I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 489 Fighting outside the territory, three clans melee!

Chapter 489 Fighting outside the territory, three clans melee!
There are many corpses floating in the sea of ​​stars.

Ye Qianxing held the long sword like a god of death.

The long black hair floated in the air, and the sword in his hand kept dripping blood.

There is only a dazzling red and a sea of ​​blood left in front of my eyes.

She waved her arms mechanically, but it was getting harder and harder.

Those sent by the Zerg were all elites, not one or two, but hundreds of them.

This wheel tactic also made it impossible for Ye Qianxing to escape.

Accidentally, he was injured.


Chopped on the arm by a snake-like Zerg, or the right arm.

Ye Qianxing's combat power was instantly weakened. She gritted her teeth and used all the magic weapons in her space, the defensive talisman.

Flying Talisman, Explosive Flame Talisman.

Various magic weapons exploded into energy waves of various colors in mid-air.

Ye Qianxing can actually hide in the space, but once he hides in the space, he cannot leave.

She will not be able to rush outside the territory.

Because these people will definitely stay on guard and wait for her to come out.

So that was just the last resort to save her life, she still had to try her best to break through the siege.

Both sides were red-eyed.

"First Form of Eternal Sword Art: Five Elements Sword" Ye Qianxing put all his strength into every strike.

"Second Form: Ten Thousand Swords Slashing" A huge blade formed in the air, directly chopping down ten Zergs.

But the Zerg is not a vegetarian, and the leader immediately said: "Everyone try to protect yourself, don't resist, she is alone, we have so many people, even if it is grinding, she will be consumed to death."

"When she uses her big move, we should avoid it. The more she uses her big move, the more consumption she will consume. Maybe she will die of exhaustion soon without us doing it."

"Third Form: Two Forms and Five Elements." Ye Qianxing knew what these people were planning, but she couldn't help it.

She has to rush.

But she has also sent a distress letter to the garrison stationed near the Federation.

I hope these people can arrive as soon as possible to share some of the firepower for myself.

The two instruments and five elements sword with deterrent power, and the black and white yin and yang fish rushed towards the Zerg group almost overwhelmingly.

Dozens of higher Zerg were wiped out.

But Ye Qianxing was attacked in the back and was slashed in the back.

The dodging movement was slowed down, and the abdomen was penetrated again.

There were nearly 500 Zerg, and there were less than [-] on the scene, but Ye Qianxing was indeed close to exhaustion, with countless wounds on his body.

She gritted her teeth and made another move: "Sparks start a prairie fire!"

The bloody blue flames spread across the sea of ​​stars, and Ye Qianxing was about to use the flames to open a path.

The sword suddenly grew bigger, followed behind Huo Yan, carrying Ye Qianxing on his back, ready to break out of the encirclement.

Ye Qianxing used up the last defensive talisman.

She lay on the sword in embarrassment and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

These damn Zergs even sneakily wiped out the humans on the two human planets.

Just be damned!

If she didn't have more important things to do first, Ye Qianxing would kill them all.

However, it was the Zerg that blocked her, so Ye Qianxing realized that she had to get out of the territory as soon as possible.

For the Zerg to sacrifice like this, they have to get the inheritance, which is likely to affect a group.

Ye Qianxing almost rushed out of the encirclement.

But at the next moment, an extremely strong divine soul force rushed straight into Ye Qianxing's mind.

The tyranny of this consciousness is invincible.

Ye Qianxing had a splitting headache in an instant, and her mind was almost blank for a moment, and then the entire sea of ​​consciousness was filled with endless golden light, directly cutting off the intruding consciousness.

The moment Ye Qianxing returned to his soul, he vomited another mouthful of blood.

She looked at the woman in front of her.

It turned out to be Queen Hirana.

Queen of the Zerg! !

They all came here to stop themselves!

No wonder the consciousness was so tyrannical just now, can the consciousness that leads a group not be tyrannical?
Ye Qianxing's eyebrows and eyes were condensed, showing a murderous look, she insisted on standing upright from the sword.

"Little girl, you are already at the end of your strength, why bother to hold on?"

In fact, Xilana's small face was also pale, and what was hidden deep in her eyes was fear and anger.

This girl was able to resist the attack of her own consciousness, and even cut off her own consciousness.

It turned out to be so amazing.

But at the same time, the killing intent towards Ye Qianxing deepened. Ji Hanxiao was enough to give the Zerg a headache. For so many years, the Zerg hadn't found a bargain in his hands.

Now there is another junior who is comparable to Ji Hanxiao, or even better.

Even if Xilana died, she would kill Ye Qianxing.

If she was allowed to grow up, it would be over.

I'm afraid the Zerg will be suppressed even more.

"Little girl, you are actually very good. As long as you obediently submit to me and become my slave, I will spare your death."

"You humans lost this Centennial Summit, and Ji Hanxiao will not play anymore. You humans will soon be eaten away by the Zerg."

"This time, as long as our Zerg race gets the inheritance again, the universe will soon become the dominant family of ours. As long as you follow us, you must be under one person, above ten thousand people, and respected by others, how about it?"

Xilana seduced Ye Qianxing carefully and offered generous conditions.

"If you think about it in the future, you can still turn into a Zerg race. You are a woman, and you have a certain chance to become a Zerg queen. At that time, the whole interstellar world will respect you and respect you. What do you think?"

Xilana's words are really tempting, power, status.

The whole universe bows down to you.

No one can refuse.

No wonder everyone said that among the Zerg queens, Hirana was the most difficult one.

"Also, hasn't your ancient country been bullied by humans all the time?"

"I can destroy all human beings and leave you alone. I think back then, how heroic your ancestors were. Although we Zerg and you were in a state of hostility at that time, those people were all saved by your ancestors, and now you are doing this to their descendants. , is really wolf-hearted."

"My Zerg race has always admired the strong, you follow me, and I will respect your ancient human beings in the future and let you develop."

Even the ancient country has used it.

Also talk about past history.

If it wasn't for Ye Qianxing's sharp eyes and ears, and he was not blind, he would really be moved by seeing the cunning deep in Xilana's eyes.

Ye Qianxing sneered: "Under one person, under ten thousand?"

"I'm afraid there will be no bones left, and the insects will share the food."

"Labor and capital are human beings, and death is also human beings. If you were born in an ancient country, you will naturally not associate with the bugs that killed your ancestors."

"If I'm really with you, I'm afraid that the coffin boards of the ancestors will not be able to hold it down."

"Some blood debts are worth remembering forever."

Back then, the corpses of ancestors were strewn all over the field. Although the behavior of human beings was rubbish, the greed of the Zerg was the root cause of the destruction of this planet.

Humans can intermarry with various races later, but they are not allowed to fall in love with Zerg, otherwise, the punishment will be quite severe, and they will be directly removed from the status of federal citizens.

It can be seen that humans hate Zerg.

And over the years, humans and the Zerg have had the most friction. I don't know how many soldiers died on the front line, in the battle with the Zerg.

To Zerg?

Ye Qianxing would rather blew himself up on the spot.

He offered quite generous conditions, but Ye Qianxing refused to eat the toast, and received a fine wine.

Xilana lost her patience, and her face turned cold: "Then let me know if the little girl's force is as powerful as her mouth!"

The dreamlike colorful cicada wings behind Xilana trembled slowly, and countless colored light spots formed a huge storm of colored light spots in midair.

Those seemingly beautiful spots of light rushed towards Ye Qianxing, they were the most beautiful, most dangerous and deadly things.

Even all kinds of floating garbage in the universe, or the remains of corpses, will disappear when they come into contact with these colored light spots.

Turned into dust and disappeared into the air.

Ye Qianxing took a deep breath.

There was a burning pain in my chest.

If it was her heyday, she would not be afraid of Hirana.

But now she has fought to the limit, facing the full-blown Xilana.

Ye Qianxing directly swung the long sword in a huge circular arc in mid-air.

She, Ye Qianxing, would rather die standing up.

They will not do such things as infidelity, unrighteousness, and treachery.

Nor will it take a step back.

"The final form of the eternal sword technique:"

Ye Qianxing emptied all the aura in his body at once, and all the meridians in his body were screaming in pain.

But Ye Qianxing didn't dare to stop. At this moment, she seemed to be a god who opened up the world. The black and white colors divided her into two halves, as if they were the original colors of the world, and she was the first god in the world !
The momentum on her body was astonishing, and the soaring formation made Xilana feel flustered.

"Liangyi, Nine Words Sword!"

The long sword in Ye Qianxing's hand rushed straight into the sky, and with a long howl, the long sword disintegrated and directly turned into a huge gossip plate.

The gossip disk rotates in the air, as if absorbing the power between heaven and earth, and then disintegrates again.

Ye Qianxing opened her lips lightly, and there was a coercion between her brows that made it difficult to look up.










The nine-character mantra of Taoism was transformed by the Liangyi sword, mixed with overwhelming power, and the golden characters surrounded Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing's pupils have already turned into different pupils. Even if there is no wind speed in this dark universe, Ye Qianxing's clothes are rustling by the force waves, and even his hair is scattered around, dancing wildly.

"go with!"

The nine-character mantra is like nine mountains.

Collide with Cyrana's Chromatic Storm.

Hilana was immediately pushed back a long way, and flew upside down in the universe.

Ye Qianxing also felt uncomfortable, the shield in front of her shattered almost instantly, and she closed her eyes to prepare for a tough fight.

But unexpectedly, the powerful shock wave did not move forward at all.

They were all stopped three inches in front of her.

Ye Qianxing opened his eyes, extremely surprised.

The light waves seemed to be separated by an invisible umbrella, and they all rushed to the side, and Ye Qianxing was not affected in the slightest.

just like……

There was someone standing in front of her, protecting her.

Ye Qianxing looked surprised.

She stretched out her fingers and touched the front, only to feel a little prickly.

Ye Qianxing quickly withdrew his hand.

She looks around.

"Which senior is here?"

"Thank you senior for lending a helping hand."

But there was no sound in the air.

Ye Qianxing clutched his chest and coughed, the wall that resisted the light wave seemed to shake for a while, then stabilized again.

Then the golden light flashed, and Ye Qianxing realized that all the injuries on her body were healed in an instant.

And the body is instantly full of strength.

Ye Qianxing was startled, as if he had seen a ghost.

Where did this old monster come out from?How great?

What do you want to protect yourself?

"Go!" The hoarse and old voice seemed to confirm Ye Qianxing's conjecture that this was indeed an old senior.

Ye Qianxing was sent away by his palm directly, and when she came back to her senses, there was an extra pair of wings behind her.

Ye Qianxing was startled, thinking it was Ji Hanxiao, but found that the wings were black.

Ye Qianxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Xilana and a group of Zerg who were blocked by the barrier behind him, Ye Qianxing's eyes were full of doubts. Is it Ji Hanxiao?
Is he really an old man?
Ye Qianxing pursed her lips.

In the end, he moved forward resolutely.


Her main purpose was to go outside the territory first. I don't know if it was Ye Qianxing's illusion, but on the next road, she walked a lot more smoothly.

Not even a wave of Zerg was encountered.

Just saw a lot of corpses on the way.

It seemed that someone deliberately walked in front of her and cleared up those bad guys.

Ye Qianxing had a guess in his mind, but he didn't want to think about it.

When he finally arrived outside the territory, Ye Qianxing thought he had to find the inheritance there.

But after she came, she found that there was no need to look for it.

Just under the eyelids.

In the vast sky outside the borderless realm, there is an incomparably huge book floating.

This book covers the sky and the sun, and there are dark heads underneath.

There are Zerg, there are aliens, and there are humans.

But now that humans are being shut out, the situation is even worse than Ye Qianxing imagined.

It turns out that humans were the first to discover this opportunity, but there is only one strong human being.

Followed by aliens and Zerg, three strong each.

At that time, they jointly killed the strong human beings, and then entered the secret realm to monopolize the secret realm.

Then they notified the people of the two clans to come and guard the secret place.

Humans didn't discover until this secret realm had grown so large that no one could hide it.

But at this time, the Zerg and the foreign race have already formed an alliance. After all, if there is a chance, two people will grab it than three people, and the chance of success is much higher.

The strong human beings were first blocked and assassinated by the Zerg in various ways, and finally came out, and were stopped by the alliance of the two races.

The more Ye Qianxing heard it, the colder his face became.

From then on, she understood.

The seemingly peaceful face of the three clans has been torn apart.

It seems that the chance of this secret realm is really great.

So big that they are willing to break this situation.

That is, this opportunity is enough for them to dominate the universe.

Ye Qianxing looked at the book above. It had a dark black cover with domineering golden patterns, and the cover was facing down so that everyone could see the words clearly.

【Book of the World】

This book is the book of the world.

"We can't wait any longer, we must go in."

(End of this chapter)

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