bottle myself."

"It's for everyone to experiment."

"So son, you call a father first, and I'll listen to you."

"Or if you think my gender is asymmetrical, it's not unacceptable to call me a mother."

The gangsters fell silent, but they didn't leave the studio either.

Ye Qianxing smiled: "But after thinking about it, I don't dare to agree. After all, I don't know how bad it would be if I had a big boy like you."

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so retarded."

When Ye Qianxing said this, he died of laughter.

The live room scrolled wildly.

[Hahaha, familiar formula, familiar taste, Xingdangdang is still our Xingdangdang, nothing has changed. 】

[Xing Ruan, please don't do this, give us some room to play. 】

[The classic quotations of cursing people get. 】

I'm new here, and I'm a little scared: [Old fan, tell me, are all the current anchors so fierce?If you just hate fans like this, aren't you afraid of losing traffic? 】

[Anchor Yong. 】

[The anchor is so cool to hate people. 】

[Sister Xing, please, don't be like this, you are a dignified anchor, what are you doing to grab fans? 】

[In this world, it's not easy to be a fan, and the anchors are rushing to do it. 】

[Gang Jing: To be honest, I have never been so speechless in my life. 】

[Hahaha, wow, I died laughing. 】

Gang Jing: [You are almost done, enough is enough, she just said a few words casually, she is a majestic anchor, it's fine if she doesn't spread positive energy, and she takes the lead in cursing people. 】

[Yes, it is so unreasonable and unforgiving, is it necessary to scold him like this?The three views are not correct. 】

123: [Big brother, can you change your ID before talking? 】

Qingzao: [I've never been so speechless in my life, being insulted by a gangster for IQ. 】

Miss Taozi: [Brother, when did the anchor become a majestic anchor, isn't your hat too high? 】

[I think you're still a good guy, what's wrong with being called a dad?Why don't you call for him, after all, you are a majestic man, you are so kind, how can you bear to let your brother suffer. 】

【Three Views?Everything can be related to Sanguan, sorry, Sanguan ran away overnight with the battleship on his shoulders. 】

[Laughing to death, hahaha, someone taught you how to plant it, it’s none of your business what they want to do, they even turned off the reward function, and you need to take off your pants and fart? 】

[Besides, what if someone brings the goods?Whoever needs it can buy it. If people have this wisdom, why not let them make money?If you can, you can come too. 】

There was a lot of noise on the pop-up screen, and many people spoke for Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing is naturally not as noble as everyone said.

It was because she had an agreement with the federation before, and the federation was afraid that she would rely on this to get money, so it stipulated that she was not allowed to advertise or sell things in the live broadcast room.

After all, the Federation has already paid Ye Qianxing.

It was a shop, and it was worth a fortune.

Ye Qianxing agreed, but if she didn't do anything, it didn't mean that the ancient earth would let the business go.

Ye Qianxing said at the beginning that the business chain that plants can generate has grown.

Ye Qianxing put the bickering behind her head and continued to tell everyone how to farm.

"The distance required for corn and peanuts is also different, because the plants of corn are relatively large, so we usually put two seeds in one pit."

"The pit should be dug neither too big nor too small, neither deep nor shallow. If it's too deep, it won't be easy for the corn seeds to come out."

"Plant at a ratio of 1.3 meters per pit."

"Peanuts are about 20 centimeters apart from one palm of your own."

"After being buried, if it has rained and the land is moist enough, or if there has been rain recently, there is no need to water it. If there is no rain for half a month, artificial precipitation will be performed."

Ye Qianxing explained to everyone almost everything he could think of.

Because these people have never planted land after all.

After the cucumbers are planted, seedlings need to be raised later.

Ye Qianxing told everyone the precautions.

Then two drops of nutrient solution were added, which would make them grow up faster.

After all, it is impossible for Ye Qianxing to let the plants grow for a few months before they mature, so how can she broadcast live to everyone.

Therefore, appropriate means of birth are needed.

Ye Qianxing will be broadcasting soon, and many old fans are reluctant to part with it.

[Sister Xing, Sister Xing, let’s chat again, I haven’t seen you for a long time. 】

Miss Taozi: [Sister Xing, when will you come to our planet again, please have dinner. 】

[Anchor, anchor, we know how to plant, but where do we go to buy seeds. 】

[Anchor, do you have any extra seeds? 】

Institute No. 1 Boss: [We also want some seeds. 】

Ye Qianxing waved his hand: "I'm sorry everyone, I have an agreement with the Federation. This live broadcast room is for me to teach you how to plant for free. I can't do any advertising. You can find it yourself."

"Search on the Star Internet, there must be someone selling it."

Ye Qianxing couldn't advertise, but that didn't mean she wasn't prepared.

[Brothers, go to Starnet, it’s available on Starnet! 】

【real? 】

【real! 】

[Hurry up and buy! 】

【Ancient Earth Plant Shop?Tell the truth, this is your store, right? 】

After all, everything that Ye Qianxing did before caused huge waves. Now the ancient earth is in Ye Qianxing's hands. Now what plants Ye Qianxing explained, what kind of seeds appeared in this shop? , where is there such a coincidence?

"It's not mine, it's the public property of the ancient earth."

Ye Qianxing floated the camera high into the sky, revealing the scene of many people and robots working, picking wild plants and extracting seeds.

The new fans came here for the plants, and they all went shopping, Ye Qianxing chatted with everyone for a while under the repeated pleas of the old fans.

[Think about Sister Xing. At that time, she was still a poor native, but now she has become a super boss with a private planet. 】

[Sister Xing, did you guess that this day would come to you? 】

"Of course I know."

【Really?Sister Xing, can you prophesy? 】

Ye Qianxing raised his head: "Ham, I work so hard, I am so smart and so talented, I will definitely be a big boss in the future, does it need to be said?"



[A narcissistic Xingjie is really rare. 】

[Sister Xing, when I didn't see you before, I always felt that you were so strange, and I only felt familiar after meeting you. 】

[Yeah, you guys don’t know. Once again, I almost deleted Sister Xing. When I saw Chen Xing lying on my list, I thought, huh?Who is this?Then I saw that I had left her a lot of words, and I went to replay her previous live broadcast, only to find that this anchor was really interesting, so I kept Sister Xing. 】

[Yes, yes, me too. 】

[It's the kind that before watching this live broadcast, it seems that I lost all the memories of Sister Xing. I found it only by relying on the previous live broadcast and my own speech. 】

[Is it true or not?You said it so wickedly, as if you collectively lost your memory. 】

Ye Qianxing felt somewhat guilty when he heard everyone's words.

Quickly changed the subject.

"Stop chatting with everyone for a while, I'm going to be busy later, and the ancient earth is very busy now."

[Sister Xing, Sister Xing, do you need talents on the ancient earth?Like me, I can go to work! 】

[I can do it too, Sister Xing, I don’t need anything, just take care of the food. 】

[Speaking of food, Sister Xing, you haven't cooked for a long time, please comfort us, we really want to eat your cooking. 】

【I want, too. 】

Ye Qianxing was forced to have no choice but to use local materials, and made two big pots of hot and sour cucumbers for everyone.

Everyone drank virtual food, and Ye Qianxing pointed out some old fans and gave some away.

[Good time, good time, Sister Xing, I'm going to plant cucumbers, I'm going to plant cucumbers! ! 】

【I'll go too, add me, I'll eat cucumbers every day from now on. 】

[I'll go too, oh, it's so delicious. 】

[Daily envy ancestors series! 】

[Sister Xing, I don't want to eat, I miss Xiaoxiao, did Xiaoxiao not come back after leaving? 】

【Yes, I miss Xiaoxiao too. Xiaoxiao was so cute at that time. I haven’t seen Xiaoxiao for a long time. Xiaoxiao should be fine, after all, his force value is so high. 】

(End of this chapter)

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